IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Graphical Reporting 1.0 Readme.txt --------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VisualAge TeamConnection Graphical Reporting! Graphical Reporting allows you to chart from TeamConnection data or another source. You can generate graphical reports for any audience with a Web browser that has access to your Web server. Use Graphical Reporting charts to understand: Defect workload across teams Test progress Product quality and ship readiness Schedule progress from feature status Backlogs of verification records TeamConnection Graphical Reporting is intended for use by a project lead or manager who needs to provide information about the status of a project to the development team, higher management, and quality control teams. It provides support to authorize the charts for others to view. Several sample charts are provided which demonstrate the kinds of analyses this tool supports. Who should read this book ------------------------- This document is intended for people in two roles: 1.A project manager who understands the dynamics of the specific project. The project manager should understand the data within TeamConnection and the relationship of the data to the project. 2.A programmer who can extend the Graphical Reporting classes by writing Java code. The programmer can also extend this feature to create charts from tools other than TeamConnection. Note: The same person can perform these roles. Hardware and Software Requirements ---------------------------------- This section contains the hardware and software requirements. Graphical Reporting has been tested on Windows NT 4.0, running IBM's DominoGo Web Server, and IBM WebSphere Application Server. Hardware Requirements --------------------- Graphical Reporting requires approximately 5 MB of disk space on the Web server. It was tested on a 300MHz Pentium II processor with acceptable response time. Software Requirements --------------------- The architecture of Graphical Reporting requires Web server and Web browser support. The following sections contain the specific requirements. Web Server Requirements Graphical Reporting requires an operating system capable of supporting a Web server and Java runtime. The version of Java Development Kit (JDK) must be at the 1.1.6 level or higher. The Web server must be able to service HTML files, Java applets, and Java servlets. The Java support provided by the Java Development Kit 1.1.6. is available at Web Browser Requirements The Web browsers used to view the charts must have Java 1.1 support. Installation on Windows NT -------------------------- To install Graphical Reporting on the Windows NT platform, you must obtain the *.zip file, then unpack it and run the routine that performs the installation. Obtaining the files 1.Download the compressed file from the Web. 2.Create a temporary directory to unzip this file. 3.Unzip into this directory using a zip tool. Performing the installation 1.Open a MS-DOS session. 2.Change directory to the directory where you unzipped the files for Graphical Reporting. 3.Run the installation program by typing at the prompt: install Installation Summary Installation uses three subdirectory trees and a Graphical Reporting folder on the Web server. They are: 1.Servlets Contains all the Java files required for the servlets. This is approximately 200 KB in size. 2.Applets Contains several Java *.jar files for the applets, as well as HTML files and the configuration wizard. This directory is often under the directory where you put HTML files. This directory will require about 4 MB of space. 3.Samples Contains the sample source code and documentation. This is approximately 1 MB in size. 4.TeamConnection Graphical Reporting This folder is created in the Start menu. Shortcuts for the default HTML file, the Readme file, Documentation, and an icon to uninstall Graphical Reporting are located in this folder. Using Graphical Reporting for the first time -------------------------------------------- If you are using Graphical Reporting for the first time, not that there are several default settings. You can load the charts by pointing your browser at http://your.web.server/xxxx/TCGraph.html where xxxx is the path to locate the directory where you installed the applets. Note: The first time you load a page you will get an error, because the chart has attempted to load data from TeamConnection, and your TeamConnection login and password have not been entered. Dismiss the error message, press the Settings button on the web page, enter your data, press OK, then press the Refresh button on the chart page. It is recommended that you do this for all pages before announcing the location of the charting page(s) to your team.