IBM VisualAge TeamConnection 3.0.2 FixPak - README.TXT -------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains information you will need to install FixPak 3.0.2 on both UNIX and Intel Platforms. The FixPak is designed to be installed over VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3.0.0 or FixPak 3.0.1 The file is divided into the following sections: - Installing the FixPak in Intel - Installing the FixPak in UNIX - What's New in VisualAge TeamConnection - What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.2 - Known Problems in FixPak 3.0.2 - Lotus Notes Issues - Additional Information - Sample Parser Files - Getting Help - Service and Technical Support - Trademarks - Your Satisfaction ======================================================================== Installing the FixPak in Intel --------------------------------- Before proceeding to the installation steps, please read the following notes: Important Note: Before installing FixPak 3.0.2, make sure you have installed the DB2 FixPak and the DB2 hotfix that shipped with TeamConnection FullPak 3.0.0 or 3.0.1. More than likely, you have probably already done this. If you have not, you can find the instructions for installing the DB2 FixPak and hotfix (for either OS/2 or Windows) in the file README.TC, which is shipped in the root directory of FixPak 3.0.2. Note that if you have not installed the DB2 FixPak and Hotfix, the FHCIRTUP utility will not run correctly. IMPORTANT: DB2 UDB V5 Fixpak 6, Fixpak 7, or DB2 UDB 5.2 contain the fixpak and hotfixes shipped with VATC (VisualAge TeamConnection). The VATC supplied fixpak and hotfix should not be installed over these levels. (If these levels are installed, please IGNORE README.TC.) Note for Version 2 Clients: The V2 and V3 servers are not compatible. If you have V2 installed, you must uninstall it before proceeding with the installation. The following are the steps you should follow to install the FixPak in Intel: Step 1 - Stop all family processes Step 2 - Install the FixPak code Step 3 - Backup the family database Step 4 - Run the database update utility Step 5 - Update the database views Step 6 - Run the database reorg script Step 7 - Restart the family processes Step 8 - Update the MVS and/or MVS/OE builders as needed The specifics for each of these steps are discussed below. Step 1 - Stop all family processes (Intel) ---------------------------------- Make sure all TeamConnection Processes have been shut down. Step 2 - Install the FixPak code (Intel) -------------------------------- Important: Before installing the FixPak, make a backup copy of your TEAMCV3.INI file. This file contains your GUI client settings. After the installation is complete, you can replace the newly installed TEAMCV3.INI file with your customized one. In OS/2, teamcv3.ini is located in :\os2 In Windows, teamcv3.ini is located in :\winnt ** Installing the FixPak in OS/2 ** To install the FixPak in OS/2, do the following: 1. Download the FixPak image from the IBM service ftp site. 2. Unzip the file c:/ where "c:" is the drive to which you have downloaded the FixPak "X" is the current FixPak number Make sure when you unzip the file, you use the unzip option that decompresses the directories as well as the files. For PKUNZIP, the option is -d. This may be different for other decompression programs. 3. From the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the FixPak, type the following at the OS/2 command prompt: cd enu install 4. Press Enter. 5. Follow the on-screen prompts. ** Installing the FixPak in Windows ** NOTE: The installation requires that you have double the space required for the product (80mg). When the FixPak is installed, InstallShield will replace the existing product files. When installation is complete, the product WILL only use the minimum amount required (40mg). To install the FixPak in Windows, do the following: 1. Download the FixPak from the IBM service ftp site. The directory that you download to must conform to the 8.3 naming specification for the setup program to run correctly. 2. Unzip the file c:/ where "c:" is the drive to which you have downloaded the FixPak "X" is the current FixPak number Make sure when you unzip the file, you use the unzip option that decompresses the directories as well as the files. For PKUNZIP, the option is -d. This may be different for other decompression programs. 3. From the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the FixPak, type the following at the Windows command prompt: CD ENU setup 4. Press Enter. 5. Follow the on-screen prompts. Step 3 - Backup the family database (Intel) ----------------------------------- 1. Invoke a DB2 command window by running the following command: DB2CMD 2. Back up your TeamConnection database using the DB2 Backup command. The syntax of the DB2 backup command is: db2 backup database family_name to backup_directory 3. Substitute your family name for family_name and a directory path for your backed up database for backup_directory. The DB2 backup utility will place a compressed version of the database in the backup directory path. Be sure to set file permissions for the backup directory such that the compressed backup file is accessible. Note: For details on backing up DB2 databases, see the DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide. Also refer to the TeamConnection Installation Guide for information on using the backup command. Step 4 - Run the database update utility (Intel) ---------------------------------------- The FixPak code installs a utility that you need to run that updates the V3.0 database. The utility, called FHCIRTUP.EXE, adds new tables, adds new columns to existing tables, and populates the tables where necessary. This step needs to be executed for each family, and you need to login to the system with the appropriate family administrator user id and use the appropriate TC_DBPATH and TC_FAMILY environment variables. To run FHCIRTUP, run the following command (on a single line): fhcirtup %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\*.dd* %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\*.bnd For example, to update the database on drive f: to the family1 family name, set TC_FAMILY=family1 and issue the following command (on a single line): fhcirtup f:\teamc\nls\cfg\*.dd* f:\teamc\nls\cfg\*.bnd Note: The directory path \teamc\nls\cfg is the default installation path on Intel for the TeamConnection DB2 files needed to create tables and views and bind the family database. If you specify an installation path other than the default, make sure the path you specify for the loadfiles parameter contains the TeamConnection DB2 files. Step 5 - Update the database views (Intel) ---------------------------------- For each of the following *.tbl files that exist in the %TC_DBPATH%\CFGFIELD directory, you need to run the fhcfupdv command: fhcfupdv Defect.tbl DefectView fhcfupdv Defect.tbl DefectDownView fhcfupdv Feature.tbl FeatureView fhcfupdv Feature.tbl FeatureDownView fhcfupdv Part.tbl PartView fhcfupdv Part.tbl PartFullView fhcfupdv User.tbl Users fhcfupdv Release.tbl ReleaseView fhcfupdv Workarea.tbl WorkAreaView Note: You can run the fhcfupdv command multiple times on the same view without hurting the family. Also note that if you want to run this command on another family, you must change all your TeamConnection environment variables to reflect the new family. See the TeamConnection Administrator's Guide for more information regarding this command. Step 6 - Run the database reorg script (Intel) -------------------------------------- TeamConnection ships with a database reorg script that you should use after making significant changes to a family. A significant change might be loading the family, adding lots of new parts, or making numerous part changes. You should definitely run the reorg script after running the fhcirtup command. This process should produce the optimal statistics and performance. Note: On NT you have to submit db2 commands from a db2 command window. You can run the db2cmd command from a dos command window to get one. For Intel servers, the reorg command is called analyzer.cmd. The procedure for running this command is as follows: 1. On NT, start a db2 command window (you don't have to do this for OS/2) by doing one of the following: - From Start, select Programs > DB2 for Windows NT > Command Window or -From a normal command window, run the following command: DB2CMD 2. Change the directory to the family directory. For example: cd f:\teamc\testfam (replace drive and family directory with those for your installation) 3. From the command window, backup the database. The syntax for doing this is: db2 backup database family_name to backup_directory (Example: db2 backup testfam to f:\teamc\testfam\backup) 4. Run the following command: db2 connect to testfam (where testfam is the family name) 5. Run the following command: db2 reorgchk update statistics on table user > reorgchk.out This will check all the tables that were created by this user and produce an output file. 6. On OS/2, run the following command: analyzer.cmd reorgchk.out myreorg.cmd On NT, run the following command: rexx analyzer.cmd reorgchk.out myreorg.cmd (where myreorg.cmd is a filename that you provide) This will create a CMD file called myreorg.cmd, which will reorg the tables and indexes and run the runstats command. The runstats command updates the statistics in the DB2 catalogs. [Note: DB2 for Windows NT provides a version of REXX that must be properly installed on your NT system for this to work.] 7. Run the output of step 6. For example, if the output of step 6 is myreorg.cmd, you would run the following command: In OS/2 : myreorg testfam IN NT: rexx myreorg testfam 8. Rebind the database by running the folowing command: fhcirt %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\*.bnd This allows DB2 to recalculate the optimal access plans for the static sql in the TeamConnection application. 9. Backup the database. (This is optional.) This process should produce the optimal statistics and performance. NOTE: Sometimes, rather than running the reorg script, it is sufficient just to do a runstat and rebind. In any event, the reorg script will reorg any tables or indexes that were flagged by db2 as needing a reorg. Step 7 - Restart the family processes (Intel) ------------------------------------- Step 8 - Update the MVS and/or MVS/OE builders as needed (Intel) --------------------------------------------------------- For details, please refer to Chapter 11 "Installing, starting, and stopping build servers" in the the VisualAge TeamConnection User's Guide. If you are using the fhblink.jcl from an earlier v3 fixpack, make sure that the PARM for the LINKEDIT step does not contain RMODE(24). This was an error in the JCL in the earlier version. ========================================================= Installing the FixPak in UNIX --------------------------------- Before proceeding to the installation steps, please read the following notes: Important Note: Before installing FixPak 3.0.2, make sure you have installed the DB2 FixPak and the DB2 hotfix that shipped with TeamConnection FullPak 3.0.0 or 3.0.1. More than likely, you have probably already done this. If you have not, you can find the instructions for installing the DB2 FixPak and Hotfix in the file readme.db2, which is located on the 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 CD in the following directory: [ aix4 | hpux10 |solaris ]/db2/fixes/ Note that if you have not installed the DB2 FixPak and Hotfix, the FHCIRTUP utility will not run correctly. IMPORTANT: DB2 UDB V5 Fixpak 6, Fixpak 7, or DB2 UDB5.2 contain the fixpak and hotfixes shipped with VATC (VisualAge TeamConnection). The VATC supplied fixpak and hotfix should not be installed over these levels. Note for Version 2 Clients: The V2 and V3 servers are not compatible. If you have V2 installed, you must uninstall it before proceeding with this installation. The following are the steps you should follow to install the FixPak in UNIX Step 1 - Stop all family processes Step 2 - Install the FixPak code Step 3 - Backup the family database Step 4 - Run the database update utility Step 5 - Update the database views Step 6 - Run the database reorg script Step 7 - Restart the family processes Step 8 - Update the MVS and/or MVS/OE builders as needed The specifics for each of these steps are discussed below. Note that steps are to be run as the family login unless otherwise specified. Step 1 - Stop all family processes (UNIX) ---------------------------------- You can stop the family process with the following command: tcstop familyname Step 2 - Install the FixPak code (UNIX) -------------------------------- To install the FixPak code in UNIX, complete the following steps: * Create a directory to store the files to be downloaded. For example: mkdir /tmp/fixpak302 * Change to the directory mentioned in the previous step. * Invoke the ftp command: ftp * Login as: anonymous * Enter your email address at the password prompt. For example: myuserid@internetmailserver * Change the directory to: ps/products/teamconnection/fixes * Change the directory to the desired platform (aix, hpux, or solaris): For example: cd aix * Change the appropriate fixpak directory For example: cd fixpak302 * Specify to transfer the files in binary mode: binary * Download the following required files that contains the installation shell script and other important files: required.tar.Z * Download the components that you want to install. Note that the message catalogs are required for the family server, client *OR* build server: serverat.tar.Z ----- family server for AIX tar format clientat.tar.Z ----- client for AIX tar format buildsat.tar.Z ----- build server for AIX tar format nlsenuat.tar.Z ----- en_US nls messages catalogs for AIX tar format serverai.tar.Z ----- family server for AIX installp format clientai.tar.Z ----- client for AIX installp format buildsai.tar.Z ----- build server for AIX installp format nlsenuai.tar.Z ----- en_US nls messages catalogs for AIX installp format serverht.tar.Z ----- family server for HP-UX tar format clientht.tar.Z ----- client for HP-UX tar format buildsht.tar.Z ----- build server for HP-UX tar format nlsenuht.tar.Z ----- en_US.iso88591 nls messages catalogs for HP-UX tar format serverst.tar.Z ----- family server for Solaris tar format clientst.tar.Z ----- client for Solaris tar format buildsst.tar.Z ----- build server for Solaris tar format nlsenust.tar.Z ----- en_US nls messages catalogs for Solaris tar format * Exit ftp: quit * Uncompress all the files by using the UNIX utility "uncompress". For example: uncompress serverai.tar.Z * After you have uncompressed the files, untar the files. For example: tar -xvf serverai.tar * Read the late breaking news in the fixpak302.readme file. Ensure that you read the warnings and prerequisites mentioned in the above file. * Ensure that you are logged in as "root", otherwise you will not be able to install the TeamConnection code. * Invoke the installation shell script: ./tcinst.ksh * Follow the instructions from the installation shell script. * remove temporary directory: cd .. For example: rm -rf /tmp/fixpak302 Step 3 - Backup the family database (UNIX) ----------------------------------- 1. Back up your TeamConnection database using the DB2 Backup command. The syntax of the DB2 backup command is: db2 backup database family_name to backup_directory 2. Substitute your family name for family_name and a directory path for your backed up database for backup_directory. The DB2 backup utility will place a compressed version of the database in the backup directory path. Be sure to set file permissions for the backup directory such that the compressed backup file is accessible. Note: For details on backing up DB2 databases, see the DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide. Also refer to the TeamConnection Installation Guide for information on using the backup command. Step 4 - Run the database update utility (UNIX) ---------------------------------------- The FixPak code installs a utility that you need to run that updates the V3.0 database. The utility, called FHCIRTUP.EXE, adds new tables, adds new columns to existing tables, and populates the tables where necessary. This step needs to be executed for each family, and you need to login to the system with the appropriate family administrator user id and use the appropriate TC_DBPATH and TC_FAMILY environment variables. To update the database to the family1 family name, set the TC_FAMILY environment = family1 (using: export TC_FAMILY=family1) and then issue the following command (on a single line): fhcirtup $TC_HOME/nls/cfg/*.dd* $TC_HOME/nls/cfg/*.bnd where TC_HOME is the directory name that was set in your environment. Step 5 - Update the database views (UNIX) ---------------------------------- To update the table and views in UNIX, run the following command: ${TC_HOME}/samples/ksh/updateviews Step 6 - Run the database reorg script (UNIX) -------------------------------------- TeamConnection ships with a database reorg script that you should use after making significant changes to a family. A significant change might be loading the family, adding lots of new parts, or making numerous part changes. You should definitely run the reorg script after running the fhcirtup command. This process should produce the optimal statistics and performance. For UNIX servers, after running fhcirtup, you should run the following reorg script: ${TC_HOME}/samples/ksh/analyzeReorg Step 7 - Restart the family processes (UNIX) ------------------------------------- Step 8 - Update the MVS and/or MVS/OE builders as needed (UNIX) -------------------------------------------------------- For more details, please refer to Chapter 11 "Installing, starting, and stopping build servers" from the VisualAge TeamConnection User's Guide. If you are using the fhblink.jcl from an earlier v3 fixpack, make sure that the PARM for the LINKEDIT step does not contain RMODE(24). This was an error in the JCL in the earlier version. ========================================================================== What's new in TeamConnection Version 3 -------------------------------------- The following is a partial list of things that were added in TeamConnection FixPak 3.0.2: * DB/2 Universal Database Version 5 support. * Java-based TCAdmin GUI * Lotus Notes Integrated Databases * Web Client for TeamConnection * Improved platform support * Microsoft Source Code Control API Integration For the latest information on Source Code Control Integration, visit the following website: * New Build Server for MVS and MVS/OE * VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Bridge * VisualAge TeamConnection VisualMerge Facility * Solaris support * Tivoli Software Distribution Packaging support * Configurable Fields updates * Shadowing capability * Report -general command for customizing reports What's new in FixPak 3.0.1 --------------------------- * XML Support (See the TeamConnection User's Guide appendix for more information.) * New Commands for Part Versions ------------------------------------- What's new in FixPak 3.0.2 -------------------------------------- * New teamc part -exec command This new command enables users to execute operating system commands on the server against parts in the repository. See the TeamConnection Command Reference for a more information. * TeamConnection Data Dictionary When you install the 3.0.2 FixPak, you are given the option of installing the TeamConnection Dictionary Component. The dictionary is used to import IMS, COBOL, and PL/I data definitions into TeamConnection. Additional information about the dictionary is contained in a file called README.DA. This file is located in the FixPak directory called \VATCDD. If you decide to install the dictionary at a later date, log into the FixPak directory called \VATCDD and issue the SETUP command. * TCAdmin Improvements - Initial superuser password must be entered and then confirmed - TCAdmin now supports *.ddt files - TCAdmin now uses JFC 1.1 * The backup character for Unix was changed to _ and $ is left as-is for Intel when the client renames a file in the workstation to avoid overwriting it during a file checkout. Also, the environment TC_BACKUPCHAR can be used to identify another value for the backup character. * Added remarks in REXX parser samples (for Windows NT) that documents how to use the ASSOC and FTYPE commands to enable the .REX prefix for REXX commands. * Now provide support for En_US locale in AIX packaging and installation. * Added migration utilities in the Unix samples/ksh directory. * Provided a framework to pass extra information about parts to the TC Builder You can now associate SQL text with each Builder in TC. This SQL text specifies the fields and the view to be used for sending part information to the build machines. The SQL text is in the format of: SELECT fieldList FROM viewName,where fieldList is a list of the desired fields, as seen from the view specified with viewName. During build time, the TC server will append the WHERE component of the query to select all parts involved in the build (inputs and outputs). The specified view is restricted to PartView, or ConfigPartView. TC will send the results of the query to a temporary file on the build machine. The name of the temporary file is stored in the TC_BUILD_QUERY environment variable. From there, the query results can be parsed by the build script. If there is no SQL query associated with that builder, or if the results are empty, TC_BUILD_QUERY is set to an empty string. Inside the query results, the field names are separated by vertical bars ('|'). * Time consuming operations now use batch transactions. This allows short and long transactions to run simultaneously. * Release/driver/workarea extract now have new flags: -include, -exclude, -scan, -erase, -report where -include/-exclude take a file of filenames Descriptions of new flags: -erase : erase stale/extra files -report : just report what will happen, don't do it -scan : scan file system/check timestamps (ie. only extract stale parts) -exclude : specifies file with exclude lists in it -include : specifies file with include lists in it * Release/driver/workarea extract now erases all old directories and files, but only when both the -scan and -erase flags are set * SCC Enhancements The following environment variarables have been added to overcome limitations for various Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): TC_SCCDIFFSET can be set to any valid TCMERGE command line parameter. Setting this to an invalid TCMERGE parameter will cause TCMERGE to NOT be shown, which can be useful when SccDiff is called automatically. TC_SCCCASE can be set to UPPER or LOWER to force upper or lower casing for all SCC API calls. This can be useful for those IDEs that have a problem with mixed casing of filenames. TC_SCCDISPERR can be set to OFF so that error messages will NOT be displayed. This is useful when extracting many files and the user does not want to interact with the GUI. * Improvements to the MVS build server Due to improvements that were made to the V302 build server, the v301 build server (teamcbld) will no longer work with v302 family server. Consequently, You should upgrade your MVS teamcbld to v302. * Added Lotus Notes mail exit package for Windows NT * Added information on part checkout in concurrent mode to identify when a part has already been changed. =========================================================================== What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.2 The following is a partial list of things that were fixed in TeamConnection FixPak 3.0.2: * Intel clients: text files now extract/check out without an added Ctrl+Z character. * Removed a bottleneck for concurrent access to the family. This improved the concurrency of read-only commands when update commands are running. * Improved performance in the following functions: report -view partView report commit release/workarea/driver -extract concurrency release -prune database upgrade (fhcirtup) performance diagnostics, problem recreation plus miscellaneous indices * Fixed an expansion problem of the build tree in UNIX. (Some nested elements were improperly shown from the wrong parent.) * Fixed an expansion problem of the build tree in Intel. This happened when using the login feature of VA TC, instead of host lists * The build events now expand the keywords when extracting input text files from the family. * Fixed problem where DriverMember -delete fails with internal error 6021-139. * Fixed problem where Builder -modify fails with a constraint violation. * Fixed miscellaneous problems with migcmvc and migtc. * Fixed problem where buildStatus changed to 'out_of_date' on some parts. * Fixed problem where workarea -integrate/driver -commit overlayed part changes with an older version. * Fixed problem where DriverMember create works when there should be a collision. * Fixed problem where dcf processing does not migrate bulk data during import * Fixed problem where cdf processing crashed on large values in workarea -export/-import. * Fixed problem where teamcbld crashes when trying to remove a timed out job from the build queue. * Enabled colons in workarea names. This is needed for V2->V3 migration of fine-grained data. * Fixed problem where expand Build tree fails with memory errors in tcbv and where tcbv handles recursion of parts. * Fixed problem where driver commit fails causing the roll back to fail. * Fixed problem in TCAdmin where Stanza view editing had errors. * Fixed problem in TCAdmin where inserting text bypassed the length and invalid character checks. * Fixed errors in user exits. * Changed bit on extracted files so that they are readonly. * Driver/workarea extract now defaults to a delta extract. * TCSTOP TCSTOP now: 1. Waits until the server has stopped before TCSTOP completes. 2. Closes all DB2 connections between the server and DB2. * SCC Fixes - Fixed stack overflow problems with large lists that occurred when querying a large number of parts or when a large number of parts (over 1500) were contained within a single workarea. - Fixed problem where status of files was not updated correctly which prevented users from accessing files that were available. * Fixed miscellaneous problems with SCC API support and tested with more IDEs ========================================================================== Known Problems in FixPak 3.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------ * Concurrent Development You might get an erroneous collision record between a part and its known ancestor (e.g. the source from a link to your work area). Solution: 1. Make sure that the part really is an ancestor of your change 2. Reject the collision record * Web Client The "teamc report -view PartView" command is not currently working on the web client. * JAVA On Intel platforms, for TCAdmin and TCMerge to function correctly, users must manually add the BIN directory of their Java installation to their PATH statement, and CLASSES.ZIP to their CLASSPATH statement. On non-english versions of HP-UX 10.20 and AIX systems, there might be problems with certain font sizes; text characters may be truncated, hidden, or otherwise hard to read. This has been reported to the Java providers for these platforms, and may be fixed in either a future release of Java, or in a hotfix. * Registration on Intel In some cases, multiple field specification is not supported, contrary to instructions in the registration form. * Access List Checking Access list checking may not behave as expected in all cases. For example, a user whose user ID does not appear in a component's access list may be able to view all TeamConnection objects for that component. * TCMerge Help The TeamConnection merge tool requires the full path for its online help to operate correctly. In UNIX, change the HELP environment variable in the and profile.user samples profiles to the following: export HELP=$TC_HOME/www/http/$LANG * TCAdmin GUI Documentation: Users should first complete the Help Settings dialog in the Family Administrator dialog to specify the locations of the Web Browser, Acrobat Reader and the Softcopy Pubs. General: - Users may see intermittent Java exceptions when using the TeamConnection Family Administrator functions. These are due to limitations of Java (JFC) and can largely be ignored. - The minimum screen resolution required by TCAdmin is 800x600. 640 x 480 is not a supported resolution. - Users may have some difficulty getting the context menu to display if they click mouse button 2 on the family icon on the TeamConnection Family Administrator main dialog. This is an intermittent problem. - Avoid modifying any fields in the SuperUser portion of the Required Properties dialog after a family has been created. If you wish to change the Security Level of a family to "Password or Host", you can use the Required Properties dialog to make this change, but do not enter a password in the SuperUser section. Use the TeamConnection client Modify Password or TeamConnection Login dialog to specify a password for the superuser. Configurable Fields: - Configurable fields for defects and features that were defined in TCAdmin as "Required on Accept" may not display as required fields on the Accept Defects and Accept Features dialogs. This will be fixed in a future release. - The Configurable Field Type dialog is missing the 'HelpText' column for the configurable field types 'serial' and 'phone'. They can still be used, however, on all UNIX and OS/2 platforms. - When using TCAdmin to define a new configurable field type, do not insert new values on the first row on the Field Type dialog. Begin inserting values after the first row that contains the Help Text. Family Monitor: For best results using the Family Monitor Window on the Family Server window, decrease the refresh interval down to 1 second. If the Monitor information is going to be ignored, increase the refresh interval to a large number. These Java responsiveness issues will be addressed in a future release. UNIX: - UNIX users may see the following message intermittently when invoking tcadmin, even if the NLSPATH and TC_LANG environment variables are set correctly: "Unable to identify the directory containing the files required by TCADMIN. Please verify your NLSPATH or user the -f parameter." If this occurs, just try invoking TCAdmin again. - UNIX users may see the following message on the TCAdmin Family Servers dialog when they stop their TeamConnection family server: "0010-495 The following error occurred: Invalid argument when the TeamConnection server processes the shared memory operation on the TeamConnection server. The TeamConnection server cannot obtain the control structure for shared memory. The TeamConnection server will operate normally." This message can be ignored. - Driver and dependent configurable field types do not work correctly. This will be fixed in a future release. UNIX and OS/2: - The configurable field type 'list' does not work correctly on OS/2 and UNIX platforms. This will be fixed in future release. Solaris: On Solaris, you should not "background" (i.e., tcadmin &) the tcadmin script. If a user backgrounds the tcadmin script, any attempt to start a family within tcadmin will result in Java monopolizing all of the Motif resources. In this case, no one will able to log in to the machine and it could possibly hang the session that it was started in, which may require that your machine be rebooted. The tcadmin script already backgrounds the Java process that it starts by default, so backgrounding the script would be a redundancy. AIX: When using TCAdmin on AIX (in 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 levels of the JDK) with multiple families, avoid using the context menu on the main panel due to the fact that the wrong family may be chosen. The selection area for each family overlaps about 1/2 of the row below it. This problem was fixed in Version 1.1.6 of the Java Developer's Kit (JDK). OS/2: Occasionally, when TCAdmin is initialized, it will end abruptly after displaying the following warning: "The settings file could not be found. No settings were loaded." If this happens, retry running TCAdmin. If the problem persists, run tcadmin -log. Once TCAdmin is run successfully, this problem should cease. Windows NT: - The 'Recycle Daemon' button on the Family Server dialog will stop the family daemon instead of recycling it. - The IBM-supplied configurable field types 'serial' and 'phone' will not work on a Windows/NT server. This is a permanent restriction. - On Windows/NT, an MS/DOS window with the teamcd daemon running in the foreground will display when the TeamConnection family is started. This window can be minimized. - Intermittently, connections to the database remain after a family is stopped. As a result, users may see the following SQL message when trying to drop, backup, or restore a database: SQL1035N The database is currently in use - SQLSTATE=57019 The following DB2 commands can be used to force a reset: db2 force application all db2 disconect all The commands run asynchronously, so you must wait a sufficient amount of time to ensure they complete. The following DB2 command can be used to determine if all applications have been disconnected from the database: db2 list active databases * Configurable fields - If you have 20 configurable fields on parts, you may get a DB2 error message -670, which states that the view is too large if you do a report -view partview -raw and specify a configurable field in the 'order by' clause. Use the report -general command to limit the number of columns shown. - When querying the config table, if you receive DB2 errors regarding multiple rows returned on a scalar select, please check if the config table has duplicate rows in it for the same configtype and name. If there is, correct the config.ld file and reload the config table. * Authentication Resynchronization If a client logs into the Team Connection server and the server is recycled, sometimes the client and the server cannot resynchronize the authentication. All client actions are rejected by the server. To solve the problem, terminate all of the client programs, including any teamc commands, the GUI, and the login manager. After the clients have been terminated, restart the client programs and log back into the server. You may need to do this twice, because when a client has logged onto the server and attempts to log in again, the server automatically logs the client out; the client may not synchronize with the server correctly. Whenever the client logs into the server, a login manager is started automatically on the client. This login manager runs in the background. To terminate this manager, issue the following command: teamc tclogin -KILL_TCLOGINMGR * Windows NT 4.0 Installation Fails to Create Folders Before installing the current fullpak for Windows NT 4.0, determine whether your target system has IBM Anti-Virus 2.5.2 or higher 2.5.x level installed. If it does, your TeamConnection installation may complete without errors, but fail to create folders. An interaction between the SHELL entry and InstallShield prevents folders from being created during installation. This behavior occurs with ANY software installed on a Windows NT 4.0 system using InstallShield. IBM Anti-Virus 3.x fixes the problem by changing its append to SHELL. SOLUTIONS: To resolve this problem, perform ONLY ONE of the following corrective actions: 1. Upgrade to Anti-Virus 3.x, and then install TeamConnection. 2. Remove IBM Anti-Virus, install TeamConnection, and then re-install IBM Anti-Virus. 3. a. VERY CAREFULLY edit the SHELL registry entry located in: HKey_Local Machine/Software/MicroSoft/Windows NT/current version/winlogon b. You should see: SHELL REG_SZ: explorer.exe,xxxxxx Record the portion of the string that reads ',xxxxx' (including comma and data), and then delete it from the entry, so that only 'explorer.exe' remains. c. Install TeamConnection. d. Edit the 'HKey_Local Machine/Software/MicroSoft/Windows NT /current version/winlogon' SHELL entry again, and restore the ',xxxxx' portion of the string. * IPF_PATH32 If you include IPF_PATH32 as a single pointer, and the product that sets that value is uninstalled and removes the variable, or a newly-installed product (such as VA TeamConnection) adds another value that supersedes the single pointer, any products depending on the single pointer (such as Workframe, PL/I, and Cobol) will no longer work. The solution is to change the value back to the original single pointer. However, if you do this and then a product that removes this variable instead of its entry (only) is uninstalled, the original problem will return. * Files in the tmp Directory (UNIX) TeamConnection UNIX servers create files in the tmp directory of the form /tmp/TCSem_. UNIX servers also create a file called /tmp/TCSharedMem.. These files are entries for resources shared among the TeamConnection servers. When the tcstop command is issued, these files are automatically cleaned up after the servers are terminated. If you do not use tcstop, these files will remain until you remove them. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you use tcstop to stop server daemons. Do NOT remove these files while the Team Connection servers are running; the results will be unpredictable and may jeopardize your data. If you are absolutely sure that NO families are running, these files can be removed. * Web Client - The PartBuild dialog does not issue any build status messages visible to the user during a build. Use the PartViewMsg dialog to view build messages. - When using the Netscape browser on Intel for the HTML Web client, users may sometimes see page corruptions when using the frame separator bar to resize dialogs. A workaround is to click on the frame with mouse button 2 and select Reload Frame to force a reload of the frame. - The Logout pushbutton on the VisualAge TeamConnection Common Tasks Web client page will log the user off of the HTML server. The user will see the message "Authorization failed. Retry?" At this point, the user is logged out of the TeamConnection HTML server. The user may then either select Cancel, or select the OK pushbutton, at which point the Login dialog is presented again. * Microsoft Source Code Control Feature Due to certain architectural features of the Microsoft Source Code Control API, the TeamConnection integration with PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and Visual C++ may exhibit differences in interface behavior. The following is a listing of SCC feature limitations, on a by-IDE basis when appropriate. General Limitations: - If you modify a part path name under SCC feature control within TeamConnection, the part's pathname does not change name under SCC. Therefore, SCC operations on the newly renamed part are not reflected in TeamConnection. - TeamConnection settings dialog box may display twice when adding a project to SCC. Clicking OK each time successfully adds the project to SCC. - If you check out a part through TeamConnection (rather than through SCC), you may not be able to check in the same part through SCC if you specify a destination directory in the Destination field. If the Destination field is left empty, SCC can check the part back in. - Advanced Check-in with breaking links does not work unless you specify the other (common) workareas that contain the part. It is advisable to use the TeamConnection GUI for this action. PowerBuilder - When PowerBuilder registers a new object with TeamConnection, it creates a temporary file that is stored in the TC database. This file already has the "header" information (first 2 lines that appear during a PowerBuilder Export) before it is passed to TeamConnection. These files CANNOT then be imported to another library; however, it does not affect normal checkin and checkout functionality. Visual Basic Limitations: - Under certain circumstances, the filename passed to the SCC is NOT in the same case in which the part was created in TeamConnection, so the SCC function call passed to TeamConnection may fail because TeamConnection IS case sensitive. This can be seen when asking for a history of a part stored in TeamConnection (SccHistory call), and the results will indicate that the file does not exist. A new environment variable (TC_SCCCASE) now exists that can be set to UPPER or LOWER to specify whether all file names are upper or lower case. - There is no online help available. Visual C++ Limitations: - If you are adding files to SCC and select the Select all option, all of the field text in the dialog is selected, but the check boxes associated with text may not be checked. Then, if you select ADD, you will receive an error message indicating that nothing is selected. However, if you select one of the check boxes, the other check boxes are also selected. - After removing a part from SCC, you may not be able to add (re-register) it back into SCC, even though it is possible to recreate the part in TeamConnection. - Under certain circumstances, the filename passed to the SCC is NOT in the same case in which the part was created in TeamConnection, so the SCC function call passed to TeamConnection may fail because TeamConnection IS case sensitive. This can be seen when asking for a history of a part stored in TeamConnection (SccHistory call), and the results will indicate that the file does not exist. A new environment variable (TC_SCCCASE) now exists that can be set to UPPER or LOWER to specify whether all file names are upper or lower case. * VisualAge Teamconnection Enterprise Server Bridge - To enable the VisualAge Teamconnection Enterprise Server Bridge, you must use the Envy/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge R1.02 configuration map for a Version 3 server. For a Version 2 server, use Envy/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge R1.01. - You must have a host list specified if you are using the ENVY/Manager-TeamcConnection Bridge with a family server using HOST or PASSWORD_OR_HOST security. The bridge does not support login passwords. - There is a known performance problem associated with the menu choice Tools->TeamConnection Bridge->Import Files when a large number of parts exist in the database. Until this is fixed, if you need to import files from TeamConnection, it is suggested you use the TeamConnection GUI or command line interface to import files. * MVS Build Server Build server installation instructions are located in the VisualAge TeamConnection User's Guide. Additional Information for MVS Build Server ------------------------------------------- 1. The MVS build server is built on OS/390 LE v2r4 and has been tested on OS/390 v2r4 and v2r5. To use it at your location, you must be at least at v2r4, and LE must be enabled for C++. The MVS builder in fixpack v3.0.2 is not supported on OS/390 versions earlier than v2r4. 2. The following environment variables are available - TC_BUILDER_RECYCLE_COUNT=n If this variable is set, then after n builds, the build server will terminate. - TC_BUILDER_RESTART_CMD=command If this variable is set, then the specified command will be submitted. The intent is to restart the build server. For example, TC_BUILDER_RESTART_CMD=submit 'USERID.TEAMC.JCL(RUNPGMT)' This is supported only if the build server is started under IKJEFT01 as in RUNPGMT. 3. @ symbol for non-English MVS environments The @ symbols in TC_FAMILY (for example: testfam@myhost@9090) need to be in US English, that is, x'7C'. In some non-English environments @ is at a different codepoint. In such cases, edit the file containing TC_FAMILY, and use x'7C' where @ is expected. 4. The environment variable dataset (ddname EDCENV) may now be included inline, that is: //EDCENV DD * TC_FAMILY=.. TC_BUILDPOOL=.. ... /* 5. Specific defects fixed in fixpak v3.0.2 are: - memory leak problems cause MVS Build server to crash - large text output files are truncated * Tivoli Software Distribution If you plan to the use Tivoli Software Distribution Bridge (teamcpak), you must add the Tivoli "bin" directory in the PATH of the client invoking the teamcpak command. This includes build servers that will invoke the softdist build script which uses the teamcpak command. Also, for UNIX clients you must include the Tivoli "lib" directories in the LIBPATH (AIX), LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris), and SHLIB_PATH (HP-UX). Your Tivoli administrator can give you the full path name where your Tivoli managed node installation is located. * Editing Parts on UNIX Systems To edit parts on UNIX systems, the TMP environment variable must be set to a valid directory. For example, export TMP=/tmp. * UNIX GUI - Before using the UNIX GUI "teamcgui", add /usr/dt/lib to the end of your LIBPATH (AIX), LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris), or SHLIB_PATH (HPUX). - To use mnemonics, you must use the key for the main menu item, then the key for the subsequent ones. For instance, if you want the Releases filter (Objects->Releases->Releases) you type: o r r * Loading Additional Models to the TeamConnection Server There are two methods to instruct the TeamConnection server to load additional models, so that tools that are built on TeamConnection, such as DataAtlas, can be used. These methods, currently undocumented, include: 1) An environment variable, TC_MODELS. 2) The -l option on the teamcd command. Refer to the tool-specific documentation (typically the product's readme.txt file or User's Guide) for information on which models to load using either of these methods. VisualAge Teamconnection Enterprise Server Bridge users: The model name for ENVY is _tcenvy. * tcstop If more than one TeamConnection family has been created on an NT server, tcstop will only stop the first family created. Users may have to use the NT Task Manager to stop the second family (or enter CTRL-C). * Workframe on NT There is a limitation on getting parts into a project. The recommended workaround is to either extract or checkout the parts to the project directory, and then select Refresh Now from the View menu. * Version 2 Client Support Version 2 clients will not function properly with FixPak 3.0.2 level servers. As a general rule, the client and server code should be at the same level. Support for 3.0.1 level clients attached to FixPak 3.0.2 level servers is provided as a migration aid. *** On UNIX platforms, if there are parts in the 2.0 database that do not have an fmode, they will be extracted during migration with the "sticky" bit set. Migration will then fail while trying to run. To prevent this error, do the following for each release to be migrated: 1. Run the following report on the 2.0 database (replacing yourRelease with the name of the release): teamc report -view partview -release yourRelease -where "fmode is null" 2. For each part returned by this query, issue the following part -modify command and replace partNamewith the name of each part and yourRelease with the release it is located in: teamc part -modify partName -release yourRelease -fmode 0644 *** Smart Guide for the Team Connection client install freeze The Smart Guide for the Team Connection client install freezes on the Japanese Win95 operating system, requiring you to cold boot the system. This occurs only when using the Japanese Win95 operating system. Additonally, another WIN32 SDK function, GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), frequently returns a value of: INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE --- 0xFFFFFFFF. Neither of these effects occur on the other platforms used by Team Connection (including Japanese Windows NT) or in any other language. *** HP JDK C.01.15.05 Write Bug In either TCMerge or TCAdmin, using HP JDK C.01.15.05 and the Korean locale, Java deletes one character every 8K when writing out a file. The most visible side effect of this occurs when the creation of a family fails during the "Updating the configurable types" step. HP intends to fix its Java. However, until then, a hot fix will be available from IBM. *** HP JDK DBCS character bug In TCAdmin on HP, you cannot enter DBCS characters. This problem has been reported to HP, and should be fixed in a future release of HP's Java. =========================================================================== Lotus Notes Issues ------------------ * Latest Lotus Notes Issues 1. The installation and setup documentation is contained in the TeamConnection User's Guide, Part 3: Using TeamConnection Notes Integrated Databases 2. The primary Notes database file: teamc.nsf, and its template fhcnotes.ntf, are installed in the following subdirectory: \nls\cfg\ENU. They must be moved to your Lotus Notes environment according to the installation and setup documentation. 3. Customers using Notes release 4.6.1 or higher are encouraged to use the Notes support supplied in this FixPak. Changes in Notes 4.6.1 can cause unusual behavior during Setup of TeamConnection Notes databases shipped in the earlier releases and FixPaks. 4. This FixPak extends Notes functionality in the areas of web enablement and integration with TeamConnection. A complete list is maintained in the starter database Teamc.nsf. You can view the document containing the changes by selecting this database after moving it to your Notes environment, right mouse click on the database icon, select Goto ..., and select the All Documents view. In there is a single document titled: Summary of Notes Database Changes for TeamConnection FixPaks 3.0.1/3.0.2, which contains all the details. * Lotus Notes Integrated Databases - In UNIX, if you receive the message, "Error in loading DLL", perform the following steps: 1. Edit your .profile in your home directory. 2. Find the line containing the LIBPATH. 3. Add :/usr/lib to the LIBPATH. 4. Run you .profile. Access Control Issues: - The TeamConnection Notes support utilizes the hierarchical naming structure for Notes user IDs (for example, John Smith/Raleigh/IBM). This means that individual users and users in groups should be specified in the Access Control List (ACL) for your database with the hierarchical name. Use of flat names is not recommended. The documents are stored with the author's hierarchical name imbedded in the document. - Users with special roles like Administrator and Project leader should be defined as individuals and not as members of a group in the ACL. An ACL group can be defined for all the general users who will create documents. The group should be assigned the role of Author to permit creation of numbered documents. General Lotus Notes Issues: - Lotus Notes Integrated databases inherit their document review and document archiving functions from the document library template supplied by Lotus with Notes. If there are problems with those functions, they may be inherent in the original functionality supplied by Lotus. - The database archive function is inherited function from the Document Library template supplied by Lotus. Testing has indicated that it will archive main documents but not response documents. The archive database is an empty copy of your source database. To access archived documents, the Setup process must be run on the archive database. - The default access as defined in the TeamConnecton Notes database ACL is Manager. This allows administrators setting up databases for the first time to be able to add themselves and others. In the database an administrator makes available to a user community, access should changed to an appropriate level. Author access may be appropriate, though you might choose to be more restrictive. For detailed information regarding database tuning and configuration controls, refer to the VisualAge TeamConnection Software home page at: ("Library" item) * Lotus Notes Changes and Upgrade Information for FixPak 3.0.2 1. Upgrading TeamConnection Notes databases from Version 3.0.0 to FixPak 3.0.2 a) To upgrade existing Notes databases to the latest version you must apply the 3.0.2 template fhcnotes.ntf using the Notes function "Design Replace". See the Chapter 8 of the User Guide for specific instructions. b) If your have been using the "Review Cycle function" in your Version 3.0.0 databases it is recommended that you migrate those review documents using a migration agent supplied in Version 3.0.2. The agent is titled: Migration (3.0.2 FixPak). When you run it you will be prompted before proceeding. A log of all changes will be created at the conclusion and stored in the database as a Notes document. =========================================================================== Additional Information ------------------------------------------ * Usage notes about TCADMIN - VisualAge TeamConnection ships with a tool called TCADMIN that you can use to create a family or to modify family properties. For example, you can use TCADMIN to modify authorization groups, to add configurable fields, or to add user exits. You can also use TCADMIN to manually start and stop the family and notification daemons. However, you cannot use TCADMIN to perform unattended activities (such as stopping a family and backing up the database). To perform unattended activities, you must use TeamConnection line commands. For example, you can start a family by using the teamcd command as explained in Chapter 4 of the Administrator's Guide. - TCAdmin now knows about families started outside of TCAdmin If a family is started outside of TCAdmin (or by another copy of TCAdmin), TCAdmin will not allow the family to be modified or deleted. If this occurs, there will be a message in the Family Servers window stating: "The family is already running outside of tcadmin." There may also be a message in the Notification Server window stating: "If the Notification Server was started outside of tcadmin, the output is not available." * part -delete Name command now renames files When you delete a part, the part is renamed by adding a tilde (~) to the begining of its original name. For example, if you delete FOO.DOC, it is renamed to: ~FOO.DOC. (If ~FOO.DOC already exists, it is renamed to ~~FOO.DOC, and so on.) If you want to re-create a part that was deleted, you must re-create it using the renamed name. * LIBPATH environment variable for AIX CDE users In order to exploit the LIBPATH environment variable, you must set it in your .kshrc file. If you do not export the variable in the .kshrc you will receive the following error messages when trying to use product: >> Could not load program teamc >> Could not load library libfhccmnc.a To use the .kshrc, please ensure that the following is in your .profile: export ENV=${HOME}/.kshrc An alternative is to re-source your .profile as in the following: . ${HOME}/.profile * DB2 Configuration Parameters FHCIRT sets the following Database Configuration parameters to non-default values to improve database performance and functionality: All platforms: logfilsiz = 4000 applheapsz = 1280 logprimary = 5 logsecond = 30 buffpage = 12000 dlchktime = 1000 Solaris: dbheap = 2400 Intel: dbheap = 600 catalogcache_sz = 32 maxappls = 40 locklist = 50 app_ctl_heap_sz = 128 * Samples There are several pieces of sample code in the samples directory. The samples are not intended to be used as live code, but can be adapted to your site's purposes. In particular, see files with the fhbh* naming convention. For example, the current release includes sample COBOL parser code written in C. This o code is provided so that users can modify the source code for the platform of their choice. The samples directory includes the following COBOL parser source files: fhbcpp.c fhbcpp.h func.c * Content Manager (Windows NT only) The Content Manager is an extension to VisualAge TeamConnection intended for use by content authors and web site developers to enable them to easily access and use TeamConnection to manage their web site contents. The use of Content Manager is independent of the source of the files under its control. The contents can be created under any authoring or development tool. The Content Manager code and readme file are available in the contentm directory in the root of the product CD-ROM. ========================================================================= Sample Parser Files ------------------- The following sample parser files are shipped with TeamConnection and are installed on the server in the SAMPLES directory mvsasmp.c mvsasmp.h mvsasmp.exe (Intel only) func.c fhbcpp.h fhbcpp.c fhbcpp.exe (Intel only) fhbwpars.c fhbwpars.exe (Intel only) fhbcpp1.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcpp2.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcpp3.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcbp.exe (OS/2 only) fhbcbprs.cmd (OS/2 only) fhbplprs.cmd (Intel only) =========================================================================== Getting Help ------------ Available Documentation ----------------------- The following is a list of the TeamConnection publications. These publications are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) form. To access the Acrobat softcopy files, either install the softcopy publications component during installation or go to one of the following directories on the product CD-ROM: softpubs/en_US (for AIX and Solaris) softpubs/en_US.iso88591 (for hpux10) or nls\doc\ (for Intel) See the file called in the directories above for instructions on how to obtain a free copy of the Acrobat Reader Version 3.0 or higher from the Adobe homepage. The file also provides information about printing PDF files on a PostScript printer. IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the diversity of PostScript printer drivers and configurations available, it may be necessary to print segments (page ranges) of a document at a time to obtain a complete printed document. The following documents are available in printed and PDF form: Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients (SC34-4552): getstart.pdf User's Guide (SC34-4499): usrgde.pdf Administrator's Guide (SC34-4551): admgde.pdf Commands Reference (SC34-4501): cmdref.pdf These documents are installed as part of the VisualAge TeamConnection product. Hardcopy-only Documents: Quick Commands Reference (SC34-4500) Staying on track with VisualAge TeamConnection processes poster (SC34-4558) Softcopy-only (PDF) Documents: Installation Guide (GC34-4742) (install.pdf) Note: These documents are available on the product CD-ROM. They are located in the softpubs/ (for UNIX) or nls\doc\ (for Intel) directory. Technical Reports and White Papers: See the IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Library home page for the most up-to-date list of technical reports. For important information regarding database tuning and configuration controls, refer to the VisualAge TeamConnection Software home page at: ("Library" item) Software dependencies: Please refer to the VisualAge TeamConnection Software home page at: ("Downloads" item) for pointers to the appropriate levels of Java, Adobe Acrobat, Netscape and operating system fixes required for VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3.0.2. =========================================================================== Service and Technical Support ----------------------------- VisualAge TeamConnection Services! VisualAge TeamConnection services offerings will provide customers with the tools to quickly establish a more productive and efficient development environment. These services offerings focus on the LAN library component of VisualAge TeamConnection and on the Repository function of VisualAge TeamConnection. If you are interested in the VisualAge TeamConnection Services, select the "Support" item at: VisualAge TeamConnection Newsgroup You can access VisualAge TeamConnection technical information, exchange messages with other VisualAge TeamConnection users, and receive information regarding the availability of FixPaks by accessing the TeamConnection newsgroup at news:// VisualAge TeamConnection Support If you have a question or a problem, please take a moment to review the Customer Support section from any of the manuals for the VisualAge TeamConnection product. Your options for VisualAge TeamConnection support, as described in your License Information, include the following information (subject to availability). IBM LOTUS PASSPORT ADVANTAGE PROGRAM For more information on the IBM Lotus Passport Advantage volume licensing program which provides customers with a series of contract offerings under which they can acquire licenses, software subscriptions, and support, go to: DB2 SUPPORT Even though DB2 is bundled with VisualAge TeamConnection you should contact VisualAge TeamConnection Support to report DB2 problems. The licensing for VisualAge TeamConnection does not entitle you to contact DB2 Support directly. For a complete and up-to-date source of DB2 information, use the DB2 Product and Service Technical Library, in English only, on the World Wide Web at: FOR NORTH AMERICAN CUSTOMERS ELECTRONIC FORUMS You can access VisualAge TeamConnection technical information, exchange messages with other users, and receive information regarding the availability of FixPaks by logging on to the following news group: news:// In the United States, call 1-800-547-1283. Internet Go to the IBM homepage, Use the search function with keyword TeamConnection to go to the VisualAge TeamConnection area. Access the TeamConnection directory in our ftp site. Use ftp and login as anonymous to In the directory ps/products/teamconnection you can find fixes and information related to VisualAge TeamConnection. Telephone Support ----------------- Direct customer support is provided by the Personal Systems Support Line and by the AIX Support Line. These fee services enhance customers' productivity by providing voice and electronic access to the IBM support organization. They will help answer questions pertaining to usage, "how to," and suspected software defects for eligible products. The following are phone numbers for software support in the US: United States: Personal Systems Support Line: 1-800-237-5511 AIX Support Line: 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) Canada 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378) Note: In the US, 1-800-237-5511 is the Software Support phone number for all IBM software (390, OS/400, AIX, Personal Systems, etc.). You may call this number and take the option for OS/2 - DOS support, which then transfers you to 1-800-992-4777 for the Personal Systems (workstation) products, or you may call 1-800-992-4777 directly. Obtaining product information packages: United States 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Canada 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Ordering TeamConnection products: United States 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Canada 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) TeamConnection education: United States 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) Canada 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) While we may not be able to respond to or resolve all problems and questions, your satisfaction with our products and support is important to us. If you cannot access these forums, contact your IBM representative. There are several other support offerings available after purchasing IBM VisualAge TeamConnection. If you live within the U.S.A., call any of the following numbers: - 1-800-237-5511 to learn about available service options - 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) to order products or get general information - 1-800-879-2755 to order publications. SUPPORT FOR CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA For information on how to contact IBM outside of the United States, see Appendix A of the IBM Software Support Handbook, which can be located by selecting the "Service Offering" item at: Note: In some countries, IBM-authorized dealers should contact their dealer support structure instead of the IBM Support Center. ===================================================================== Trademarks ---------- The following terms are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: AIX DB2 DB2 Universal Database IBM Lotus Domino Lotus Notes OS/2 TeamConnection Tivoli VisualAge The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Adobe Adobe Systems Incorporated Acrobat Adobe Systems Incorporated HP-UX Hewlett-Packard Company HotJava Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Sun Microsystems, Inc. Netscape Navigator Netscape Communications Corp. PowerBuilder Powersoft Corp. Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Solaris Sun Microsystems, Inc. VisualBasic Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft ======================================================================== Your Satisfaction ----------------- Your satisfaction with IBM is important to us. If you are not totally satisfied with this product, please contact us through one of the Service and Technical support channels listed above. Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are dissatisfied. Provide your name, your organization's name, and your telephone number so that we can contact you. We will work with you to resolve your concerns.