IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT Readme This Readme contains information about the following topics: 1) Introducing IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT 2) System Requirements 3) Restrictions 4) Installing TCP/IP for Windows 95 5) Installing TCP/IP for Windows NT 6) Checking the Driver Type and Bindings 7) Installing the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 8) Enabling DHCP on your Computer 9) Functional Differences in IBM Dynamic IP Client running on Windows 95 versus Windows NT 10) Troubleshooting 11) Uninstalling IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 12) Trademarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Introducing IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT Dynamic IP integrates the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and the Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS). DHCP is a client/server protocol that enables you to centrally locate and dynamically distribute configuration information, including IP addresses. DHCP is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) and adds the capability of automatically allocating reusable network addresses and distributing additional host configuration options. DDNS is a protocol that defines extensions to the Domain Name System (DNS) to enable DNS servers to accept requests to update the DNS database dynamically and securely. These extensions define mechanisms for adding and deleting names and associated resource records. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) System Requirements To use the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 or Windows NT, you must have the following programs installed on your computer: a. Microsoft Windows 95, or Windows NT (version 4.0 and higher) b. Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT TCP/IP component (Please refer to Readme topic 4, "Installing TCP/IP for Windows 95" or topic 5, "Installing TCP/IP for Windows NT" for more information.) You must also have access to the following: a. IBM OS/2 Warp DDNS server or IBM AIX DDNS server b. DHCP server Notes: - We recommend using either an IBM OS/2 Warp DHCP server or an IBM AIX DHCP server to ensure automatic IP address-to-hostname mapping updates. - The computer on which you have Windows 95 or Windows NT installed must obtain its IP address using DHCP, using either a LAN or ethernet connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Restrictions a. You may enable only one adapter for Dynamic IP. b. If you press either the Release button or the Release All button on the winipcfg program dialog under Windows 95, you may experience unpredictable results with the hostname-to-IP address or IP address-to-hostname mappings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Installing TCP/IP for Windows 95 You must install TCP/IP for Windows 95 on your computer before you install IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95. To install TCP/IP for Windows 95: a. Click the Start button on the task bar. b. Highlight Settings. c. Click Control Panel to open the Control Panel folder. d. Double-click the Network icon to open the Network window. e. Does TCP/IP appear in the component list? - If it does, then TCP/IP is already installed on your computer. Click OK to close the Network window, then refer to Readme topic 4, "Checking the Driver Type and Bindings." - If it does not, install TCP/IP for Windows 95: 1) Click the Add button in the Network window to open the Select Network Component Type window. 2) Highlight the Protocol entry, then click the Add button to open the Select Network Protocol window. 3) Highlight Microsoft from the Manufacturers list, then highlight TCP/IP from the Network Protocols list. 4) Click OK to return to the Network window. 5) Insert either the Windows 95 CD in the drive bay or the Windows 95 diskette 1 in the A: drive, then click OK. 6) Ensure that TCP/IP appears in the Installed Network Components list, then click OK to close the Network window and copy the files to your computer. 7) Click the Yes button to restart your computer when prompted. For more information about installing TCP/IP for Windows 95: a. Click the Start button on the task bar. b. Click Help. c. When the Help Topics window displays, search on TCP. d. Select Help Topic "Installing a Network Protocol." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Installing TCP/IP for Windows NT You must install TCP/IP for Windows NT on your computer before you install IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT. To install TCP/IP for Windows NT: a. Click the Start button on the task bar. b. Highlight Settings. c. Click Control Panel to open the Control Panel folder. d. Double-click the Network icon to open the Network window. e. Does TCP/IP appear in the protocol list? - If it does, then TCP/IP is already installed on your computer. Click OK to close the Network window, then refer to Readme topic 6, "Checking the Driver Type and Bindings." - If it does not, install TCP/IP for Windows NT: 1) Click the Add button in the protocol tab of the Network window. 2) Highlight TCP/IP from the Network Protocols list. 3) Click OK. 4) Insert either the Windows NT CD in the drive bay or the Windows NT diskette 1 in the A: drive, then click OK. 5) Ensure that TCP/IP appears in the Installed Network Components list, then click OK to close the Network window and copy the files to your computer. 6) Click the Yes button to restart your computer when prompted. For more information about installing TCP/IP for Windows NT: a. Click the Start button on the task bar. b. Click Help. c. When the Help Topics window displays, go to the index. d. Select Help Topic "Installing Network Protocols." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Checking the Driver Type and Bindings To check the driver type and bindings: a. Open the Properties window: 1) Click the Start button on the task bar. 2) Highlight Settings. 3) Click Control Panel. 4) Double-click the Network icon. b. Check the driver type and bindings for Windows 95: 1) Highlight LAN network adapter. 2) Click the Properties button. 3) Click the Driver Type tab. 4) Highlight the network driver type. Examples: Adapter Driver Type ------- ----------- IBM Token-Ring Real mode (16-bit) NDIS driver IBM Token-Ring Credit Enhanced mode (32 bit and 16 bit) Card Adapter II NDIS driver 5) Select the Bindings tab. Ensure TCP/IP is checked. 6) Click OK. c. Check the adapter type and bindings for Windows NT: 1) To check your adapter settings, go to the Adapter tab and view the list of Network Adapters configured on your system. 2) To check your adapter and protocol bindings, go to the Bindings tab. Choose to Show Bindings for: all adapters. Click on the adapter that should be bound to TCP/IP to expand it. Verify that TCP/IP is listed underneath the adapter. For more information, refer to Windows 95 or Windows NT Help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7) Installing the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT To install the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT: a. Insert diskette 1 in your A: drive. b. Click the Start button on the task bar. c. Click Run. d. Type A:\setup in the entry field when the Run window displays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8) Enabling DHCP on your Computer You must enable DHCP before using the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Complete this step either before or after installing the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT. To enable DHCP on your computer: a. Close all open programs. b. Click the Start button on the task bar. c. Highlight Settings. d. Click Control Panel to open the Control Panel folder. e. Double-click the Network icon. f. Highlight the TCP/IP protocol component. If more than one TCP/IP entry appears, select the TCP/IP entry for your LAN adapter. Double click the entry. g. Select Obtain an IP Address Automatically on the IP address tab of the TCP/IP Properties notebook. h. Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties notebook. i. Click OK to close the Network window. j. Click the Yes button to restart your computer when prompted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9) Functional Differences in IBM Dynamic IP Client Running on Windows 95 Versus Windows NT The only difference a user will see between running the IBM Dynamic IP Client on Windows 95 versus Windows NT is the flexibility of automatic DDNS updates. When running on Windows NT, DDNS updates will occur at the correct time intervals, as well as whenever a user manually renews or releases their lease using IPCONFIG. When running on Windows 95, DDNS updates will only occur automatically at the correct DHCP renewal intervals. Manual renewal and release of leases using WINIPCFG on Windows 95 will not coincide with an automatic DDNS update. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Troubleshooting Review the following information if you are unable to connect to your network using Dynamic IP. For further help, contact your system administrator or send e-mail to a. Verify you have obtained an IP address and subnet mask: 1) Click the Start button on the task bar. 2) Click Run. 3) Type winipcfg on Windows 95 or ipconfig on Windows NT in the entry field, then click OK. - If your IP address displays, ping it: * Click the Start button on the task bar, then click Run. * Ping your IP address. If you receive a reply, ensure that the IP address is identical to the one displayed by the winipcfg or ipconfig program. * Ping your TCP/IP hostname. If you receive a reply, ensure that the IP address is identical to the one received in Step 3 above. - If either your IP address does not display, or it displays but you are unable to ping it by its IP address or TCP/IP hostname, verify: * Your computer is attached to the network. * The DHCP server is serving a Domain Name Server, or DNS is configured on the Windows 95 or Windows NT TCP/IP properties page. * The DHCP server program is running in the server. * The DHCP server is configured to serve this client an IP address. - If you cannot ping your computer by hostname, verify: * The name server specified as the primary domain name server exists in your network (ping it), and the name server program is running on that computer. * The domain is configured as a dynamic secured domain on the Dynamic Domain Name Server. * The domain name specified is correct, and is owned by the domain name server. * The TCP/IP hostname specified is unique in your network. - Verify the subnet mask displayed by the winipcfg or ipconfig program: * Contact your system administrator to confirm the subnet mask displayed by the winipcfg or ipconfig program. - If you ping your host name, and the IP address displayed does not match that displayed by the winipcfg or ipconfig program, verify that your host name is unique in your network. 4) If you are running Windows NT, enter "nslookup " on the command line to verify that DDNS Server has the proper hostname-to-ipaddress mapping in its database. b. If problems persist, turn trace on to generate diagnostic data: 1) Click the Start button on the task bar, then select Programs. 2) Select Dynamic IP Configuration from the Dynamic IP Client folder on the Programs menu. 3) Select the Diagnostics tab of the Dynamic IP information dialog. 4) Click the Trace checkbox to enable trace, then select a filename. 5) Click the Dump button, and specify a filename for the dump output. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Uninstalling IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 or Windows NT To uninstall the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 or Windows NT: a. Click the Start button on the task bar. b. Highlight Settings. c. Click Control Panel to open the Control Panel folder. d. Select Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel folder. e. Select Dynamic IP Client V1.0 from the Install/Uninstall page of the property sheet. f. Click the Add/Remove button. This will uninstall the IBM Dynamic IP Client for Windows 95 and Windows NT program from your computer. Note: Restart your computer before reinstalling the Windows 95 and Windows NT Dynamic IP Client program. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Trademarks Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.