pq15807 - Debug code in AbtNlmCatalogBasedDefinitionGatherer, missing new in NLS workspace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Affected Platforms: Affected Features: NLS Prerequisites: Symptom: 1. There is an #inspect in AbtNlmCatalogBasedDefinitionGatherer>>#buildNlsEditItemList: 2. The NLS workspace, NLS -> Translation -> Prepare Translation Files For Translators is missing the "new" in "Generate a translation (*.tra) file from a binary catalog file." AbtNlsEnvyCatalogTraFileDumper dumpFromBinarySourceFilename: aBinarySourceFilename toTraFilename: aTraFilename Solution: For symptom # 1: Open a workspace on file pq15807a.st and file in the patch. For sympotm # 2: Open a workspace on file pq15807b.st and file in the patch.