Patch Set for VisualAge for Java v1.0 ===================================== This Patch Set is for VisualAge, Professional or Enterprise editions, for Java v1.0 only. Patch List ========== This Patch Set for VisualAge for Java is an update of your VisualAge for Java environment to JDK 1.1.2. It also contains several code fixes listed below: 1EFAOZU - System property name reports Windows 95 in NT and OS/2 1EF8U94 - Resizing a default panel works differently in VAJAVA VM 1EF8T9I - KeyEvents triggered differently in VAJAVA VM 1EGSZ96 - JCL - Serialization problem - native #hashcode 1ED3DDZ - JCL:ALL - path limit is still 128 chars in some cases 1EH27X5 - GPF running method with try/catch/finally statement 1EFASOJ - Strings in .class files do not follow JLS 1EDPRGA - - we have they don't - problem for serialization 1EDG60T - Incorrect stack bug during code gen with inlined boolean 1EFIQPK - SubsubPanels don't behave like panels in VB 1EFIUBB - SubsubFrames don't ahve a visual part 1EH5S4W - Running application twice in IDE throws Ex02 1EGP0AL - JNI NewObject throws InternalError 1EH41T8 - VAJAVA cannot resolve native method with an underscore and params 1EFX0PE - JNI - CallVoidMethod() functions differently in VAJAVA 1EK135Z - Need JDK 1.1.2 in order to run Swing 1EJJ2CC - Combo boxes take focus. 1EJGQS0 - Walkback retargeting mouse events to lightweight 1EJGQDE - menus opening in the wrong location 1EJGP81 - clipping problems. Note: If you have questions regarding any of the fixes above, you can post a question on our newsgroup, news://, and reference the defect number on the left (1E*****) and a support representative will provide you with details on the problem. We support JDK 1.1.2 with the following exceptions: Inner classes and the following Java Native Interface APIs (DefineClass, ExceptionDescribe, FatalError, RegisterNatives, UnregisterNatives, MonitorEnter, MonitorExit, and GetJavaVM). WARNING ======= If you have the VisualAge for Java NL release v1.01 or VisualAge for Java Team edition you must not install this Patch Set. Applying this patch and its added functionality will increase the size of your respository and your workspace. You may find that this can cause a performance problem. Swing Set ========= Patch set 2 updates the IDE java class libraries to the JDK 1.1.2 level. This allows beta releases of the swing widget set that work with the Sun JDK 1.1.2 to be imported into the IDE and run. Note however, that this patch set does not fully support the use of swing widgets in the visual builder. While certain beta swing widgets work in the visual builder, some only partly work, and some do not work at all. Installation ============ To install this Patch Set make sure that VisualAge for Java is shut down. Copy the zip file over to your base directory copy the of IBM VisualAge for Java: e.g. H:\IBMVJAVA\... Copy the zip file to the H:\IBMVJAVA directory. Unzip the Patch Set in this directory and make sure to preserve the directory structure of the zip file. This zip file will replace several files within your H:\IBMVJAVA directory structure including the IDE.ICX, so you will have a clean workspace. This install will not replace your repository. Once you have unzipped the file start the IDE. This step will update the projects and libraries and can take several minutes. You should get a dialog indicating the Patch Set 2 is installing. The Workbench will not come up, so after the Patch Set 2 dialog disappears start the Workbench again. If you have the Enteprise Version, you should import your IBM CICS Gateway for Java Libraries and IBM Enterprise Access Builder Libraries from your repository. Then shut down VAJAva and restart. Now you can begin working on your new Workbench. All of your classes, packages, and projects are in the repository. ============================================================================ (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1998 - All Rights Reserved. Trademarks ========== The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM DB2 CICS VisualAge OS/2 Other terms used in this README are trademarks or service marks of others. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.