In Tivoli Monitoring, all commands have the prefix wdm. The following steps have been taken to assist the transition from the old command prefixes to the new prefixes:
Thus, you are recommended to switch to the new command names as soon as
possible, and in case before any subsequent release of the product. Table 14 shows full details:
Table 14. New and old command names
New command names | Old command names, retained for this release | Obsolete merged commands, retained for this release |
wdmcmd | wtmntcmd |
wdmconfig |
wdmdiscovery |
wdmdistrib |
wdmdumpprf |
wdmeditprf |
wdmeng | wtmnteng |
wdmheartbeat |
wdmloadprf |
wdmlseng | wtmntlseng |
wdmmn | wtmntmn |
wdmmngcache |
wdmrm |
| wtmntaddrm, wtmntdefrm, wtmntrmrm |
wdmtrceng | wtmnttrceng |
The commands are described in this appendix using their new names only.
The commands in this appendix are presented in alphabetic order, and are also listed alphabetically in the index. However, what follows is a grouping of the available commands according to their primary function.