IBM VisualAge TeamConnection 3.0.7 FixPak - restore_db.txt (13-MAR-2001) ------------------------------------------ Documents --------- backup_db.txt, fix302.ddl, fixdb.ddl, readme.txt, relnotes.txt, restore_db.txt, systeminfo.txt, trace.txt, upgrading_to_v303HF1.txt Main Index ---------- - Where to get the most recent version of this file - Objective - ASSUMPTIONS - Step 1: Determine Space Requirements - Step 2A: Restoring files (case 1: enough disk space under TC_DBPATH) - Step 2B: Restoring files (case 2: NOT enough space under TC_DBPATH) - Step 3: Error Checking Where to get the most recent version of this file ------------------------------------------------- The most recent version of this file can be found at: Objective: ---------- The main purpose of this note is to provide instructions on how customers can restore a backup of their VA TC family and database. For your ease, we suggest you view the HTML version of this document in a web browser. ASSUMPTIONS ----------- contains both the database and family directory and resulted from backing up a family database by following the process in backup_db.txt. It is assumed in these notes that the family name is "testfam". The UNIX home for the family ($TC_DBPATH) is "/home/testfam". The Intel home for the family (%TC_DBPATH%) is "d:\testfam". You need to replace these values with the ones that are appropriate for your configuration. Step 1: Determine Space Requirements ------------------------------------- Find out how much space will be needed by the family. This can be obtained by executing: unzip -l The last row of the output will indicate the total uncompressed size. Take advantage and look at the uncompressed size for the db2backup directory; this is the amount that the DB2 backup file and the restored DB2 databse will take EACH; for example, a 500 MB DB2 backup file will create a 500 MB DB2 database, for a grand total of 1 GB. Step 2A: Restoring files (case 1: enough disk space under TC_DBPATH) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This section assumes that there is enough disk space under TC_DBPATH (the family directory) to include a backup file of the DB2 database. Skip this section and go to Step 2B if your database cannot fit in TC_DBPATH. a) UNIX: unzip -d /home/testfam db2 restore database testfam from /home/testfam/backup b) Intel: unzip -d d:\teamc\testfam db2 restore database testfam from d:\teamc\testfam\backup Proceed to Step 3. Step 2B: Restoring files (case 2: NOT enough space under TC_DBPATH) -------------------------------------------------------------- Skip this section if you were able to follow the instructions in case 1, where there was enough disk space to store the DB2 backup under TC_DBPATH. This section assumes that there is NOT enough disk space under TC_DBPATH(the family directory) to include a backup file of the DB2 database. Thus, you need to store the DB2 backup somewhere else. In this example for Unix, the directory /extra/backup is used, and in Intel E:\backup is used. a) UNIX: unzip -d /home/testfam unzip -d /extra/backup db2 restore database testfam from /extra/backup b) Intel: unzip -d d:\teamc\testfam unzip -d e:\backup db2 restore database testfam from e:\backup Proceed to Step 3. Step 3: Error Checking ----------------------- Try to connect to the database to ensure that the rollforward message is not shown: If when you do "db2 connect to [familyName]" you get the following error message: SQL1117N A connection to or activation of database "family" cannot be made because of ROLL-FORWARD PENDING Then this means that the database was backed up when it was ONLINE and not off-line. Thus, the roll-forward action needs to be performed as follows: db2 rollforward database dbName complete where dbName is the name of the database in question. Start the Family: ---------------- Start the family: teamcd INTEL: teamc testfam 2 UNIX: teamc testfam 2 & Basic Tests: ----------- Ensure that the family that you just created is operational. The following commands will test the basic functionality: teamc Report -testServer teamc Component -view root