SUBJECT: Hot fixes for VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Fixpak 2 DATE : March 16, 1999 HOT FIXES --------- Hot fixes are interim fixes shipped by the VisualAge TeamConnection development team that do not follow the normal (planned) fixpak schedule. They are available to customers to use at their own risk. THEY SHOULD ONLY BE APPLIED TO INSTALLATIONS AT VERSION 3, FIXPAK 2 LEVEL. HOT FIXES SHIPPED ----------------- HOT FIX #1 - 1999-03-16.tar HOT FIX #1 ---------- 32538 - SERVER wrong behavior on userExit id 1 when rc <> 0 Duplicate defects: 32807 32965 - SERVER WebClient only allows one common release on PartCheckIn 32844 - SERVER Build status constraint with workarea -undo 32947 - SERVER Records shown on access list 32972 - SERVER Modify 0011-222 message to say that user is not currently logged in 32974 - SERVER out of synch problem and rc 128 problem 33026 - CLIENT Intermittent trap in FHCRSCLI during populate 33064 - SERVER Migrate partfullview fails 33105 - SERVER Ovewriting of older parts when adding driver members Duplicate defects: 32674, 32718 33105 - SERVER sample userExit C program for MemberCreate exitid 0 (samples/c/MC0.c) Prevents users from creating driverMembers that are in a fix state. INSTALLATION ------------ For this example assume the tar file, 1999-03-16.tar is located in /tmp. 0. login as root 1. cd /tmp 2. tar -xvf 1999-03-16.tar hfi 3. ./hfi NOTE: hfi (hot fix install) will first check to ensure that TeamConnection is not running on your system. It will then prompt you for the following information: o TeamConnection code HOME directory o TeamConnection hot fix tar file name o TeamConnection hot fix fileset (server,client,all) Provided that all the requested information is correct, the utility will then make backup copies of all the base parts to be replaced by the hot fix process (e.g. libfhckrnl.a will be libfhckrnl.a.1999-03-16). After completing the backup the new parts will be copied into the proper directories. FAMILY REQUIREMENTS ------------------- 0. login as family account 1. backup the database 2. bind the database fhcirt ${TC_HOME}/nls/cfg/*.bnd *** end of file