QUESTION The high level qualifier I use at development is different from the one I use at runtime. How can I change it for runtime ? ANSWER In order to create a database query in VisualAge, you need to specify a database access set. The database access set is a Smalltalk class that contains information about your queries. In particular, the private class method DB_allSpecs contains this information. You can manually change this method to specify the new high level qualifier, or you can (modify) and run the code below to change the method. If you created your database query using the SQL Editor (non-manual option), the SQL Editor will not show this change. Consequently, if you update your query at a later time, we will generate DB_allSpecs with the old high level qualifier. Remember to modify the method or run the code below again. Once you've changed the high level qualifier in the DB_allSpecs method, we will look for the new high level qualifier at development time (test option on the Composition Editor) and runtime. The best approach is to have one version of the class for development and one for runtime (if you have VisualAge Team). Make sure to release the correct version to your application before packaging it for runtime OR create yourself a development and a runtime application with the appropriate class. " this code will change a high level qualifier for all database access sets in an application " | app oldHLQ uOldHLQ newHLQ uNewHLQ aSet uStmt oStmt aChanges sChanges start index | app := yourApp. "set this to the app you want altered " oldHLQ := 'oldHLQ'. "set this to the old high level qualifier" newHLQ := 'newHLQ'. "set this to the new high level qualifier" uOldHLQ := oldHLQ asUppercase. uNewHLQ := newHLQ asUppercase. ( AbtDbmSystem accessSetNamesForApp: app ) do: [:aClassName| aChanges := false. Transcript cr; show: ( 'Examining Access Set - ',aClassName ). ( aSet := aClassName abrAsClass ) registeredQuerySpecs do: [:aQuerySpec| oStmt := aQuerySpec statement. uStmt := oStmt asUppercase. sChanges := false. start := 1. [( index := uStmt indexOfSubCollection: uOldHLQ startingAt: start ) ~= 0 ] whileTrue: [ oStmt := ( oStmt copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1), newHLQ, ( oStmt copyFrom: index + oldHLQ size to: oStmt size). sChanges := true . uStmt := oStmt asUppercase. start := index + newHLQ size. ]. ( sChanges ) ifTrue: [ aQuerySpec statement: oStmt. aSet putQuerySpec: aQuerySpec. Transcript cr; show: ( 'Changes made to Query Spec - ' ,aQuerySpec name ) ]. ]. " end query specs for access set " ]. "end access sets "