PQ18795 - Fix to allow spaces in command line parms when starting VA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: Windows Affected Features: Base Prerequisites: None. Symptom: On Windows 95/98/NT, files and folders can have spaces in their names, i.e spaces are valid characters, not white-spaces. Parameters which include spaces, as well as other special characters, are enclosed in "" (double quotes). Command line parsing should treat everything enclosed within a pair of double quotes as a single parameter. Unfortunately, the current command line parser for Windows only handles double quotes around the executable filename. So, a parameter such as "-dC:\My Dir\Test" or -d"C:\My Dir\Test" is parser into 2 parameters (-dC:\My and Dir\Test). Solution: Unzip file PQ18795.zip into the directory. This will replace abt.exe and nodialog.exe.