13171 - Missing CICS sample files when installing to FAT disk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: OS/2 Affected Features: Server Workbench Prerequisites: None. Symptom: The include files (abt_emp_tdq.h and abtmfmt_msg.h) names do not conform to 8.3 formatting which caused these files not to be installed on a non-HPFS OS/2 system. Solution: These files have been renamed using an 8.3 format and the files that reference them modified to use the new name. Unzip the file 13171.zip into the \samples\servcics directory where VisualAge V5.0 is installed. These files have been renamed: abt_emp_tdq.h to abtemptd.h abtmfmt_msg.h to abtmfmtm.h These files have been modified: abtmfmt.h cics_emp.c cicsmfmt.c