pq23933 Memory leak when make PlatformFunction calls to C program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: MVS Affected Features: Server Prerequisites: v4.5a Symptom: Customer experienced an increase in memory usage (the type listed in the messages section of a job labeled 'EXT') when Smalltalk native batch application makes Platform function calls to C programs. Workaround: Cache the PlatformFunction and reuse it. For example: callNativeBatch: anOSObject | aFunction | aFunction := (PlatformFunction language: 'mvs' function: anOSObject programName asLowercase library: (self libraryName: anOSObject) parameterTypes: #(pointer) returnType: #int32). aFunction abtValidAddress ifFalse: [anOSObject outMsg: ('Error calling program ' , anOSObject programName)] ifTrue: [aFunction callWith: anOSObject abtAsExternalPassedPointer]. ^anOSObject noErrors