QUESTION When packaging a runtime VisualAge application, is there any way to replace 1) the default VisualAge splash screen and 2) the VisualAge icon used for the system menu in the title bar? ANSWER If running VisualAge for Windows and you want to replace the splash screen and/or the icon on the system menu's title bar: >There is a DIALOG directory created under the VisualAge product >directory which includes a README file with instructions and >required parts to change the splash/icon. (For Team users,there >may be a WIN-DIALOG directory.) This directory also includes >a sample .exe, NODIALOG.EXE, which will not display a splash screen. >For runtime applications, you can use this NODIALOG.EXE instead of >the ABT.EXE. The NODIALOG.EXE is the same thing except it does not >display the splash screen. If running VisualAge for OS/2 and you want to replace the splash screen and/or the icon used for the system menu's title bar: >Go to the DIALOG directory created under the VisualAge product >directory (for Team users, the directory may be OS2-DIALOG). Edit >the ABT.RC file (changing the name(s) of the icon/bitmap file(s)) >and run the OS/2 resource compiler on ABT.EXE. You can also use >the OS/2 dialog editor to create the file. Note: The constants >defined in ABTRC.H are known in the Smalltalk image so you should >not change them. >To run the resource compiler (can be found in OS/2 Toolkit), execute >the following: C:->RC abt.rc abt.exe >You can also use the NODIALOG.EXE in place of the ABT.EXE for OS/2 >to avoid displaying the splash screen at all.