Subject: Hot fixes for VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Fixpak 2 Original Date: March 15, 1999 Hot Fixes --------- Hot fixes are interim fixes shipped by the VisualAge TeamConnection development team that do not follow the normal (planned) fixpak schedule. These fixes are tested, but not through our normal regression test cycle. THEY SHOULD ONLY BE APPLIED TO INSTALLATIONS AT VERSION 3, FIXPAK 2 LEVEL. Hot Fixes Shipped for Version 3, fixpak 2 ----------------- Hot Fix #1 - 03/12/1999 (as for Intel/OS2 and for Intel/Windows) -------------------- INTEL Installation -------------------- a) Unzip the appropriate file for your platform. Note: Unzip the hot fix zip file, with the option to create directories! The Server parts are in the SERVER directory, client parts in the CLIENT directory, common parts in the COMMON directory. The hotapply.cmd command file will copy/rename the appropriate files from these directories. b) Make a DB2 database backup before processing. 1. Invoke a DB2 command window by running the following command: DB2CMD 2. Back up your TeamConnection database using the DB2 Backup command. The syntax of the DB2 backup command is: db2 backup database family_name to backup_directory 3. Substitute your family name for family_name and a directory path for your backed up database for backup_directory. The DB2 backup utility will place a compressed version of the database in the backup directory path. Be sure to set file permissions for the backup directory such that the compressed backup file is accessible. Note: For details on backing up DB2 databases, see the DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide. Also refer to the TeamConnection Installation Guide for information on using the backup command. c) A Rexx command file, HOTAPPLY.CMD, has been provided to automate this task. The original parts will be renamed with a file type of .ntt (for example migtc.exe becomes migtc.1xe) before HOTAPPLY copies the parts included in this hotfix. From OS/2, execute: hotapply.cmd From Windows NT, execute: rexx hotapply.cmd Note: DB2 for Windows NT includes a version of REXX. *** Details on what is done by HOTAPPLY.CMD *** >> COMMON Apply The tasks in this section can be automatically done by HOTAPPLY.CMD. The following information provides information on what needs to be done manually if you chose not to use HOTAPPLY.CMD. Please apply the following two common parts: * Change the directory to the COMMON directory: cd COMMON * Copy 'readme.txt' (this is an update to the fixpak readme.txt): copy readme.txt %TC_HOME% copy readme.txt %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\enu * Copy '': copy %TC_HOME%\nls\msg\enu >> SERVER Apply The tasks in this section can be automatically done by HOTAPPLY.CMD. The following information provides information on what needs to be done manually if you chose not to use HOTAPPLY.CMD. Please apply the changes for server installs from the SERVER directory. Ensure that no TeamConnection process should be running. Make backups of the existing dlls in the 'teamc'\dll directory, and replace with the updated dlls. Make backups of the existing exes in the 'teamc'\bin directory, and replace with the updated exes. Backup the '*.bnd' files in the 'teamc'\nls\cfg directory, and copy the bnd files. Copy mg0.c to the SAMPLES directory (new part). After backing up your family database, you must rebind all family data bases using the new files. Syntax is : "fhcirt *.bnd " (TC_FAMILY must be set to the family name being processed) ********************************************************** These steps must be run for each family ! ********************************************************** >> CLIENT apply The tasks in this section can be automatically done by HOTAPPLY.CMD. The following information provides information on what needs to be done manually if you chose not to use HOTAPPLY.CMD. Please apply the changes for client installs from the CLIENT directory. No TeamConnection process should be running. Make backups of the existing dlls in the 'teamc'\dll directory, and replace with the updated dlls. ********************** Details on what files are changed ****************** <> **************************************************************** 32538 - wrong behavior on userExit id 1 when rc <> 0 Duplicate defects: 32807 32946 - Updates to the readme file 32965 - WebClient only allows one common release on PartCheckIn 32844 - Build status constraint with workarea -undo 32947 - Records shown on access list 32972 - Modify 0011-222 message to say that user is not currently logged in 32974 - out of synch problem and rc 128 problem 33026 - Intermittent trap in FHCRSCLI during populate 33064 - Migrate partfullview fails 33105 - Ovewriting of older parts when adding driver members Duplicate defects: 32674, 32718 Documentation changes: a) Defect 33105: A userExit C program for MemberCreate exitid 0 (samples/c/MC0.c) was added. This user exit prevents users from adding driverMembers that are in a fix state. File changes: DLL fhmhttpd.dll (NT) fhmkrnl.dll (NT) fhmmystc.dll (NT) fhmservr.dll (NT) BIN migtc.exe (NT) DLL fhchttpd.dll (OS2) fhckrnl.dll (OS2) fhcmystc.dll (OS2) fhcservr.dll (OS2) BIN migtc.exe (OS2) root and ENU readme.txt (this is a revision of the fixpak302 readme) NLS\MSG\ENU (some messages are reworded for clarity) NLS\CFG _tcbase.bnd adlink.bnd admerge.bnd adobject.bnd adsqlsvr.bnd advroot.bnd fhccntxt.bnd fhcfgfld.bnd fhcversn.bnd session.bnd tccollc.bnd tctrans.bnd samples mc0.c ***************************************************************** >