QUESTION ' Oracle ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (942)' in UI Process: +++3721 suspended,3 error received when clicking on a table name when using the query builder in VisualAge. ANSWER Oracle 6 had had an entry in the all_synonyms table for accessible_columns. That entry pointed the synonym accessible_columns to the table all_tab_columns. Oracle 7 does not include this table which VisualAge needs. To get this table, you can either create a synonym in the all_synonyms table of accessible_columns and point it to the table all_tab_columns and then VisualAge should run okay. Or, Oracle 7 provides a script named CATALOG6.SQL. This script creates version 6 views for compatibility. The script resides in the RDBMS70\ADMIN subdirectory. If you run this script (you probably need DBA authority), it will create the ACCESSIBLE_COLUMNS synonym that VisualAge uses. For details on this script, see the 'ORACLE7 Server Migration Guide'.