Tivoli Header

Release Notes

Software Problems and Workarounds

This section describes known defects in this release of Tivoli Monitoring. Where applicable and known, suggested workarounds are identified. Note that this may not be a complete list of defects.

Current defects, and workarounds for this release of Tivoli Monitoring include:

  1. CMVC 1098 - Web Health Console: Graphs do not update when the browser cache settings are set to "Never".

    Workaround: Change the Browser settings to a value other than "Never".

  2. CMVC 1172 and 1411 - Web Health Console: Absence of an X-Windows graphical environment causes an indefinite wait on AIX or an exception on other UNIX platforms when attempting to generate graphs.

    Workaround 1: Set the DISPLAY variable to point to an X server on another machine prior to starting the Web Health Console.

    1. On the X server, add the Web Health Console server to the access control list of machine with a running X-windows graphical environment:

      [root@myhost]# xhost +itmhcserver

    2. On the console machine, stop the WebSphere Application server by running the stopServer.sh command: [

      root@itmconsole]# <WEBSPHERE_DIR>t>/bin/stopServer.sh

    3. On the console machine, set the DISPLAY variable to the X server: DISPLAY=myhost; export DISPLAY
    4. Start the WebSphere Application server by running the startServer.sh command: [root@itmconsole]# <itmhc_root>/bin/startServer.sh

    Workaround 2: Obtain and install Xvfb virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11. Xvfb is an X server that can run on machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory. To use Xvfb on the Web Health Console machine:

    [root@itmconsole]# <PATH_TO_XVFB_DIR>/Xvfb :1 -ac -screen 0 1024x768x16

    [root@itmconsole]# export DISPLAY=:1.0

    [root@itmconsole]# <WEBSPHERE_DIR>/bin/startServer.sh

  3. CMVC 1199 - Web Health Console: When browsing from some Windows platforms using minimal system fonts, not all text in the console.

    Workaround: Install additional fonts on the client system.

  4. CMVC 1358 - Web Health Console: "JVM max threads limit was reached" error message displayed when attempting to use the Web Health Console installed on an HP/UX console server.

    Workaround: Certain kernel parameters must be set in order for WebSphere Application Server to be able to manage its threads properly. Web Health Console cannot set these parameters during the installation as this would be too invasive to the machine. To resolve this condition take the following steps:

    1. Ensure that you are logged into the host machine with superuser (root) privileges.
    2. Determine the machine's physical memory by doing the following. You will need this value when configuring kernel parameters:
      1. Start the HP-UX System Administration Manager (SAM) utility.
      2. Select Performance Monitors, then System Properties.
      3. Click the Memory tab and note the value for Physical Memory.
      4. Click OK and exit from the SAM utility.
    3. In order to set the maxfiles and maxfiles_lim parameters to at least 4096, you must first edit the file /usr/conf/master.d/core-hpux to allow values greater than 2048 to be set by using the SAM utility. Do the following:
      1. Open the file /usr/conf/master.d/core-hpux in a text editor.
      2. Change the line *range maxfiles<=2048 to *range maxfiles<=60000
      3. Change the line *range maxfiles_lim<=2048 to *range maxfiles_lim<=60000
      4. Save these changes and close the file. The old values for these parameters might still be stored in the file /var/sam/boot.config. To force the SAM utility to create a new boot.config file, do the following:
        1. Move the existing version of the boot.config file located in the directory /var/sam to another location (the /tmp directory, for instance).
        2. Start the SAM utility.
        3. Select Kernel Configuration, then Configurable Parameters. When the Kernel Configuration window opens, a new boot.config file exists. Alternatively, you can enter the following command to rebuild the boot.config file:

          # /usr/sam/lbin/getkinfo -b

        4. Set the parameters listed in Table 1 to the values listed by doing the following:
          1. Start the SAM utility.
          2. Select Kernel Configuration, then Configurable Parameters.
          3. Highlight a parameter that you want to change and select Actions, then Modify Configurable Parameter.
          4. Type the new value for the parameter in the Formula/Value field and click OK.
          5. Repeat these steps for each of the parameters listed in Table 1 .
          6. After you have set all of the parameters, select Actions, then Process New Kernel.
          7. An information window opens, confirming your decision to restart the machine. Click Yes. If other information windows open, requesting information particular to your installation, follow the on-screen instructions to restart your machine and to enable the new settings to take effect. Alternatively, use the HPjconfig configuration utility available from the Java products for HP-UX Web site at www.hp.com/go/java. This pure Java application provides kernel parameter recommendations tailored to your specific Java enterprise services and HP-UX hardware platform. It supports only selected machine types, however. Refer to the information on this Web site to verify that your machine is suppported and for instructions on downloading and installing the utility.

            Table 1

            Parameter Value

            maxfiles 4096

            maxfiles_lim 4096

            max_thread_proc 1024

            maxuprc 512

            nproc 1024

            nflocks 8192

            ninode 2048

            nfile 4 * ninode value

            msgseg 32767 (or less)

            msgmnb 65 535

            msgmax 65 535

            msgtql 1024

            msgmap 258

            msgmni 256

            msgssz 16

            semmni 512

            semmap 514

            semmns 1024

          8. If you plan to redirect displays to non-HP machines, do the following before running applications that have a graphical user interface, such as the WebSphere Application Server applications that are started with the scripts install.sh or adminclient.sh:
            • Enter the following command to obtain information on all public locales accessible to your application: # locale -a
            • Choose a value for your system from the output that is displayed and set the LANG environment variable to this value. Here is an example command that sets the value of LANG to en_US.iso88591:

              # export LANG=en_US.iso88591

              semmnu 1020 (nproc value minus 4)

              shmmax 483 183 821 (Ensure that this parameter is set to 483 183 821 or 90% of the physical

  5. CMVC 1402 - Web Health Console: The IBM HTTP Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server appear as separately installed components on some platforms. Removing these items causes the console to cease functioning.

    Workaround: Do not remove these items, as they are necessary for the Web Health Console to function.

  6. CMVC 1413 - Web Health Console: WebSphere on UNIX dies when user logs out of local console.

    Workaround: Set the DISPLAY variable to point to an X server on another machine prior to starting the Web Health Console. After starting the Web Health Console, you may log out as normal:

    1. On the X server, add the Web Health Console server to the access control list of machine with a running X-windows graphical environment:

      [root@myhost]# xhost +itmhcserver

    2. On the console machine, stop the WebSphere Application server by running the stopServer.sh command:

      [root@itmconsole]# <WEBSPHERE_DIR>t>/bin/stopServer.sh

    3. On the console machine, set the DISPLAY variable to the X server: DISPLAY=myhost; export DISPLAY
    4. Start the WebSphere Application server by running the startServer.sh command: [root@itmconsole]# <itmhc_root>/bin/startServer.sh
    5. Log out as normal.
  7. CMVC 1414 - Web Health Console: The Area graph appears blank if there are no consecutive data points.

    Workaround: View the data using a different graph type.

  8. CMVC 1477 - Web Health Console: Uninstalling the Web Health Console does not remove the base installation directory.

    Workaround: After uninstalling the product, delete the base installation directory by hand.

  9. CMVC 1486 - Web Health Console: In some situations, after installing the Web Health Console, the IBM HTTP Server service will not start on Windows NT.

    Workaround: Edit the Windows NT registry, removing parameters passed to the IBM HTTP Server service:

    1. Start Regedit and navigate to:
    2. Delete any string or binary data associated with the ConfigArgs value.
    3. Using the Control Panel, start the IBM HTTP Server service.
  10. CMVC 1527 - Web Health Console: Changing panels within the Preferences view prior to saving will cause unsaved changes to be lost.

    Workaround: Save each preference panel setting prior to changing to another view.

  11. CMVC 1552 - Web Health Console: Navigating to a different panel while preferences are being saved can cause unexpected behavior and loss of preference settings.

    Workaround: Make sure the browser activity indicator in the upper right-hand corner of the window is stopped before further navigation to ensure that the save has completed.

  12. CMVC 24426 - When executing task ReadDataInDB on AIX endpoints, the dmae_dmquery.log file shows the following timeout error, although the task has run successfully on the AIX endpoints:
    140pa2a-ep (Endpoint): The task failed to execute.
    140pa2a-ep (Endpoint): 
    Data was not received because the session timed out.
    recv_session: timeout (300 seconds) waiting to receive from

    This error message is caused by the IPC timeout being set too short. This is a Tivoli Framework issue that can be avoided by increasing the session timeout value using the framework command:

    wgateway gw_name set_session_timeout value

  13. CMVC 24075 - In some situations (for example, after an uninstall followed by a new install) new endpoints, which have a profile and engine running, do not show up in the Request Manager (as displayed by the wdmmngcache -l command).

    Workaround: Restart the gateways for those endpoints.

  14. CMVC 23895 - Abstract: Partial upgrade - Incorrect product registration. If some systems in a Tivoli management region are upgraded to Tivoli Monitoring 5.1 and a new installation is made on other systems, the wlsinst command shows the product as both a patch and a fresh install on all systems in the Tivoli management region. This is a known problem of Tivoli Management Framework, against which a defect (126056) has been opened.
  15. CMVC 23785 - Abstract: TDS - dmquery hangs if the task ReadDataInDB times out. This problem occurs only when the database contains no data.

    Workaround: Stop the dmquery process using the commands of the operating system.

  16. CMVC 24533 - Abstract: wdmloadprf doesn't enable TEC Send Event in interconnected TMRs.

    Workaround: Re-edit the profile once it gets loaded and set the correct event server.

  17. CMVC 23651 - Abstract: Uninstall failed to stop the request manager engine.

    Workaround: Stop the tmnt_rm_eng process using the commands of the operating system.

  18. CMVC 24095 - Abstract: Several tmnt_task_eng are active at the same time.

    Explanation: only one task is active as task engine, while the other tasks are the processes hosting the "execution" of all tasks.

  19. CMVC 24824 - Abstract: The tmnt_tbsm_eng process is still up after DM_Advanced_Edition_TBSMA uninstall.

    Workaround: Stop the tmnt_tbsm_eng process using the commands of the operating system.

  20. CMVC 24265 - Abstract: Installation fails if tag files are removed from .installed.

    Explanation: Do not remove tag files. Always use the uninstall script.

  21. CMVC 24213 - Abstract: TDS component fails after removing installation tags.

    Explanation: Do not remove tag files. Always use the uninstall script.

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