pq05401.st ATTEMPTS TO INITIATE A DDE CONVERSATION WITH NETSCAPE NAVIGOTOR ON OS/2 FAILS The WinDdeInitiate function is used by a client application to request a DDE conversation with a server applcation. One of the parameters passed on this call is a conversation context. The conversation context is a control block with a length of 24 bytes. The first field in this structure (ULONG cb) contains the length of the structure. When Netscape Navigator processes the WM_DDE_INITIATE message, it checks this field to see if it contains the correct value; if it soesn't the conversation is rejected. DdeClient>>connect:topic: creates a new instance of OSConvcontext which is passed as the conversation context to the WinDdeInitiate function. The reference field of OSConvcontext is a byte array and when a new instance of OSConvcontext is created, this byte array is initialized to 0s. As a result, the cb field in the conversation context is 0 and Netscape rejects the conversation. File in pq05401.st to fix this problem.