pq17412 - Windows95 - text field in portable notebook not repainted when window minimized and then restored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Affected Platforms: Windows 95 Affected Features: Base Smalltalk Prerequisites: Symptom: This problem only happens on Windows 95. It occurs when you have a portable notebook with a text field on one of the pages and the alignment of the widget is set to center or end. In addition, the focus callback has to be hooked to the widget and the method CwText>>#setTopCharacter: executed during the callback. If the text widget has the focus and the window is minimized and then restored, the text widget is no longer there. The cursor is still positioned in the text field but it appears the widget isn't repainted. Solution: Open a workspace on file pq17412.st and file in the patch. This workaround is a VA workaround only! The workaround adds code to the converter manager code to check and see if the OS is Windows95 and the alignment is not set to the beginning.