*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1998. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** If you need assistance with VisualAge For Smalltalk: In the US, call 1-800-992-4777 In Canada, call 1-800-465-2222 Outside the US or Canada, contact your local service representitive Each fix will have a .txt file containing information about the fix and instructions for installing the fix. Additional files for the fix will generally have as part of their filename. The file type extensions found in the fix directories are as follows: .dll - dynamic link library .dat - VisualAge for Smalltalk code library .exe - self extracting zip files that contain the fixes .st - Smalltalk fileout code containing fix .tar - files packages with UNIX tar .txt - readme files with fix instructions .zip - files packaged with PKZIP Fix Platform Description _______ ________ ______________________________________________________ emsrv61 AIX, Emsrv 6.22 won't run in certain UNIX platforms HP-UX, Solaris odbcinsw.zip ODBC client install program. b_v45a_a.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Client or Stand-Alone on AIX b_v45a_h.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Client or Stand-Alone on HP-UX b_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Client or Stand-Alone on OS/2 b_v45a_s.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Client or Stand-Alone on Sun b_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Client or Stand-Alone on Windows m_v45a_a.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Manager on AIX m_v45a_h.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Manager on HP-UX m_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Manager on OS/2 m_v45a_s.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Manager on Sun m_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Manager on Windows o_v45a_a.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the ObjectExtender on AIX o_v45a_h.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the ObjectExtender on HP-UX o_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the ObjectExtender on OS/2 o_v45a_s.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the ObjectExtender on Sun o_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the ObjectExtender on Windows s_v45a_a.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Server on AIX s_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Server on OS/2 s_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Server on Windows u_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the UML Designer on OS/2 u_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the UML Designer on Windows w_v45a_a.tar.Z 4.5a Fixpack for the Server Workbench on AIX w_v45a_o.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Server Workbench on OS/2 w_v45a_w.zip 4.5a Fixpack for the Server Workbench on Windows b_v45b_w.zip AS/400e Power Pack for the Client or Stand-Alone on Windows s_v45b_w.zip AS/400e Power Pack for the Server on Windows w_v45b_w.zip AS/400e Power Pack for the Server Workbench on Windows pq04694.st All Index out of range when previewing a report pq11647.st Win Problem with mle (notifyChangeOnEachKeystroke: true). pq14233 OS/2 Paint problems with widgets in group box/ combo box pq15457.st Win Using an HP 4000 PCL 6 driver walks back getting font information pq15860.st All Converters don't handle nil using VA 4 Web connection pq17261.st All Collapsing items in a container details tree (an EwTableTree) removes separators. pq17412.st Win Text field in portable notebook not repainted when window minimized and then restored pq17428.st All AbtForeignRecord>>#codePage: is not converting the actual data. pq17488.st All Word wrap does not work on New Memo body text in Lotus Notes Connection pq17576.st Win Event 'aboutToMapWidget' being signaled twice for appl.modal windows pq17923.st Win Walkback when deleting all characters in MLE and then lose focus pq18089.st Win Hover help text not being display properly for some Windows 95 Controls. pq18702.st Win Hover help does not display correctly. pq18781.txt Win When using Integer converter you cannot remove the thousands separator pq19015 All Garbled results writing dbcs strings to TranscriptTTY in packaged application pq19063 OS/2 Tab/Cursor messed up for DropDownList pq19244 Win NT Problems retrieving attached files with Lotus Notes Feature Win95 OS/2 pq19266 All OSSocketAddrInet api change in V4.5 pq19288 Win NT Composite widgets are not refreshing properly when children are hidden pq19465 All Fix for reusing cached cursor does not set data length correctly pq19494.st All Reports with >200 pages causes stack overflow in VA Version 4.5 pq19694.st Win V4.02b & V4.5 Bitmap/Icons don't display on Win95 ToolBarButton if MS Service Pak installed. pq19825.st All Object Extender model code generator error for inherited objects. pq20066.txt Win Prefixing the label string of a menu choice with the tilde c pq20084.st OS/2 Monetary Amount edit conversion not correct for a container pq20442.st Win Walkback when printing to a printer whose driver has been deleted pq20467.txt All SelectionIsValid does not work when using cell single select pq20536.st All Poor Performance for creating large, complex records pq21093.st All Editable attribute on ComboBox pq21200.st Win Popup menus under Windows 98 do not always position correctly. pq21277.zip All Null indicators are not being set correctly pq21399.st All The method 'endEdit' in the AbtContainer* classes should return a boolean. pq21765.st All AbtHelpApp needs to prereq EmImageSupport. pq22021.st All ByteArray does not understand + pq22034.st All Redefinition error while redefining an interface that is already in library. Fix works for pq24145 also. pq22366.st Win Undefined Object does not understand setForeGround: pq22405.st Win Web button click event does not trigger because Form within a form does not handle formData properly pq22408.st All Running a report, and totals on report line after page break are incorrect. pq22615.st Win Adding callbacks to combo box changes behavior on Korean NT and 95. pq22637a.st Win Shading type in button settings not staying set within the notebook style settings. pq22637b.st pq22637c.st pq22393.w AIX V4.5 cannot execute Delay>>#wait after connecting to an MQM on AIX pq23113.st Win CwToggleButton attempts to response to callbacks after OSWidget has been destroyed pq23115.st All Column data for a VapLiteRow not returned if the field names contain lowercase characters. pq23383.st All Walkback - AbtError does not understand prepareWithValues:ifError pq23513.st Win, OS/2 v4.5a Esc key works differently on combo box for modals versus primary windows pq23650.st Win V4.5a Opening a window as modal with showBusyCursor: disables the win pq23657.st Win Entering value > max on SpinButton (Fixes pq23656 also) pq23725.st Win Toolbar for Windows 95 is losing focus pq23770.st All Selecting print while the previewer paints a large report results in unpredictable results. pq23980.st All The method AbtSocket>>getHostById: is being called twice during a connect pq24016.st AIX Y2K problem in CfsStat on Unix pq24018 NT Fix for problems with forms setting focus pq24419.txt OS/2 SpinButton causes walkback on OS/2 Warp 4 with VA V4.5a pq24449.st Win Object-Object connection fails when passwordProtect: true pq24831.st Win Can not tab in an OLE automation object pq25515.txt All Retrieving a child's parent will also retrieve all the parent's other children. pq25799.cat NT Unable to Package in Brazilian Portuguese pq25895.zip All NLS 1000 error for dde.cat on Brazilian Portuguese pq25942.st All Walkback: ' receiver must be a boolean' pq27602.st Win The insertion index returned during a drag and drop operation should not be nil pq26967.st All Report footer, the line is repeated on the top of the next page with incorrect data. pq30305.st All VapRelationalSubQuery does not understand staticQuerySpecsForQuery: pq37355.st Win Acrobat OCX started from Smalltalk has keystrokes delayed in "find" feature. (Idle process bug) ulc12814.st All XD packaging fails with UndefinedObject does not understand asReduceString ulc12878.st All Walkback when creating composite view using UlcCompositeView ulc12879.st OS/2 ULC HTTPSERVER does not run (OS/2 Only) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following fixes will not be put in a future release however, they are put here for your convenience. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix Platform Description _______ ________ ______________________________________________________ pj24880a.st pj24880b.st NT Text height in WindowsNT causes problem with alignment definition. pq04680.txt All Paint problem when maximizing view with ComboBox pq04737.st Win Default printer not selected when prompter is displayed. pq05401.st OS/2 Attempts to initiate a DDE conversation with Netscape Naviagtor for OS/2 fails. pq05750.txt All DEBUGGER OPENS WITH BUTTONS GREYED OUT WHEN A BREAKPOINT IS PLACED IN CALLBACK CODE pq07717.st All Poor Performance of ScaledDecimal pq08131.txt All Organizer->Tools->Find OK default does not work pq08911.st All Name of wrappered part is incorrect when using the VA connection debugger pq09622.txt All AB- GroupBox title does not display in comp ed if GB primary part (v402) pq10099.txt NT #saveImage does not work properly in runtime image pq10603.st All Objects displayed in an EwTableList not released after the items in the table have reset. pq10944.txt NT Setting the foreground color on drop-down list greys-out background pq11396.txt All Exception is not resumable error in "whenExceptionDo: aCompletionBlock [ signal resumeBlock: nil]" pq12289.txt All When an MLE loses focus, the #object event is triggered even if the value is unchanged. pq12357.st All EwIconArea >>refreshItemNode: not setting the isInUse attribute of the EwIconAreaNode pq13915.txt All Walkback when changing property setting of menu separator pq14826.txt All Groupbox resizes to radio button group size pq14843.st All Under Windows, using topAttachement to top align a text field with a combo-box is off by one pixel. pq15274.st Win Under Windows, default height of a CwText widget is different in 3.0 and 4.02. pq15472.st All Native Oracle Database Packed Decimal field's host variable loses sign. pq15563.st All AbtEwHoverHelp - Undefined Object does not understand pq15807a.st All Debug code in AbtNlmCatalogBasedDefinitionGatherer, missing new in NLS workspace pq15807b.st. pq16321.st All DB Decimal fields show 0s after decimal point when decimal separator is not a period ($.) pq17079.txt All Visualage: duplicate part names allowed. pq17264.st Win Formatted text string: Delete key does not work properly in a numeric formatted text field pq17426.st All Undefined Object does not understand disable pq17547.st MVS Accessing a single stakdump file from multiple mvs regions causes a problem pq18195.txt All Cannot modify workstation address in XD packager pq18217.st All 4.0 version of ObjectDumper>>#unload:intoFile:atOffset: not compatible with 3.0 version. pq18281.st All Enabling hover help on portable notebook page in VA4.5 results in a walkback. pq18308.st All AbtAppBldrView>>openWidget returns nil for a form pq18458.txt All 'Showasdefault moves focus to pushbutton instead of 1st widget in tab order ' pq19282.st NT VA/ST Max Ffilename length is 128, WinNT max is 255 pq19354.txt All Clearing maxLength attribute of a text field generates walkback pq19356.txt All Text field textLimit attribute causes maxLength to be set twice in abtBuildInternals pq19357.st All Applying a database query that accesses a table with a large LOB column results in a walkback. pq19485.st All Bitmap path not working correctly. pq19491b.st Win Problem setting focus to widget/button that was disabled in windows pq19936.st All Object Dumper does not correctly handle instance which is a subclass of nil pq19973.txt All Tra file dumper is not nls sensitive. pq20062.st OS/2 Special Turkish characters aren't be displayed correctly in an EwTableColumn heading pq20075.st NT v45 Combo Box Selection gets highlighted again after tabbing to another widget and resizing window pq20080.st OS/2 Drop Down List Still Displays Last Selecteditem Even If Its Items Are Nil pq20130.st All "UndefinedObject does not understand value" walkback when opening a notebook with a container. pq20141.st OS/2 Container details itemsSelected event signaled with the wrong items when items are selected before the widget opens pq20396.st OS/2 The CgPMPrinterServer class variable PrinterScreenInfo should be initialized. pq20400.st All Version option needed in static precompiler pq20404.st All Sending click to a disabled PushButton via connections still fires events pq20405.txt All Default push button on a dynamically added/ removed form causes it not to be garbage collected pq20445.txt AIX Unhandled sig_alrm causes packaged application to get a Alarm Clock message and melt. pq20470.txt All AbtDrawnButtonView does not display graphics image pq20483.txt All Query connection from a multirow query to a torn off result table is not restorable if deleted pq20609.txt All v4.5 Packaging Problems pq20893.st AIX Sstosconverter class methods not complete for aix platform pq21029.st All Report Writer printing hangs when database calls are threaded pq21163.dat All Problem with settings of windows parts (Notebook vs. PropertiesTable) pq21181.txt All Cannot save a MultiRowQuery which contains computed columns and a dynamic where clause pq21280a.st pq21280b.st Win Under Windows, read-only center-aligned text can be deleted pq21299.txt All AppDefault printer display set to nil when cancel out prompter pq21414.st All All callbacks not executed before system exit in AbtShellView pq21433.st All Radio Button focus not being set properly pq21435.txt All Horizontal scrollbar set to XmASNEEDED remains visible once it is initially displayed pq21640.st All PacketingContainerDetailsView does not display correctly pq21995a.st NT Can't input more data into text field than is able to display pq21995b.st NT Can't input more data into text field than is able to display pq21435.txt All Horizontal scrollbar set to XmASNEEDED remains visible once it is initially displayed pq21436.st All After packaging mpr registrations are lost pq22150.st All "No table or view exists by that name." error reported for an existing table pq22218.st Win Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c, and Ctrl+v key sequences do not work as expected to cut, copy and paste from a formatted text field. pq22298.txt All v4.5 WinNotebook tabs per row no longer stretches tabs to the size of the notebook as in v3.0a pq22369.st All AbtEventDependent not being released pq22435.txt All Walkback when adding an event with the public interface editor pq22456.st All 'AbtLnCDText default' gives primitive failed in ver.4.5 pq22485.st All Can't start Word 8 with LINKED doc if doc is Word6,7 format pq22707.txt All Date class #dayIndex and #dayOfWeek: return inconsistent values. pq23933.txt MVS Memory leak when make PlatformFunction calls to C program pq23822.txt All Interactive debugger on MVS error pq24021.st Win Mnemonic Conflicts with Menus and PushButtons pq24136.st All 4.5 PWD verification on. Users can become other users w/o PWD verfication pq24279.txt All Icon in the title bar is not displaying clearly. pq24576.txt All 'missing object version' when attempting to delete an object pq24878.txt All Overriding #= method in a class causes inablility to generate default ivars from public int. editor pq24884.txt Win,OS/2 Different output from float inputs pq24897.txt All EtServerFileNamePrompter is poorly implemented pq25280.st All AbtSpinButtonView's minimum value is returned for the object attribute if part hasn't been opened pq25828.txt NT,OS/2 DdeClass>>#wmDdeAck:with: - no implementors of ack:with: pq26075.txt Win95,98 Creating DBCS chars in MLE does not show first byte pq26368.st All VM Process has gone remote pq26432.st Win95,98,NT CwMessagePrompter does not come to the front when its parent does pq26434.st Win95,98,NT AbtMessagePrompterr does not come to the front when parent window is clicked on pq27062.st Win95,98,NT HelpRequested no longer signalled after Menu accelerator activated pq27158.dat All UndefinedObject does not understand errorValue pq27192.txt Korean NT TextField does not scroll in v4.5 pq27546.st All Headless packaged image - Missing MxKRN31 in krn pq27469.st NT Combo box with pre-selected value shows as having focus. pq27594.st NT TabLabels on non-selected pages in a Windows Notebook are greyed-out pq27760.dll OS/2 Memory leak in VM when using IC's on OS/2 pq28336.txt NT Intermittent hangs in VM after applying WinNT SP4 pq28517.st NT,95 pq28677.txt All SstSwapperMarshalling class forces classOfOldLoader to nil pq29727.st NT,OS/2 Scrollling the previewer too quickly gives an index out of range pq37988.st NT Undefined Object does not understand discriminator VISUALAGE SMALLTALK V4.5a FIXPACK --------------------------------- The following fixes have been rolled up into the 4.5a fixpack and are no longer available separately. You can obtain the fixpack at this ftp site. Fix Platform Description _______ ________ ______________________________________________________ 10115 AIX Problems cross-packaging from AIX to OS/2 10296 All Cannot output an IC after using the Default ICs button 10302 Korean DBCS/SBCS mixed text input problems Win 95 10340 All Preparing to package ICs 10382 All No MPR files installed for Server 10404 All Walkback when unloading an IC 10428 AIX Can't run the same transaction multiple times under CICS/AIX 10462 AIX Shared object abtmqs40a.w is not valid for MQSeries V5 10467 All Cannot package when UML Designer is loaded in the image 10490 All Allow all Smalltalk CICS Transactions to use a single .ini file 10492 Win NT Smalltalk CICS ECI API does not work with CICS/NT V3.1 10497 All Walkback packaging in XD 10504 AIX Startup scripts have bad DB2 reference pq12622 Win NT Hover help text not being display properly Win 95 pq14946 OS/2 CwFontPrompter causes Divide by Zero pq16281 Win NT In Multi List Box, left and right arrows do not work Win 95 pq16493 All Negative decimals daved as positive with static SQL pq16842 All Warning message, 2110 issued when using AbtMQqueue>>#sendString: pq17802 MVS When issuing a GET in MQSeries from the queue, backout does not work pq18491 All Icon/Bitmap Label on Button Disappears when Left+Right Mouse Clicked pq18685 All Invalid Handle - freeEnvironmentHandle called twice on same handle pq18687 Win NT VisualAge 4.x Web Connection NSAPI plug-ins will not work with Netscape Enterprise Server 3.51 pq18902 Win NT Walkback on winNT when process runs more than 25 days pq19284 Win NT Walkback when attempting to open a subclass of a web part Win 95