.**********Readme Text file********************************************* .* .* Copyright: (c) COPYRIGHT .* IBM Corporation 1995 .* All rights reserved. .* .* Product: SystemView for OS/2 60 day Evaluation Code .* .* Product release level: VERSION 1.1 .* .* Purpose: README TEXT FOR SYSTEMVIEW FOR OS/2 60 DAY EVALUATION CODE .* .*********************************************************************** IBM License Agreement for SystemView for OS/2 60-day Evaluation Code: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. INSTALLING OR USING THE PROGRAM CONTAINED IN THIS PACKAGE INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PRODUCT. ************************************************************************ PROGRAM OPERATION: ************************************************************************ This package contains IBM License Agreement for the SystemView for OS/2 V.1.1 product (hereinafter referred to as Program). ************************************************************************ TERM AND TERMINATION: ************************************************************************ License for the Program terminates 60 DAYS after the first run of the product. Upon termination, you agree to destroy all copies of the Program. You may terminate your license at any time by destroying all your copies of the Program. If you order the product, you can continue to use it by downloading and installing the production licenses as described below: From the production CD, copy the following files: - NSSYSV.LIC - C5697146.LIC in your SYSVIEW2/BIN directory which is the directory where SystemView for OS/2 V1.1 was originally installed. The production license for the manager will be automatically installed the next time SystemView for OS/2 Support Program starts. The client licenses need to be installed and distributed according to the documentation (SystemView Up and Running| pages 76-79, paragraphs:"Customizing License Use Runtime Servers", "Customizing License Use Runtime Clients", and "Installing SystemView Licenses"). Refer also to the READ.ME file in the section describing the changes to the SystemView Up and Running Manual. ************************************************************************ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: ************************************************************************ The Program contains a 60-day evaluation code. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES (OR CONDITIONS), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES (OR CONDITIONS) OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, EVEN IF IBM OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ADDITION, IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CLAIMED BY YOU BASED ON ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIM. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation for consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you. You agree that you have no agreement which prohibits the use of the Program. If you use the Program in the United States, this license is governed by the laws of the State of New York. If you use the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license is governed by the laws of the country in which you use the Program. *********************************************************************** * SystemView for OS/2 V1.1 at a Glance *********************************************************************** * SystemView for OS/2 V1.1 (SystemView in the rest of this text) is a set of systems management applications that provides the LAN administrator, working at a central SystemView manager . workstation, with tools to monitor and manage OS/2 and Windows managed Systems (SystemView clients) on a LAN. SystemView tools for the administrator include hardware and software inventory; software distribution; remote control of managed systems; monitoring use of hardware and of critical software files; generation and handling of alerts; application sharing; license use management through SystemView License Use Management Runtime for OS/2; and more. SystemView includes tools to help the administrator manage single workstations and groups of workstations; maintain SystemView data on a DB/2 or Lotus Notes database; schedule systems management services to happen at a specified date and time; and tailor access to each managed system for security purposes. Systemview also provides the end user at the managed system with tools to perform a variety of systems management tasks on the local system. SystemView operates on a single NetBIOS, TCP/IP, or IPX LAN, or multiple LANs connected by routers or bridges. Serial connection control of systems connected by modem is also supported. The SystemView configuration can include one or more SystemView managers on a LAN. Multiple SystemView managers can be specialized by task (for example, a help desk, an inventory controller, and a software distribution center), or each one can provide all services to an assigned set of managed systems. At least one SystemView manager must be set up as a License Use Runtime Server. If you plan to use Software Distribution, at least one SystemView Manager must be set up as a Software Distribution server. National Language Support versions are also available for the following: German, French, Japanese, S-Chinese, T-Chinese, Korean, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Spanish, Dutch. *********************************************************************** * SystemView for OS/2 Publications *********************************************************************** * SystemView Up and Running|, SH19-4184, contains an overview of SystemView functions; detailed installation and configuration instructions; and user scenarios to help you get started with SystemView SystemView License Use Management Runtime for OS/2 Administrator's and User's Guide, SH19-4187, explains how to install, configure, and use SystemView License Use Management Runtime for OS/2 to manage the use of licenses for enabled software products. Both books are available in these forms: PRINTABLE FILES: Printable PostScript versions are provided on the product CD. The files are called IKOO0MST.PS and I4DU2MST.PS and are available in the Server code. You can print them before installing the product, using whatever method you have set up for printing to a PostScript printer. DISPLAYABLE SOFTCOPY: BookManager files, viewable with Library Reader or BookManager, are provided for the server and client components. The files are IKOO0MST.BOO and I4DU2MST.BOO. INF versions are also provided. The files are called IKOO0MST.INF and I4DU2MST.INF. A READ.ME file is provided for the server and the clients. It contains changes made after the publications went to press. *********************************************************************** * BEFORE YOU INSTALL SYSTEMVIEW *********************************************************************** * Before you install SystemView, ensure that you have the required hardware and software installed on your workstations. **************************************** * SystemView Manager Hardware Requirements **************************************** * The minimum requirements for a SystemView manager that is also a a distribution server and License Use Runtime server are as follows: - 486 50Mhz processor - 28MB RAM (for 20-30 active distribution clients) - 48MB RAM (for 100 active distribution clients) - 35-57MB disk space, depending on the components installed, plus 25MB required temporarily during the installation process - Enough disk space to store the software objects for distribution and inventory databases - CD-ROM drive for product installation - Token-ring or Ethernet card - Modem (for serial connection control) Notes: ------ 1) In a LAN configuration for 20-30 clients, the distribution server requires 9MB RAM when the distribution clients are active. 2) In a LAN configuration for 100 clients, the distribution server requires 30MB RAM when the distribution clients are active. These are the minimum requirements for a SystemView manager without the distribution server or License Use Runtime server: - 486 50Mhz processor - 16MB RAM (for 20-30 clients) - 24MB RAM (for 100 clients) - 28-50MB disk space, depending on the components installed, plus 25MB required temporarily during the installation process - Disk space for inventory databases - CD-ROM drive for product installation - Token-ring or Ethernet card - Modem (for serial connection control) **************************************** SystemView Manager Software Requirements **************************************** The following is required on the SystemView manager workstation: - OS/2 Warp 3.0 - Products to support the appropriate communication protocols. One of the following communications protocols is required for SystemView manager and client communication: - NetBIOS: - Multiprotocol Transport Services (MPTS) 1.0 or later (LAPS level WR08000) - TCP/IP: - IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 2.0 with CSD UN64092 installed or later - IPX/SPX: - Novell NetWare Requester 2.10 or later Note: License Use Runtime servers and clients in an IPX/SPX network must run NetBIOS in MPTS in addition to the NetWare requester. ********************* Database Requirements ********************* To export data, such as hardware and software inventory information and alerts, to a database, you must have one of these database systems: - DB2/2 CAE Version 1.2 with Service Pack Level WR07037 or later, plus REXX - Lotus Notes Release 3.2 or later on the Lotus Notes server, plus Lotus Notes Client Release 3.2 or later on SystemView manager systems that will export to the database *************************************** SystemView Client Hardware Requirements *************************************** Minimum hardware requirements for a SystemView client are: - 386 processor - 8-12MB RAM, depending on the components installed - 16-46MB disk space, depending on the components installed, plus 8MB required temporarily during the installation process - Modem (for serial connection control) *************************************** * SystemView Client Software Requirements *************************************** One of the following is required on the client workstation: - OS/2 2.11 or OS/2 Warp 3.0 - IBM DOS 6.3 and Microsoft Windows 3.1 - IBM DOS 7.0 and Microsoft Windows 3.1 - MS-DOS 6.2 and Microsoft Windows 3.1 One of the following communications protocols is required for SystemView manager and client communication: - OS/2 Client: - NetBIOS: - Multiprotocol Transport Services (MPTS) 1.0 or later (LAPS level WR08000) - TCP/IP: - IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 2.0 with CSD UN64092 installed or later - IPX/SPX: - Novell NetWare Requester 2.10 or later Note: License Use Runtime clients in an IPX/SPX network must run NetBIOS in MPTS in addition to the NetWare requester. - Windows Client: - NetBIOS: - LAN Support Program (LSP) 1.35 or later - TCP/IP: - IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 2.1.1 - IPX/SPX: - Novell NetWare Client for DOS and MS-Windows 1.21 ************************* Preinstallation Decisions ************************* Before you install, be sure you are prepared to supply the information that will be requested during installation. Be ready to select: - SYSTEM NAME: This name can be, but is not required to be, the same as the NetBios or TCP/IP hostname. - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: The drive and directory where you want to install the product. The default is C:\SYSVIEW2 for OS/2 and C:\SYSVIEWW for Windows. Components to install: ---------------------- For a SystemView manager, the components and their sizes are: - ADMINISTRATOR CONSOLE: (28MB) - the basic SystemView manager functions required on every SystemView manager. - LICENSE USE RUNTIME SERVER: (2.7MB) - SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION SERVER: (4MB) - SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION OBJECT PREPARATION: (5MB) - the component required to create the software objects that are distributed - SYSTEMVIEW DOCUMENTATION IPF FORMAT (.INF) (1.6MB) - the INF versions of the SystemView publications - SYSTEMVIEW DOCUMENTATION BOOKMANAGER FORMAT (11MB) - the BookManager versions of the SystemView publications - LIBRARY READER (3.8MB) - the software for reading the BookManager r version of the publications For a client, the components and their sizes are: - SYSTEMVIEW CLIENT: (16MB in OS/2; 21MB in Windows) - the basic functions to enable an administrator to manage the workstation; required on every client. Includes the distribution client. - SYSTEMVIEW CLIENT GRAPHICAL INTERFACE:(3.5MB in OS/2; 4.5MB in Windows) - SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION OBJECT PREPARATION: (5MB in OS/2; 1.1MB in Windows) - the component required to create the software objects that are distributed - LICENSE USE RUNTIME CLIENT: (5MB, OS/2 only) - SYSTEMVIEW DOCUMENTATION IPF FORMAT (.INF): (1.6MB) - the INF versions of the SystemView publications - SYSTEMVIEW DOCUMENTATION BOOKMANAGER FORMAT: (11MB) - the BookManager versions of the SystemView publications - LIBRARY READER (3.8MB in OS/2; 5MB in Windows) - the software for reading the BookManager version of the publications Transport protocol: ------------------- NetBIOS, TCP/IP, or IPX/SPX, or a combination. If you select NetBIOS, you need the adapter address, which you can get from IBMCOM\LANTRAN.LOG. During installation, you will also have the opportunity to specify various other options. Alternatively, you can accept the defaults during installation and make changes as necessary later, using the SystemView Configuration icon in the SystemView folder. ************************************************************************* INSTALLING SYSTEMVIEW ************************************************************************* The product is packaged into five ZIP files as described below: FILE NAME CONTENTS SIZE (bytes) ------------ ------------ ------------ server_a.zip SystemView Manager 12254007 (1st zip file) ----------------------------------------------------------- server_b.zip SystemView Manager 13613292 (2nd zip file) ----------------------------------------------------------- server_c.zip SystemView Manager 9062352 (3rd zip file) ----------------------------------------------------------- client_2.zip SystemView client 25108862 (OS/2) ----------------------------------------------------------- client_w.zip SystemView client 15801283 (Windows 3.1) ----------------------------------------------------------- SystemView Manager Installation: ------------------------------- - Create a directory for the manager code on your PC and receive the three zip files as binary in the directory. - Check the sizes of each file in the table above. - run the PKUNZIP command with the -d option to unzip the files one at a time starting from server_a. Example: C:\SERVER_2\pkunzip -d server_a.zip - After unzipping all three files, from the command prompt type INSTALL - The SystemView installation panel will be displayed. Follow the instructions indicated in the other sections of this text. - After installation has completed, reboot your machine. SystemView Client Installation: ------------------------------- - Create a directory for the client code on your PC and receive the client zip file as binary in the directory. - use PKUNZIP with the -d option as indicated in the previous section to unpack the code. - From the command prompt type INSTALL ********************End of Text ***************************************** *************************************************************************