IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server : Announcing Fixpak 3.0.7

FixPak 3.0.7 is now available

VisualAge TeamConnection FixPak 3.0.7 is now available and it includes all the fixes since FixPak 3.0.4.For a list of these fixes, consult the Release Notes.

This FixPak can be used to upgrade previous installations of TeamConnection V3.0.3 HotFix 1, V3.0.4, V3.0.5 or V3.0.6. For the installation and upgrade details, consult the Read-Me file.

If you have an earlier release of TeamConnection installed onyour system, consult the Instructions to upgrade to fixpak 3.0.3 HotFix 1.

Ordering VisualAge TeamConnection FixPak 3.0.7

To order this FixPak do the following:

  1. From within the United States, call the IBM support center at 1-800-237-5511 and have the following information available:

    To call the IBM support center from outside the United States, choose a contact number from the IBM Software Support Contact Numbers web site.

  2. Follow the voice prompts to speak with a representative.
  3. Ask to order Corrective Service for VisualAge TeamConnection.
  4. Provide the PTF number and the Component ID for each platform required.

    Your order will be processed and should arrive within 5-10 business days.

List of PTFs and Component IDs by operating system

Operating System Component ID PTF Numbers:

VATC V3.0.7
(1 CD)

PTF Numbers:

Auxiliary Software Updates *
(2 CDs)

AIX 5639F0702 U472244 U476119
HP-UX 5639F0702 U472245 U476120
Solaris 5639F0702 U472246 U476121
Windows 5639F0703 U472247 U476122
OS/2 5639F0703 U472248 U476123
FixPak 3.0.7 README file

* Required for upgrading versions prior to V3.0.3 HotFix 1. Optional if upgrading from V3.0.3 HotFix 1 or later.

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JDK / JRE Downloads

Platform JDK/JRE Download
WindowsNT Sun JDK Download Site
Sun JRE Download Site
OS/2Warp IBM JDK Download Site
AIX IBM JDK Download Site
HP-UX HP-UX JDK Download Site
Solaris Sun JDK Download Site

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