IBM VisualAge for Java for Windows Version 1.0 Beta 1 and 1a Patch Installation Notes ============================================================================ (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1997 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Your use of this Beta code is subject to the terms of the Beta Test License Agreement. ============================================================================ This patch fixes a problem related to uninstalling any portion of the VisualAge for Java Beta product Version 1.0 Beta 1 and 1a. This problem exists for all versions (CD-ROM and web download) of the Beta that were released before April 5, 1997. This problem only occurs on Windows 95. Symptoms -------- After uninstalling the VisualAge for Java Beta product on Windows 95, other IBM software products installed on the system might exhibit unexpected behaviour. Problem ------- When the VisualAge for Java Beta is uninstalled on Windows 95, all registry information for all IBM products is removed. Instructions for applying the patch ----------------------------------- Run the "setup.exe" file. This patch should be applied before uninstalling the VisualAge for Java Beta product on Windows 95.