Subject: SCC Hot fix for VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3.0.2 and earlier Date: February 28, 1999 File: Usage: This version of the tcscc.dll can be used in place of all previous versions of the file. This Hot fix supercedes Hot fix All fixes contained in and are also included in SCC Hot Fixes -------------------------------- SCC Hot fixes are interim fixes shipped by the VisualAge TeamConnection development team that do not follow the normal (planned) fixpak schedule. These fixes are tested, but not usually through our normal regression test cycle. They are available to customers to use at their own risk. Unlike other VisualAge TeamConnection hot fixes, the SCC is isolated in that this hot fix can be applied to any previous VisualAge TeamConnection version (2 and higher) that included the SCC interface DLL (tcscc.dll). IT IS ALWAYS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU SAVE A COPY OF THE INSTALLED VERSION OF THE DLL AS A BACKUP. SCC Fixes (NT and Win95 Only) for hfscc03 -------------------------------- Along with some general improvements in reliability, support was added for IBM Websphere Studio, along with additional testing on other IDEs. The fixes include the following: 32535 Wallop Build-IT needs the .wao and .nbl files in read/write mode when adding them to TeamConnection. Even if the files are not checked out, they still need to be writeable. 32563 Changed Browse button results for the Workarea Browse button in the TeamConnection Settings dialog to display only workareas that are in the fix state. 32729 The Rename function did not work in IBM WebSphere Studio. 32773 The TeamConnection SCC command that is issued through the IDE GUI grabbed focus from the desktop. This would happen while working in another window causing the user to re-focus to the window in which the user was working. 32814 IBM Websphere Studio uses a "Check-out" directory which 33017 can cause problems if changed by the user in the TeamConnection Settings dialog. Changes to the working directory passed from the Websphere Studio environment are no longer allowed in the TeamConnection Settings dialog. SCC Fixes (NT and Win95 Only) for hfscc02 (included in hfscc03 also) -------------------------------- 31430 Visual C++ calls SccDiff when working with .dsp files. When selecting to display the history of a .dsp file, Visual C++ automatically calls SccDiff (which runs TCMerge) before the SccHistory call is made. To suppress this action, set the TC_SCCDIFFSET environment variable to -auto. The call will be made but TCMerge will end with no comparison being made or shown. 31543 File names in mixed case cause problems with some IDEs. The SCC APIs make no assumptions on file name casing when the filenames are passed in the API calls. In some instances, the names may be passed with a different case from one call to the next, depending on the method of filename selection. Since the filenames are case sensative in TeamConnection, this can cause a "file not found" error condition. There is no control over the filename that is passed from the IDE however, an environment variable has been added as a work around. TC_SCCCASE can be set to UPPER or LOWER in order to force the casing of the filenames in all of the SCC API calls. 31782 The teamc command fails with only root directories specified. When using the root directory (ie D:\) as the "relative" directory, the teamc command that is issued through the SCC API would fail with a 0010-860 TeamConnection error. A work around has been put into the SCC code to avoid this condition. 31977 Performance issues between using PartView and PartFullView. Some versions of TeamConnection have better performance with PartView while others work better with PartFullView. PartView will be used as the default but you can override this by setting the TC_SCCREPORT environment variable to PARTFULLVIEW. 32165 Stack overflow problems with large lists. A stack overflow problem may have been encountered when querying a large number of parts or when a large number of parts (over 1500) are contained within a single workarea. 32326 Browse button on TeamConnection Settings dialog shows garbage. Using any of the Browse buttons on the TeamConnection Settings dialog could cause garbage to be displayed in the list of parts when there were more than just a few items on the list. 32418 Status of files not updated correctly so the user could not access files that were available. This was found in Visual C++ but may have been a problem elsewhere. 32425 Environment variable TC_SCCDISPERR created. Added this environment variable to NOT display TeamConnection error messages. Set this variable to OFF in order to suppress error message display. This is useful when extracting many files so the user need not interact with the GUI. Setting this to any other value (or not at all) displays all TeamConnection error messages. SCC Fixes (NT and Win95 Only) for hfscc01 (included in hfscc03 also) -------------------------------- 25343 Visual Basic can't access parts on network drive. If a Visual Basic project was on a network drive, the SCC could not access the parts since the filename was being passed as a remote name and not a logical name. 30447 SccProperties displays GUI where input is allowed. When a user would look at the properties of the project, the properies dialog would appear which allowed for input, which would cause problems since the project was already loaded. The GUI was changed to read-only fields. 30435 SccDiff was not working. This function has been fixed so that the user can now see a comparative difference between the latest version of the file in TeamConnection with the current copy on the user's machine for most IDEs. There is however, still a problem comparing files using PowerBuilder 30481 SCC unloads when TC_SCCLOG is active In some instances the use of TC_SCCLOG environment variable caused TCSCC.DLL to unload on a new installation. 30626 Debug version of tcscc.dll included in non-debug version The debug version of the tcscc.dll file was included in the product and in some cases would not run. This can be seen by an error message appearing to indicate that the MFC42D.DLL file could not be found. 31106 Parts aren't qualified with a directory (base name only) Actions performed on a part through the SCC supplied ONLY the base name to TeamConnection, so when a part was added (for example), it would ONLY be stored as abc.c for the "New Path Name" in TeamConnection. Modifications were made to the code and user interface to allow for the storage and access to parts with a directory structure. This now allows the part abc.c to be accessed as abc.c, examples/code/c++/source/abc.c, test/abc.c, etc based on the value set in the "Working Directory" field on the TeamConnection Settings dialog. SCC HotFix Installation -------------------------------- End all TeamConnection tasks before proceeding. For --------------- Backup the existing tcscc.dll (located in the DLL directory of the TeamConnection Client, the environment variable TC_HOME ). points to the TeamConnection root directory.) Example: copy %TC_HOME%\DLL\tcscc.dll %TC_HOME%\DLL\tcscc.$dl . Download as binary. Unzip creating hfscc03.dll and hfscc03.txt. Copy the new hfscc03.dll into the TeamConnection Client's DLL directory as tcscc.dll.