pq08911 Name of wrappered part is incorrect when using the VA connection debugger ---------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: BaseSmalltalk Prerequisites: None Symptom: Create a subclass of Object called OC with a single attribute, #collection and action #add that sort of acts like an OrderedCollection. As you can guess, this signals the #collection event when an #add is performed. Drop this part in the Composition Editor and connect #collection attribute of to #items of a list (List1). Lastly, connect #clicked of a push button to #add and connect #object of a text part to the parameter of the that connection. Now run it with the connection trace log. You get the following: #collection of an OC named '' to #items of an AbtListView named'List1' in an AbtAppBldrView #collection of an OC named '' to #items of an AbtListView named 'List1' in an AbtAppBldrView #clicked of an AbtPushButtonView named 'Push Button1' to #add: of an OC named '' in an AbtAppBldrView Workaround: Open a workspace on pq08911.st and file in the fix.