#******************************************************************************* # VideoCharger version 7 - 5648-B60. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #******************************************************************************* # * # IBM VideoCharger Server for Windows Version 7.1.0 - Service Level 3 * # * #******************************************************************************* FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY: (1) "readme.TW.txt" - This readme file (2) "vc71fp3_zh_TW.msp" - VideoCharger Server Version 7.1.0 - Service Level 3 for Windows installable program. +--- NOTE: -------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file contains information that is not currently contained in the | | formal documentation for VideoCharger. Please read this entire file | | before you install the associated product enhancements. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ CONTENTS ________ I. SET OF FIXES IN SERVICE LEVEL 3 II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE LEVEL 3 III. CIRCUMVENTION FOR INSTALL PROBLEM IF NAT (Network Address Translation) FEATURE IS PRESENT IV. OPTIBASE ENCODER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION V. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPTIBASE ENCODER FILES (if required) VI. TRADEMARKS I. SET OF FIXES IN SERVICE LEVEL 3 ==================================== The following fixes are contained in the IBM VideoCharger Server Version - Service Level 3: APAR JR17116 STAGING-VIP PROCESSES HANG AROUND AFTER THE VC HAS BEEN STOPPED APAR JR17238 VSCONFIG UNABLE TO CHANGE VSADMIN PASSWORD APAR JR16964 UNICAST FAILS. APAR JR16965 MULTICAST METADATA HAS INCORRECT IP ADDRESS FOR SERVERADDR APAR JR16805 NETWORK CALIBRATION INCORRECT ON WINDOWS2000 APAR JR16622 MULICAST JOB WILL NOT LOOP APAR JR16393 CONTROL SERVER WILL NOT RELEASE ALLOCATED BANDWIDTH APAR JR15823 MEMORY OVERLAY CAUSES MEMORY EXCEPTION CHECK APAR JR16496 ONLY ONE OPTIBASE LIVE MULTICAST CAN BE SCHEDULED AT A TIME APAR JR16388 VSDELETE COMMAND IS CASE SENSITIVE APAR JR16485 DEX PROCESS WILL SOMETIMES CONSUME ALL OF THE AVAILABLE CPU APAR JR16198 THE VSLIST COMMAND WILL TAKE UP TO 12 SECONDS TO COMPLETE. APAR IY20154 MPEG1 WITH STARPOS OFFSET TO MAC WITH QUICKTIME5 - FAILS Service Level 3 includes all of the fixes previously contained in service level 1 and service level 2. II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE LEVEL 3 =================================================== To install VideoCharger Server Version 7.1.0 - Service Level 3: 1. Run the command "vsversion" at MS-DOS command prompt. Verify "VideoCharger Server Version = 7.1.0" ("Service Level" can be 0, 1 or 2) 2. Locate your installation media (normally this would be the original VideoCharger install CD. However, if you installed from the download or ESD version you will need to locate that file). The installation media will be required later on during the service install procedure. 3. Shut down and reboot your machine to ensure that all file locks are released. 4. Download the file "vc71fp3_zh_TW.msp" in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You may need to use the "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser. 5. After the download is complete, quit your Web browser. 6. If you originally installed VideoCharger from a CD, insert the CD into the server's CD-ROM drive. (If the CD-ROM drive is set to auto run the VideoCharger installation program will start. Exit the program) 7. Right click on "Start" on your Windows task bar. Select "Explore" to bring up Windows Explorer. Find and double-click on the file you downloaded in step 4. 8. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation. 9. After the installation is complete VideoCharger server will be stopped. Run the command "vsstart" at a MS-DOS command prompt to start the server. III. CIRCUMVENTION FOR INSTALL PROBLEM IF NAT (Network Address Translation) FEATURE IS PRESENT ============================================ If the NAT feature was previously installed, then during the install of service level 3 you will see the error message: "Error 1309.Error reading from file: D:\en_US\Serv\program files\IBM\IBM Videocharger Server\nat.opt. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it." There are three option buttons: Abort, Retry and Ignore. Select "Ignore" button and the upgrade will complete successfully. IV. OPTIBASE ENCODER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ============================================ On VideoCharger for Windows 7.1 , when trying to configure an Optibase encoder port you may get the following message: Configure Encoder Port Failed, rc=.680000e C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\IBMVID~1\bin\mkvsport.exe -l "Optibase" -h "Optibase" -m "SYSTEM" -s "COMPOSITE" -g "2" -V "1330000" -A "192000" -t "MPEG1" > "C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM VideoCharger Server\data\tmp\CF2" Error: Unable to open port, rc=0x680000e Some files required to load the Optibase drivers may not be present on your system. The files must be installed manually. The files are available in the /ps/products/videocharger/fixes/v7.1/win_server/en_US/csd/ directory See directions below. V. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPTIBASE ENCODER FILES (if required) ===================================================================== To install the Optibase files do the following: 1. Run the command "vsstop" at MS-DOS command prompt to stop the VideoCharger server. 2. Run "vsconfig -D" command to determine the directory that VideoCharger Server is installed in. The "LANTV Directory=" keywords will show that information (If you installed VideoCharger in the default directory you will see "LANTV Directory=c:\Program Files\IBM\IBM VideoCharger Server") 3. Go to the ..\bin\ sub-directory where VideoCharger is installed (in the default case it would be "c:\Program Files\IBM\IBM VideoCharger Server\bin") Place the 3 Optibase files (msvcirt.dll, msvcp60.dll, msvcrt.dll) in this directory. 4. Run the command "vsstart" to start the server. After VideoCharger has started try defining the encoder port again. VI. TRADEMARKS ======================================================================== IBM, VideoCharger and DB2 are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Optibase is a trademark of Optibase Inc.