pq14233 - Paint problems with widgets in group box/ combo box -------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: Base Smalltalk Prerequisites: V4.02b Symptom: 2 problems: 1) When the view is open, use the mouse to drop down the topmost list box. Wait several seconds, while some delay simulates what happens in our application, then click the drop down arrow button again to close the list. At this point, you should notice the boundary of the second list box has been corrupted. You can reproduce this effect by dropping the first list, using the keyboard to select the next lower or next higher entry, and then using the mouse to close the drop down, again after a suitable delay. This is not 100% repeatable, only about 80-90%, but it is probably good enough for identifying the underlying problem. 2) Widgets in a group box are not being repainted when the view is dragged/dropped. This seems to be related to the fact that the main view opens another view as a CwDialogShell. Solution: Open a Workspace on file pq14233.st and filein the patch.