Subject: Hot fixes for VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Fixpak 1 Original Date: January 8, 1999 Updated January 25, 1999 - the WIN part FHCRSCLI.DLL has been modified to remove references to cppwm35i.dll February 2, 1999 - Reworded the instructions on how to run the Analyzer.CMD REXX file; minor change for hotapply. February 3, 1999 - Minor reformatting. Hot Fixes --------- Hot fixes are interim fixes shipped by the VisualAge TeamConnection development team that do not follow the normal (planned) fixpak schedule. These fixes are tested, but not through our normal regression test cycle. They are available to customers to use at their own risk. THEY SHOULD ONLY BE APPLIED TO INSTALLATIONS AT VERSION 3, FIXPAK 1 LEVEL. Hot Fixes Shipped ----------------- Hot Fix #1 - 11/12/1998 (as for Intel/OS2 and for Intel/Windows) This is a server only update, no client parts are included Hot Fix #2 - 12/16/1998 (as for Intel/OS2 and for Intel/Windows ) This is a server and client update. Hot Fix #3 - 01/08/1999 (as for Intel/OS2) and 01/25/1999 (as for Intel/Windows ) This is a server and client update. Note: Hot Fix #3 includes all changed parts from #1 and #2. -------------------- INTEL Installation -------------------- Unzip the appropriate file. Note: Unzip the hot fix zip file, with the option to create directories! The Server parts are in the SERVER directory, client parts in the CLIENT directory. The hotapply.cmd will copy/rename the appropriate files from either/both directories. A Rexx command file, HOTAPPLY.CMD, has been provided to automate this task. DB2 database backup should be run before using HOTAPPLY. Original parts will be renamed with .3** (eg _tcbase.3nd) filetypes before HOTAPPLY copies the hotfix parts. The hotapply command will not run fhcfupdv, analyzer.cmd or related commands (reorg, runstats). Windows NT users should issue from a command window: rexx hotapply Note: DB2 for Windows NT includes a version of REXX. >> SERVER Apply Please apply the changes for server installs from the SERVER directory. No TeamConnection process should be running. Make backups of the existing dlls in the 'teamc'\dll directory, and replace with the seven updated dlls. Make backups of the existing exes in the 'teamc'\bin directory, and replace with the two updated exes. Backup the '*.bnd' files in the 'teamc'\nls\cfg directory, and copy the 19 bnd files. Do the same for the one ddl file, and the 8 ddv files. Before installing the V3.0.1 hotfix over the V3.0.1 code, it is HIGHLY recommended that you back up your TeamConnection database using the DB2 Backup command. The syntax of the DB2 backup command is: 'db2 backup database family_name to backup_directory' Substitute your family name for family_name and a directory path for your backed up database for backup_directory. The DB2 backup utility will place a compressed version of the database in the backup directory path. Be sure to set file permissions for the backup directory such that the compressed backup file is accessible. Note: For details on backing up DB2 databases, see the DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide. Also refer to the TeamConnection Installation Guide for information on using the backup command. After backing up your family database, you must update all family data bases using the new files. Syntax is : "fhcirtup loadfiles" (TC_FAMILY must be set to the family name being processed) >It is possible to get the following error during fhcirtup. >This error can be disregarded. > css: 0012-002 The following SQL error was detected: File Name: fhclevel.sqc > Line: 61 SQLCODE: -603 SQLSTATE: 23515 SQLMessage: SQL0603N A > unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are > duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns. SQL > STATE=23515 Recovery: - Contact your system administrator. >Please verify that you have the following index with a db2 query >db2 "select * from sysibm.sysindexes where name='FHCLEVELMEMNODUP' " >If the index does not exist please run the following ddl statement >db2 "CREATE INDEX FHCLevelMemNoDup ON FHCLevelMember( osrelLevelId, osrelTrackId, workAreaOVersionId );" After fhcirtup completes, run "fhcfupdv table view" as required. for example, with TC_FAMILY set to 'family1' and TeamConnection installed in 'f:\teamc', fhcirtup f:\teamc\nls\cfg\*.dd* f:\teamc\nls\cfg\*.bnd fhcfupdv Defect.tbl DefectView fhcfupdv Defect.tbl DefectDownView fhcfupdv Feature.tbl FeatureView fhcfupdv Feature.tbl FeatureDownView fhcfupdv Part.tbl PartView fhcfupdv Part.tbl PartFullView fhcfupdv User.tbl Users fhcfupdv Release.tbl ReleaseView fhcfupdv Workarea.tbl WorkAreaView If you do not issue the fhcfupdv command, you may get an SQL 727 error message when doing queries agains the view that was not updated. ********************************************************** These steps must be run for each family ! ********************************************************** Running analyzer.cmd can improve performance of the family. See the comments in analyzer.cmd or the description at the bottom of this readme. >> CLIENT apply No TeamConnection process should be running. Make backups of the existing dlls in the 'teamc'\dll directory, and replace with the six (WIN) or three (OS2) updated dlls. Make a backup of the existing exe in the 'teamc'\bin directory, and replace with the one updated exe. A Rexx command file, HOTAPPLY.CMD, has been provided to automate this task. Original parts will be renamed with .3** filetypes before HOTAPPLY copies the hotfix parts. Windows users should use 'rexx hotapply' from a command prompt. Note that while a version of REXX is always installed on the VATC server (ships with DB2), REXX may not be present on VATC clients. >> ANALYZER.CMD INSTRUCTIONS This process should produce the optimal statistics and performance. This allows DB2 to recalculate the optimal access plans for the static SQL in the TeamConnection application. 1. On NT start a DB2 command window by performing one of the following: * Start -> Programs -> DB2 for Windows NT -> Command Window or * From a normal Command Window, issue: db2cmd 2 Change the directory to the family directory, such as: cd f:\teamc\testfam 3. From the command window (DB2 CLP) backup the database, such as: db2 backup database testfam to f:\teamc\testfam\backup 4. db2 connect to testfam (where testfam is the name of the family) 5. db2 reorgchk update statistics on table user > reorgchk.out This will check all the tables that were created by this user and produce an output file called "reorgchk.out" 6. In OS/2, run: analyzer reorgchk.out In NT, run: rexx analyzer reorgchk.out This will create a file with the necessary reorgs of tables,indexes and then the runstats to update the statistics in the DB2 catalogs. In this example, the command file is called: reOrg033.cmd 7. Run the output of step 6. For example: In OS/2, run: reOrg033 testfam In NT, run: rexx reOrg033 testfam 8. Rebind the database. Run: fhcirt c:\teamc\nls\cfg\*.bnd Where c:\teamc is the location where TeamConnection is installed. Note: teamc report -view commands use dynamic sql so the rebind is not necessary if you are having problems with views. 9. Backup again the database. NOTE: - Sometimes it is sufficient just to do a runstat and rebind, but our scripts will reorg any tables or indexes that were flagged by DB2 as needing a reorg. ********************** Details on what files are changed ****************** <> This is a server and client update, please see Installation section. ******Server****** 32411 PartView Performance fixes 32134 Driver Commit fails on Memory Leak Server Parts (new) fhcrssvr.dll (OS2) fhmrssvr.dll (NT) fhcirtup.exe fhcfupdv.exe adsqlsvr.bnd _tcbase.ddl usrviews.ddv _adview.ddv _ewswfvt.ddv _tcbase.ddv _tcbuild.ddv _tcenvy.ddv _tcmod.ddv _uml.ddv (per HotFix2 and HotFix1) fhccmns.dll (OS2) fhcmodel.dll (OS2) fhcmystc.dll (OS2) fhbbuild.dll (OS2) fhckrnl.dll (OS2) fhchttpd.dll (OS2) fhmcmns.dll (NT) fhmmodel.dll (NT) fhmmystc.dll (NT) fhmbuild.dll (NT) fhmkrnl.dll (NT) fhmhttpd.dll (NT) _tcmod.bnd fhcaccss.bnd fhclevel.bnd fhcpath.bnd fhcuser.bnd _tcbuild.bnd tccollc.bnd fhcfgfld.bnd _tcbase.bnd admerge.bnd adobject.bnd adlink.bnd fhcversn.bnd tctrans.bnd advroot.bnd fixup.bnd fhccntxt.bnd session.bnd *******Client****** 32480 tcbv traps on recursion build trees Client Parts (new) tcbv.exe (from HotFix 2) fhcclint.dll (both) fhccmnc.dll (both) fhcrscli.dll (both) fhmclint.dll (WIN) fhmcmnc.dll (WIN) fhmrscli.dll (WIN) <> <> This is a server and client update, please see Installation section. ******Server****** 31995 workarea -integrate/driver -commit can overlay part changes with an older version. 32091 PMR81427 DriverMember create works when we there should be a Collision 32346 Removes a bottleneck for concurrent access to the family. This fix will improve the concurrency of read-only commands when update commands are running. 32319 cdf processing blows up on large values in workarea -export/-import 32330 Teamcbld dies when trying to remove a timed out job from the build queue. Server Parts (new) fhccmns.dll (OS2) fhcmodel.dll (OS2) fhcmystc.dll (OS2) fhmcmns.dll (NT) fhmmodel.dll (NT) fhmmystc.dll (NT) _tcmod.bnd fhcaccss.bnd fhclevel.bnd fhcpath.bnd fhcuser.bnd (per Hotfix1) fhbbuild.dll (OS2) fhckrnl.dll (OS2) fhchttpd.dll (OS2) fhmbuild.dll (NT) fhmkrnl.dll (NT) fhmhttpd.dll (NT) _tcbuild.bnd tccollc.bnd fhcfgfld.bnd _tcbase.bnd admerge.bnd adobject.bnd adlink.bnd fhcversn.bnd tctrans.bnd advroot.bnd fixup.bnd fhccntxt.bnd session.bnd *******Client****** 32305 allow colons in wa names. This is needed for V2->V3 migration of fine-grained data. 32319 cdf processing blows up on large values for workarea -export/-import 32331 PMR 82434 Expand Build tree fails with memory errors in tcbv. Client Parts fhcclint.dll (both) fhccmnc.dll (both) fhcrscli.dll (both) fhmclint.dll (WIN) fhmcmnc.dll (WIN) fhmrscli.dll (WIN) <> <> **************************************************************** This is a server only update, no client parts are included 31928, 31946 Have the web client and repository use the optimized PartView views. This is a significant performance fix. 31651 DriverMember -delete fails with internal error 6021-139. 31965 Builder Modify fails with a constraint violation fhmkrnl.dll (NT) FHMhttpd.dll (NT) fhmbuild.dll (NT) fhckrnl.dll (OS2) FHChttpd.dll (OS2) fhbbuild.dll (OS2) _tcbuild.bnd tccollc.bnd fhcfgfld.bnd _tcbase.bnd admerge.bnd adobject.bnd adlink.bnd fhcversn.bnd tctrans.bnd advroot.bnd fixup.bnd fhccntxt.bnd session.bnd ***************************************************************** > ** end of file **