****************************************************************** * LIST AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS SOLVED * * INSTRUCTION ABOUT DOWNLOADING * ****************************************************************** PRB_ID : Client cannot change variables. DESCRIPTION : From SystemView Client Station open 'Software Installation' icon, then 'Software Products Catalog' icon. Select from menu 'Target' then 'All Variables'. Set a list of variables and values. Select OK. Closing 'Software Products Catalog' icon then starting again, defined variables are no more displayed. PRB_ID : Remote Workstation Control and Software Distribution do not work if UserID is not authorized to all services. DESCRIPTION : From SystemView Service Manager select 'Security Manager'. Click on 'Edit/Display Incoming Password'. Unselect at least one among listed 'Services' and save. It is not possible anymore to open a session with Remote Workstation Control and/or Software Distribution with any client. PRB_ID : CID Software Preparation : *.ADF files are not moved to SWLIB subdirectory when 'FIND' option is used. DESCRIPTION : Open 'CID Software Preparation' and select 'Software Library' icon. From 'Software' pull-down menu select 'New'. From 'New Software' pop-up window press 'FIND' push-button. When *.ADF files are found under directory different from SWLIB, selecting ADD push-button they are not moved to SWLIB subdirectory even if objects are created in the 'Software Library' window. HOW TO EXTRACT SVFIX001.EXE: --------------------------- Create a temporary directory where download SVFIX001.EXE . This file is self-extracting, use the following command: SVFIX001 -d ( -d option will create directories SERVER_2 , CLIENT_2 )