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Allows you to edit the definition of a profile, including all resource model details.


wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model -c cycle_time

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model

-t threshold threshold_value [-t threshold threshold_value]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model -e event [-o occurrences] [-h holes]

[-SendTec | -NoSendTec] [-SendTBSM | -NoSendTBSM] [-severity severity_type]
[-e event [-o occurrences] [-h holes] [-SendTec | -NoSendTec]
[-SendTBSM | -NoSendTBSM] [-severity severity_type]]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model -Log [-LogEnable | -LogDisable]

[-p period] [-Agg {yes | no}] [-ap aggregation_period] [-Min | -NoMin]
[-Max | -NoMax] [-Avg | -NoAvg]

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model

-AddPar parameter_name parameter_value
[-AddPar parameter_name parameter_value]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -add resource_model -enable | -disable

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model -c cycle_time

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model

-t threshold threshold_value [-t threshold threshold_value]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model -e event [-o occurrences] [-h holes]

[-SendTec | -NoSendTec] [-SendTBSM | -NoSendTBSM] [-severity severity_type]
[-e event [-o occurrences] [-h holes] [-SendTec | -NoSendTec]
[-SendTBSM | -NoSendTBSM] [-severity severity_type]]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model -Log [-LogEnable | -LogDisable]

[-p period] [-Agg {yes | no}] [-ap aggregation_period] [-Min | -NoMin]
[-Max | -NoMax] [-Avg | -NoAvg]

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model

-AddPar parameter_name parameter_value
[-AddPar parameter_name parameter_value]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model

-DelPar parameter_name parameter_value
[-DelPar parameter_name parameter_value]...

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -edit resource_model -enable | -disable

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -list

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -print resource_model [-t] [-e] [-Log] [-c] [-par]


wdmeditprf -P profile#region -remove resource_model

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -TBSM {yes | no}

wdmeditprf -P profile#region -Tec {secure -S server | unsecure -S server -p port | no}


The wdmeditprf command lets you change various attributes of a profile:

Resource models can be added using all of the default values supplied, which are documented in IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Resource Model Reference, SH19-4570. Alternatively you can add a model with one or more values modified to suit your circumstances. You can also edit any of the details of an existing resource model. The various options shown in the Syntax section, above, and defined in the Options section, below, are non-exclusive; thus you could issue a single command to add a resource model modifying the default values of, for example, the cycle time and an event. You could then issue a separate command to edit, for example, the logging details and two thresholds.


The options to the wdmeditprf command must be specified in the correct sequence:

  1. -P profile#region
  2. -add, -edit, -list, -print, -remove, -TBSM or -Tec
  3. resource_model (if appropriate)
  4. Arguments to the -add or -edit options: these can be entered in any order

The option details are as follows:

-P profile#region
The profile on which the actions of this command are to be performed.

-add resource_model
Adds the named resource model to the profile. See IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Resource Model Reference, SH19-4570 for details of the correct resource model names to use.

The command may optionally be followed by one or more of the resource model arguments, that will modify the default values of the named resource model; only the values that need changing need to be specified. Details of these arguments are given following the -Tec option.

-edit resource_model
Specifies that you want to edit the named resource model.

The command may optionally be followed by one or more of the resource model arguments, that will modify the default values of the named resource model; only the values that need changing need to be specified. Details of these arguments are given following the -Tec option.

Lists a summary of the profile details to the standard output. The output format is as follows:
 Resource Model                          Enable
 DMXFileSystem                           YES
 DMXMemory                               YES
 DMXProcess                              YES
 TMW_ParamEventLog                       NO

-print resource_model
Prints basic information about the named resource model. Additional information can be obtained by specifying one or more of the following arguments:

Additionally prints cycle time information.

Additionally prints event information.

Additionally prints data logging information.

Additionally prints parameter information (for parametric resource models).

Additionally prints schedule information.

Additionally prints threshold information.

-remove resource_model
Removes the named resource model from the profile.

Specifies whether events for this profile are to be sent to the Tivoli Business Systems Manager. The options are:

Specifies that events will be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server.

Specifies that no events will be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server. If this option is selected it will ignore any requests to "Send to TBSM" that you specify or may have specified for individual indications.

Specifies whether events for this profile are to be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server, and identifies the server. The options are:

secure -S server
Specifies that the Tivoli Enterprise Console server is a secure server, and provides its server name.

unsecure -S server -p port
Specifies that the Tivoli Enterprise Console server is an unsecure server, and provides its server name and port number.

Specifies that no events will be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server. If this option is selected it will ignore any requests to "Send to TEC" that you specify or may have specified for individual indications.

Arguments to the -add and -edit options
The -add and -edit options can take any of the following arguments, in any order. Only the specified values will be changed:

-AddPar parameter_name parameter_value
Defines the values of the parameters for parametric resource models. Each parameter is of one of four types. Details of the parameter names and types for each parametric resource model can be found in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Resource Model Reference, SH19-4570. The parameter values are added using the -AddPar option according to the parameter type, as follows:
  • Numeric:

    A list of numeric values. The -AddPar option appends the value supplied in parameter_value to the existing values in the numeric parameter.

  • String:

    A list of strings. The -AddPar option appends the string supplied in parameter_value to the existing values in the string parameter.

  • Boolean list:

    A boolean list of pre-defined non-exclusive values. The -AddPar option switches the boolean list value supplied in parameter_value to the true state. To switch it to the false state use the -DelPar option.

  • Choice list:

    A choice list of pre-defined exclusive alternatives. The -AddPar option selects the choice list value supplied in parameter_value; the previously selected value will automatically be deselected when the command is performed.

-c cycle_time
Changes the default value of the cycle time of a resource model. The value is supplied as a number of seconds.

-DelPar parameter_name parameter_value
Changes the values of the parameters for parametric resource models. Each parameter is of one of four types. Details of the parameter names and types for each parametric resource model can be found in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Resource Model Reference, SH19-4570. The parameter values are changed using the -DelPar option according to the parameter type, as follows:
  • Numeric:

    A list of numeric values. The -DelPar option deletes the value supplied in parameter_value from the existing values in the numeric parameter.

  • String:

    A list of strings. The -DelPar option deletes the string supplied in parameter_value from the existing values in the string parameter.

  • Boolean list:

    A boolean list of pre-defined non-exclusive values. The -DelPar option switches the boolean list value supplied in parameter_value to the false state. To switch it to the true state use the -AddPar option.

  • Choice list:

    This type of parameter cannot be modified with the -DelPar option; use the -AddPar instead.

Disables the resource model for the defined profile.

-e event
Changes the default value for a named event. Any number of events can be defined. The specific values that can be changed are the following:
  • -h holes:

    Defines the number of consecutive holes (cycles where an indication does not happen) that can interrupt the count of consecutive occurrences without zeroising that count.

  • -o occurrences

    Defines the number of consecutive occurrences (cycles where an indication happens) that are needed to trigger the event.

  • -NoSendTBSM

    Defines that the event is not to be sent to Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

  • -NoSendTec

    The event is not to be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server.

  • -SendTBSM

    Defines that the event is to be sent to Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

  • -SendTec

    Defines that the event is to be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server.

  • -severity severity_type

    The severity type of the event must be one of the following: FATAL, CRITICAL, WARNING, HARMLESS, MINOR.

Enables the resource model for the defined profile.

Changes the default values for the data logging details. The specific values that can be changed are the following:
  • -Agg {yes | no}

    Determines whether logging data will be aggregated (yes) or not (no).

  • -ap aggregation_period

    Defines the period for which data is aggregated, in the format HH:MM; max 24:00 hours.

  • -Avg

    Defines that the average of the values encountered during the aggregation period will be logged.

  • -LogDisable

    Defines that the data logging feature is to be disabled.

  • -LogEnable

    Defines that the data logging feature is to be enabled.

  • -Max

    Defines that the highest value encountered during the aggregation period will be logged.

  • -Min

    Defines that the lowest value encountered during the aggregation period will be logged.

  • -NoAvg

    Defines that the average of the values encountered during the aggregation period will not be logged (see option -Avg)

  • -NoMax

    Defines that the highest value encountered during the aggregation period will not be logged (see option -Max)

  • -NoMin

    Defines that the lowest value encountered during the aggregation period will not be logged (see option -Min)

  • -p period

    Defines the historical duration of data in the data logging database, in the format HH:MM; max 24:00 hours.

-t threshold threshold_value
Defines the value for a named threshold; any number of thresholds can be defined.


Requires the super, senior or admin roles.


  1. The following example adds the resource model MyResourceModel to the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion, using all of the default values:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -add MyResourceModel 
  2. The following example adds the resource model MyResourceModel to the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion, changing a selection of the defaults (the changed values are shown on separate lines for clarity, but would normally be concatenated in a single string):
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -add MyResourceModel 
    -t MyThreshold 60
    -e MyEvent1 -o 5 -h 2 -SendTec -severity WARNING -NoSendTBSM
    -Log -LogEnable -Agg yes -ap 00:30 -Min -NoMax -Avg -p 12:00
    -c 120
  3. The following example edits the parametric resource model MyParamEventLog in the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion, changing a selection of the defaults:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -edit MyParamEventLog 
    -AddPar EventID 2034 -AddPar Source Win2K -DelPar Source WinNT 
    -AddPar EventSeverity Warning -DelPar EventSeverity Information
    -AddPar FilterType and
  4. The following example lists a summary of the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion on the standard output:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -list 
  5. The following example prints basic information about the resource model MyResourceModel in the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -print MyResourceModel
  6. The following example prints information about the resource model MyResourceModel in the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion, including information on the cycle time, the events, the data logging and the parameters:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -print MyResourceModel -c -e -Log -par
  7. The following example removes the resource model MyResourceModel from the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -remove MyResourceModel 
  8. The following example enables the sending of events to Tivoli Business Systems Manager for the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -TBSM yes 
  9. The following example disables the sending of events to Tivoli Business Systems Manager for the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -TBSM no 
  10. The following example defines the secure Tivoli Enterprise Console server EventServer for the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -Tec secure -S EventServer 
  11. The following example defines the insecure Tivoli Enterprise Console server tecinserv at port 8080 for the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -Tec unsecure 
        -S tecinserv.rome.tivoli.com -p 8080 
  12. The following example disables the sending of events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server for the profile MyProfile in the region MyRegion:
    wdmeditprf -P MyProfile#MyRegion -Tec no

See Also



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