#*********************************************************************** # VideoCharger version 2 - 5648-B60. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #*********************************************************************** # * # APAR: IY08339 VIDEOCHARGER 2.0 WILL NOT INSTALL WITH DCE 3.1 * # * #*********************************************************************** PTF(s): none but a new .toc FULL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ------------------------ Version 3.1 of DCE has changed the name of one of the filesets that is a PRE-REQUISITE for VideoCharger. The old name was "dce.pthreads.rte". The new name is "dce.client.rte.pthreads". Installing VideoCharger from the install image on the CD will fail with a "MISSING REQUISITES" message. PROBLEM SOLUTION ------------------------ When at the point were you would normally install VideoCharger server from the CD, instead type "smitty install" then choose "Software Maintenance and Utilities" then "Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future Installation" Select your CD-ROM to copy from and let it copy the VideoCharger software to "/usr/sys/inst.images". (This will transfer the VideoCharger software to the hard drive.) After the copy is complete go the "/usr/sys/inst.images". Rename the old table of contents with the command "mv .toc .toc.old". Download the file called "dot.toc" and rename it ".toc". Make sure the permissions on the new ".toc" are the same as the old ".toc". Next proceed with the normal install procedure but instead of "/dev/cd0" as the "INPUT device /directory" choose "/usr/sys/inst.images". FILESETS: none but a new .toc SUPERSEDED PTFS: ---------------- none