#*********************************************************************** # VideoCharger version 2 - 5648-B60. * # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1998 * # All Rights Reserved. * # * # US Government Users Restricted Rights * # Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * # Contract with IBM Corp. * # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * #*********************************************************************** # * # APAR: IY00408 Resource leak in Application Requester * # * #*********************************************************************** PTF(s): U464843 FULL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ------------------------ VideoCharger is consuming mbufs. This can be confirmed with the command "netstat -m". Once mbufs reach a 64MB limit the server crashes. Stopping and restarting VideoCharger will cause the mbufs to be released. FILESETS: avs.applsrv.server.rte SUPERSEDED PTFS: ---------------- IX88053 A videocharger server on AIX 4.3 will not seek an playing video A videocharger server working on AIX 4.3 will not seek an playing video. The client wont be able to position the video stream anywhere between the start and the stop postion and expect it to play from that position. The player will return an error rc=1016, 0x290002 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- (1) Download the file "avs.applsrv.server.rte_2.0.0.2.bff" in binary mode into an empty directory on your VideoCharger server. (2) Logon as user 'root'. Stop the VideoCharger Server by using the command "stopsrc -cg vs". Type the command "lssrc -g vs" to verify that all the processes have stopped. (3)Apply the update using the command "smitty update_all". For "INPUT device / directory for software" specify the directory in which you saved the .bff file. (4) On the "Update Currently Installed Software to Latest Level" panel, press the 'enter' key to start the installation program. (5) After installation has completed successfully restart the VideoCharger server by using the command "startsrc -g vs" at the command prompt.