#******************************************************************************* # VideoCharger version 8.2 - 5724-B19. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #******************************************************************************* # * # IBM VideoCharger Server for Windows Version 8.2.0 - Fixpack 8 * # * #******************************************************************************* FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: (1) "readme.txt" - This readme file (2) "fp.msp" - Upgrade for VideoCharger Server Version 8.2.0 (all previous fixpack levels: CSD 0 through CSD 7) (3) "Data.Cab" and "VCserv820.msi" full install for upgrading VideoCharger Server Version 8.1. +--- NOTE: -------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file contains information that is not currently contained in the | | formal documentation for VideoCharger. Please read this entire file | | before you install the associated product enhancements. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CONTENTS ________ I. SET OF FIXES IN FIXPACK 8 II. DECIDING WHICH PACKAGE TO INSTALL III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPGRADE IV. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FULL INSTALL V. CIRCUMVENTION FOR INSTALL PROBLEM IF NAT (Network Address Translation) FEATURE IS PRESENT VI. BEST-EFFORT SUPPORT FOR AUDIO VIDEO INTERLACED (avi) FILES VII. LOADING AVI FILES INTO THE VIDEOCHARGER SERVER VIII. MORE FIXPACK INFORMATION IX. TRADEMARKS I. SET OF FIXES IN FIXPACK LEVEL 8 ==================================== The following official fixes (APARS) are contained in the IBM VideoCharger Server Version 8.2 - Fixpack 8: IR54655: MSRAWADD IS CASE SENSTIVE The URL passed to msRawAdd is no longer case sensitive. IR54711: ISCPFMET.EXE GIVES INTERNAL SERVER ERROR There was a minor problem in ISCPFMET.EXE on Windows that was causing "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" to be returned. This problem has been fixed in this fix pack. IR54808: VSCONFIG COMMAND CHANGES LANTV SERVICES LOGON ACCOUNT Using vsconfig to change the VideoCharger administrative userid/password on Windows systems will no longer improperly reconfigure the VideoCharger services. IR52868: Dex will sometimes fail at end of multicast Improvements have been made to the DEX process on Windows systems to prevent it from crashing or hanging at the end of a multicast + record. IR54805: Tolerate NAT translation of the server IP address Enhancements have been made to the VideoCharger Server and Player to better tolerate VideoCharger Servers that are behind a NAT firewall. This fix addresses all supported platforms. IR54725: VC FTP performance problem on Windows On Windows systems, when no copyrate is specified, vsload and vip will do the data transfer as shown below: Guarantee bandwidth option If LANTV\CurrentVersion\VIP\Options\PacingRate is set, e.g. 20000000 (20mbits/sec) it will try to honor the transfer rate. Best effort option If LANTV\CurrentVersion\VIP\Options\PacingRate is set to zero or the registry keyvalue is not found it will transfer data with best effort. This fix was also applied to loading content via FTP using port 4324. IR54948: vsparse needed after msRawAdd After importing quicktime video into the VideoCharger Server from Telestream Flip Factory, the video could not be played. This problem was caused because the msRawAdd command that Flip Factory uses does not cause Videocharger to run a vsparse command on the loaded content. Because the vsparse command was not run, no SDP file was created for the asset and therefore the content could not be streamed. This problem also applied to MPEG-4 assets. A fix has been made to add the needed vsparse call. Fixpack 8 also corrects the following other problems: 1) Memory leak discovered during Video On Demand stress testing. 2) Updated MPEG-4 Sample files (all platforms) The MPEG-4 sample files, sample.mp4 and sample2.mp4 have been updated with the latest available hinting. 3) Corrections vhmm for CM integration (all platforms) On all platforms, there was a potential for the VideoHub, lantv_vhmm, to crash during an asset delete. This behavior has been addressed and corrected in this fix pack. The following previous fixes are also included in Fixpack 8 Fixpack 7: IR54204: Running vsload command that loads content into videocharger from an ftpserver on same machine as videocharger server fails. IR54217: A Client sometimes will not receive packets when attempting to stream TCP from Videocharger server. IR54254: Plugins developed for 8.2 GA (CSD 0) will not work with 8.2 fixpack 3 or fixpack 4 version of videocharger server. IR53255: Live streaming performance improvement. Fixpack 1-4: IR53130: vsstart produces a Win popup: VHMED~1.EXE - Unable to locate dll, and message text: The dynamic library MSVCRTD.dll could not be found in the specified path... and in the cmd console: error unable to start lantv_vhmm service. The problem is with file mscs_msg.dll. It points to MSVCRTD.dll instead of MSVCRT.dll IR51693: The VideoCharger Server loses audio/video sync when recording or multicasting from an Optibase board. II. DECIDING WHICH PACKAGE TO INSTALL =================================================== Before installing VideoCharger Server Version 8.2 - Fixpack 7, you must decide which package to install. For servers at version 8.2 the upgrade can be applied. For servers at version 8.1 the full install must be used. 1. Run the command "vsversion" at a MS-DOS command prompt. If "VideoCharger Server Version = 8.2.0", then continue with "III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPGRADE" If "VideoCharger Server Version = 8.1.0" then skip to "IV. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FULL INSTALL" III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPGRADE =================================================== To install VideoCharger Server Version 8.2.0 - Fixpack 7 upgrade: 1. Locate your installation media (normally this would be the original VideoCharger install CD. However, if you installed from the download or ESD version you will need to locate that file). The installation media will be required later on during the service install procedure. (NOTE: If during the upgrade you cannot proceed because the installation media cannot be found, skip to "IV. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FULL INSTALL") 2. Shut down and reboot your machine to ensure that all file locks are released. 3. Download the file "fp.msp" in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You may need to use the "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser. 4. After the download is complete, quit your Web browser. 5. If you originally installed VideoCharger from a CD, insert the CD into the server's CD-ROM drive. (If the CD-ROM drive is set to auto run the VideoCharger installation program will start. Exit the program) 6. Run the command "vsstop" at a MS-DOS command prompt to stop the VideoCharger server. 7. Right click on "Start" on your Windows task bar. Select "Explore" to bring up Windows Explorer. Find and double-click on the file you downloaded in step 4. 8. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation. 9. After the installation is complete VideoCharger server will be stopped. Run the command "vsstart" at a MS-DOS command prompt to start the server. IV. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FULL INSTALL =================================================== To install VideoCharger Server Version 8.2 - Fixpack 7 full install: 1. Shut down and reboot your machine to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. Download the files "Data.Cab" and "VCserv820.msi" in binary mode to a subdirectory on your workstation. You may need to use the "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser. 3. After the download is complete, quit your Web browser. 4. Stop the VideoCharger Server (you can use the command "vsstop" from a DOS prompt). 5. From a DOS prompt type "vsconfig -D". Make note of of "LANTV Directory=" "Default Content Directory=" values. LANTV Directory is where VideoCharger server is installed. You will need to install VideoCharger back into this same directory so that any content that is currently loaded will be available after the upgrade. 6. Right click on "Start" on your Windows task bar. Select "Explore" to bring up Windows Explorer. Find and double-click on the "VCserv820.msi" file you downloaded in step 2. 7. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation. Use the same directories for installing the VideoCharger server as you determined in step 5. Use the same vsadmin password that originally had before doing the unistall. 8. After the installation is complete, video content will not have to be reloaded. V. CIRCUMVENTION FOR INSTALL PROBLEM IF NAT (Network Address Translation) FEATURE IS PRESENT ============================================ If the NAT feature was previously installed, then during the install of service level 1 you may see the error message: "Error 1309.Error reading from file: D:\en_US\Serv\program files\IBM\IBM Videocharger Server\nat.opt. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it." There are three option buttons: Abort, Retry and Ignore. Select "Ignore" button and the upgrade will complete successfully. VI. BEST-EFFORT SUPPORT FOR AUDIO VIDEO INTERLACED (avi) FILES ======================================================================== Although VideoCharger can successfully stream most properly interleaved AVI files across a network, note that some AVI files are built only to play on local machines. Therefore, VideoCharger only supports the AVI format on a best effort basis. Recommendation: For best results with AVI assets, stream them over the TCP/IP protocol rather than UDP because TCP is a reliable protocol. Otherwise, possible UDP network packet loss can cause unpredictable results. VII. LOADING AVI FILES INTO THE VIDEOCHARGER SERVER ======================================================================== Problem: AVI files do not load correctly on the Windows VideoCharger Server (as in, bit rate and duration both indicate NULL). Solution: Complete the following steps to load the .AVI files correctly: 1. Load the AVI file as you normally would (from either the Server Web page or the Windows command line). This creates a catalog entry for the AVI file. 2. Because the catalog entry would contain incorrect parsed data, run the vsupdate command from either the Server Web page or the Window command line. This parses the AVI asset correctly. To determine the bit rate and duration, open the AVI file in the Windows Media Player and view the File Properties. Example (bit rate of 1.5Mbits/sec and duration of 1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second, and 1 frame): vsupdate -a assetname -b 1500000 -t AVI -d 01:01:01:01 VIII. MORE FIXPACK INFORMATION ======================================================================== After installing fixpack 7 you can find more information in the readme.txt file that will be installed into the VideoCharger directory. (for default install that directory would be "c:\program files\ibm\ibm videocharger server") IX. TRADEMARKS ======================================================================== IBM, VideoCharger and DB2 are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Optibase is a trademark of Optibase Inc.