QUESTION My image has grown significantly in size, yet I have added little to it. At the same time, performance seems to degrade. Why is this happening, and can I fix this ? ANSWER Close all VisualAge windows except the transcript. Type Dependents in your transcript, select and inspect it. If more than self and Behavior is in the leftmost pane, Type Object abeReinitializeDependents in your transcript, select and execute it. Then save your image. The size of you image should have reduced back to where it was. Object abeReinitializeDependents frees up the resources associated with any existing dependents. When you use a part that is not subclassed from AbtObservableObject, and you establish connections to this part (so that other parts are notified when this part changes), you will create dependents. Here's something else to check. From the transcript, select Smalltalk Tools->Open Debugger. Then, from the debugger, select Processes->Debug Other. Typically, there are two. If there are many more, select and terminate them. If you try these things and your image is still quite large, try this from the System Transcript: (Save parts and close all windows first!!) EmSystemConfiguration new abtScrubImage This reinitializes dependents, removes and terminates active processes, and reinitializes common widgets. It closes all VisualAge windows and returns the System Transcript window back to its default message.