pq10596.txt ACCESSING EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS EXAMPLE ON PAGE 357 OF THE VA USER'S GUIDE IS INCORRECT The "Accessing external functions" example on page 357 of the VisualAge User's Guide is incorrect. In this example, the message asLong is sent to an instance of OSHps which results in an "OSHps does not understand asLong" walkback. This example works in VisualAge 3.0 because the method asLong is implmented by OSStorage which is a superclass of OSHps. In VisualAge 4.0, OSStorage was moved to an obsolete application and is no longer in the hierarchical structure of OSHps. Workaround: on page 357 the line listed below should be changed from: (self subpartNamed: 'C External function1') valueOfAttributeNamed: 'hps' selector: #'IS_hps' ifAbsent: [] put: (ps asLong). to: (self subpartNamed: 'C External function1') valueOfAttributeNamed: 'hps' selector: #'IS_hps' ifAbsent: [] put: (ps asInteger).