pq23383 - Walkback - AbtError does not understand prepareWithValues:ifError: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: Database Prerequisites: V 4.5a Symptom: Customer is getting a walkback when they have to force connections off of the Oracle database. Solution: Open a workspace on file pq23383.st and file in the patch. The customer has changed the first method to add a new line of code that does ( newCursor isAbtError ) ifTrue: [ ^newCursor ]. openOnDatabaseConnection: aDatabaseConnection querySpec: aQuerySpec withValues: aCollection ifError: anErrorBlock "Initiate a result table on aDatabase for aQuerySpec with aCollection of values. When a full sequence of values have been accessed the object is done. Either discard and get another, or use this method to start over. If error, then execute the supplied error block. Use this method to open a result table from a query that requires input values. Provide them in aCollection (to be substituted in order into the host variables in the querySpec statement)." | rc newCursor | self connection: aDatabaseConnection; name: aQuerySpec statement. newCursor := self cursorFor: aQuerySpec withRowSetSize: nil withHold: false auxiliaryObjects: nil ifError: anErrorBlock. ******************** new code ********************************* ( newCursor isAbtError ) ifTrue: [ ^newCursor ]. ***************************************************************** rc := newCursor prepareWithValues: aCollection ifError: anErrorBlock. ( rc isAbtError ) ifTrue: [ ^rc ]. self cursor: newCursor.