VisualAge Smalltalk Enterprise Version 4.5a Fixpack Installation Instructions

VisualAge Smalltalk Enterprise Fixpack 4.5a is a maintenance release to fix problems reported against VisualAge for Smalltalk Version 4.5. Fixpack 4.5a also includes some product improvements. This document contains installation information, product fix descriptions, and product improvement highlights.

The fixpack is packaged in multiple files according to installable components. For example, there is a fixpack file for the base feature, a fixpack file for the Server Workbench feature, a fixpack file for the ObjectExtender feature, and so on. The fixpack files are further packaged according to the target operating system. The fixpack files will overlay files in the file directory tree structure where your current VisualAge installation resides.

If you originally installed: Then you should apply fixpack:
VisualAge Smalltalk Enterprise Client b_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
VisualAge Smalltalk Enterprise - Manager Library m_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
VisualAge Smalltalk Enterprise - Stand Alone b_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
ObjectExtender o_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
Server Runtime s_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
Server Workbench w_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]
UML Designer u_v45a_?.[zip | tar.Z]

where ? is:
a - AIX
o - OS/2
w - Windows 3.11, 95, NT
h - HP_UX
s - Solaris

Also note that fixpack files for AIX, HP_UX, and Solaris are not packaged as zip files but as compressed, tar files.

Before installing the fixpack, ensure that you have the correct version of the product installed that this fixpack supports. The product version is displayed on the logo when you start VisualAge. The product version is also found in the opening text on the System Transcript. If you are unable to locate the version information in the System Transcript, you can redisplay the product version from the VisualAge Organizer by pointing to "Help" and selecting "About this product".

Installation instructions

Before installing the fixpack

  1. Before beginning the fixpack installation, as a precaution, you should back up your VisualAge installation.
  2. Take note of any features that you have currently installed because you will need to re-load them once the fixpack files are installed.

Installing the fixpack

  1. Download the fixpack files you need to the subdirectory where your VisualAge installation resides.
    • For AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris, the installation directory is /opt/IBMvast.
    • For OS/2 and Windows, this is the directory that you specified when you installed VisualAge.

      Remember that VisualAge Server was probably installed in a different directory than VisualAge Client or VisualAge Stand Alone.

  2. Unzip (or uncompress and untar) the fixpack files. On OS/2 and Windows, ensure that you unzip the fixpack using whatever option your unzip program provides that will preserve the subdirectory structure of the fixpack file. See example commands below.

    If you unzip (or untar) more than one fixpack file, you should unzip (or untar) the base file (b_v45a*) first.

    Warning: The fixpack files assume the directory structure as originally created by the VisualAge Version 4.5 install program. If you have rearranged this structure, then the fixpack may not install correctly.

    Example commands:
    unzip -d (OS/2 or Windows)
    zcat b_v45a_a.tar | tar -xvf -

  3. If you originally did a VisualAge Client installation, then copy he fixpack DAT files (45a_*.dat) from the import subdirectory on your machine to the import directory on the Manager Server.
  4. Start your image. Once the image has finished loading, From the System Transcript menu bar, select Tools, then Load/Unload Features.
  5. Load the "VisualAge: VisualAge Base" feature and any other features that were loaded before you unzipped the fixpack files.
  6. The fixpack supplies both new and replacement files (for example, the Version 4.5 abttvv40.ctl will be overwritten with a newer version by the fixpack). Therefore, if you reinstall a Version 4.5 feature, you must also reinstall the corresponding fixpack file.

If you are the library administrator for your team, you may want to baseline this image and distribute it to your clients as a new starting point for their subsequent development work.