#******************************************************************************* # VideoCharger version 8.2 - 5724-B19. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #******************************************************************************* # * # IBM VideoCharger Server for Linux Version 8.2.0 - Fixpack 9 * # * #******************************************************************************* FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: (1) "readme.txt" - This readme file (2) "setuplinux.vc82fp9.bin" - Upgrade for VideoCharger Server for Linux Version 8.2.0 (3) "src-" SRC rpm package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 SRC is a prerequisite for VideoCharger on Linux. Install this version of SRC (or later) before installing VideoCharger Server for Linux 8.2 on Red Hat AS 3.0. +--- NOTE: -------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file contains information that is not currently contained in the | | formal documentation for VideoCharger. Please read this entire file | | before you install the associated product enhancements. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CONTENTS ________ I. SET OF FIXES IN FIXPACK 9 II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPGRADE III. BEST-EFFORT SUPPORT FOR AUDIO VIDEO INTERLACED (avi) FILES IV. LOADING AVI FILES INTO THE VIDEOCHARGER SERVER V. TRADEMARKS I. SET OF FIXES IN FIXPACK LEVEL 8 ==================================== The following official fixes (APARS) are contained in the IBM VideoCharger Server for Linux Version 8.2 - Fixpack 9: IR54914: CONTROL SERVER ON LINUX STOPS OR BECOMES NON RESPONSIVE When attempting to play video that requries the "Do not use preparsed data" option in the player but the option is NOT set, the vserver will stop or stop responding IR54948 VSPARSE NEEDED AFTER MSRAWADD After importing Quicktime video into VideoCharger server from Telestream Flip Factory, the video cannot be played. The following previous fixes are also included in Fixpack 9. Fixpack 8: IR54805: Tolerate NAT translation of the server IP address (all platforms) Enhancements have been made to the VideoCharger Server and Player to better tolerate VideoCharger Servers that are behind a NAT firewall. This fix addresses all supported platforms. IR54495: VSPARSE FAILS FOR MPEG2 ON VIDEOCHARGER LINUX (Linux) On the Linux systems, MPEG2 assets were unable to load and/or parse MPEG-2 content, displaying errors related to 'insufficient space'. This has been corrected with a minor fix in the vsparse process. IR54695: vsparse not automatically run after using "site avs" command (Linux) On Linux systems, when an asset was loaded into VideoCharger via FTP into the VIP, if the "site avs attr title" command was used to set the title of the asset, then the asset would not be automatically parsed. A fix has been made to the VIP on Linux to parse the unspecified attributes of the asset being loaded even if the title of the asset is set using the "site avs attr title" command. This fix pack corrects the following other problems: 1) Updated MPEG-4 Sample files (all platforms) The MPEG-4 sample files, sample.mp4 and sample2.mp4 have been updated with the latest available hinting. 2) Corrections vhmm for CM integration (all platforms) On all platforms, there was a potential for the VideoHub (vs_vhmm on AIX/Linux, lantv_vhmm on Windows) to crash during an asset delete. This behavior has been addressed and corrected in this fix pack. II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPGRADE =================================================== To upgrade your VideoCharger Server for Linux 8.2.0 to Fixpack 9: 1. Go to your VideoCharger Server and login as user "root" 2. Download the file "setuplinux.vc82fp9.bin" in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your VideoCharger Server You may need to use the "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser. 3. After the download is complete, quit your Web browser. 4. In a terminal window run the command "stopsrc -cg vs" at a command prompt to stop the VideoCharger server. 5. Run the command "lssrc -g vs" and make sure all VideoCharger subsystems are stopped. 6. CD to the directory that contains "setuplinux.vc82fp8.bin". Run the command "./setuplinux.vc82fp8.bin" to start the upgrade. 7. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation. 8. After the installation is complete VideoCharger server will be stopped. Run the command "startsrc -g vs" to start the server. III. BEST-EFFORT SUPPORT FOR AUDIO VIDEO INTERLACED (avi) FILES ======================================================================== Although VideoCharger can successfully stream most properly interleaved AVI files across a network, note that some AVI files are built only to play on local machines. Therefore, VideoCharger only supports the AVI format on a best effort basis. Recommendation: For best results with AVI assets, stream them over the TCP/IP protocol rather than UDP because TCP is a reliable protocol. Otherwise, possible UDP network packet loss can cause unpredictable results. IV. LOADING AVI FILES INTO THE VIDEOCHARGER SERVER ======================================================================== Problem: AVI files do not load correctly on the VideoCharger Server (as in, bit rate and duration both indicate NULL). Solution: Complete the following steps to load the .AVI files correctly: 1. Load the AVI file as you normally would (from either the Server Web page or the command line). This creates a catalog entry for the AVI file. 2. Because the catalog entry would contain incorrect parsed data, run the vsupdate command from either the Server Web page or the command line. This parses the AVI asset correctly. To determine the bit rate and duration, open the AVI file in the Windows Media Player and view the File Properties. Example (bit rate of 1.5Mbits/sec and duration of 1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second, and 1 frame): vsupdate -a assetname -b 1500000 -t AVI -d 01:01:01:01 V. TRADEMARKS ======================================================================== IBM, VideoCharger and DB2 are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Red Hat Enterprise Server is a trademark of Red Hat Inc.