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User's Guide


Tivoli Business Systems Manager is an application that enables you to perform distributed management, OS/390(R) management, or both. Even when a business system spans multiple platforms, Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables you to graphically monitor and control interconnected business components and operating system resources. A business component and its resources are referred to as a Line of Business (LOB). Using the LOB concept Tivoli Business Systems Manager helps you plan, define, and control your business system. Tivoli Business Systems Manager, together with other Tivoli management components, helps you manage the dependencies between business components and their underlying infrastructure.

The management facilities in Tivoli Business Systems Manager include the management of events generated by Tivoli Monitoring, so when you are using Tivoli Business Systems Manager, you can direct some or all of the events generated by Tivoli Monitoring to the Tivoli Business Systems Manager interface, letting you manage them in the same way as other aspects of your business systems.

Tivoli Monitoring events are sent to Tivoli Business Systems Manager by the Tivoli Business Systems Manager adapter, a Tivoli Monitoring component that should be installed on all gateways in a region.

The adapter feeds Tivoli Business Systems Manager with information about resources managed by Tivoli Monitoring by means of a bulk/delta discovery. For discovered systems it can then supply heartbeat information and Tivoli Monitoring events.

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