#*********************************************************************** # VideoCharger version 2 - 5648-B60. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #*********************************************************************** # * # APAR: IY08745 Error parsing MP3 with ID3v2 tags * # * #*********************************************************************** PTF(s): U470359 FULL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ------------------------ Loading an MP3 file gives "PARSING ERROR". We have found that the sample MP3 has ID3 header tag that is slightly different than previous ones we have tested with. FILESETS: avs.com SUPERSEDED PTFS: ---------------- IY06526 MPEG-1 System streams encoded by Minerva MPEG-1 Systems streams encoded by Minerva encoder fail to load/parse with illegal format errors when the video stream ID is not 0xE0. IY05374 MPEG Audio enhancements Add support for MPEG2-standard Audio-only streaming content. These files are very similar to MPEG1 Audio-only files (commonly referred to as MP3) but can have lower bitrates. Need to be able to parse these files correctly and set the bitrate and duration properly. Also need to add support for ID3v2 tagging system in vsparse. IY04169 Problems parsing/playing MPEG1 videos 1) MPEG1 System streams with lots of padding at the top will fail to parse/load. Vsparse is not looking far enough into the stream to find the Video Sequence Header. 2) Some low bitrate MPEG1 System streams will not play correctly - the VideoCharger player will report an Active Movie error return code. 3) Some MPEG1 audio-only streams will not play correctly - the VideoCharger player will report an Active Movie error return code. This depends on the level of the Windows Media Player that is installed on the client system. For #2 & #3, rerunning vsparse on the assets will allow them to be played/streamed correctly. Here is a Korn shell script that will reparse ALL assets on a VideoCharger server: for asset in $(vslist) ; do vsparse -a $asset done IY00607 Quicktime4 media support Support for Quicktime media type IX88051 MPEG2 stream (encoded by NORTEL) will not parse. vsparse fails with error: 0xffffffff when parsing MPEG2 program stream files where the system header stream id table contains 0xb8 and 0xb9 entries to refer to all audio and video streams, and doesn't contain 0xc0 and 0xe0 entries for specific streams. IX87604 Some MPEG1 Audio-only streams show incorrect bitrate/duration. Layer 1 and Layer 3 MPEG1 Audio-only assets show incorrect bitrate and duration when using vslist -a . Layer 2 streams are correct. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- (1) Download the file "avs.com._2.0.0.7.bff" in binary mode into an empty directory on your VideoCharger server. (2) Logon as user 'root'. Stop the VideoCharger Server by using the command "stopsrc -cg vs". Type the command "lssrc -g vs" to verify that all the processes have stopped. (3)Apply the update using the command "smitty update_all". For "INPUT device / directory for software" specify the directory in which you saved the .bff file. (4) On the "Update Currently Installed Software to Latest Level" panel, press the 'enter' key to start the installation program. (5) After installation has completed successfully restart the VideoCharger server by using the command "startsrc -g vs" at the command prompt.