1.1 General Information =================== This is the 4 fixpak for TME 10 Netfinity Server. It fixes the problems specified below and includes the new level of NetFinity (4.0.3). After installing the current fixpak, the modifiaction level and/or servicelevel will be changed to 000004. If you already have the servicelevel 3 installed or available, you can use the same fixpak under the subdirectory BIS of the current directory. To install the current fixpak, on top of the existing product, you must install the TME 10 NetFinity Server CD image on a code server. To prepare the code server type the following command from an OS/2 window: xcopy :\*.* :\ /s For example: xcopy f:\*.* d:\tme10 /s where f is the cd_drive and d:\tme10 is your_dir. To make easier the download procedure from the Boulder site, we have split this fixpak in 114 small files. To rebuild the original package, it is necessary to run our procedure as described in the 1.2 section. Under Boulder site you can find the svss4 directory that has the following structure : x:\svss4\readme.txt : a guide to install fixpak (this file) \join.exe : a tool to build the original package \svss4.cmd : a command file to invoke our tool \1-2-......114 : files necessary to our tool for building the original package (svss4.zip) 1.2 How to install the fixpak ========================= Execute the following steps to apply this fixpak: 1) Download all svss4 directory from Boulder site on a temporary directory (For Example d:\csd) 2) From an OS/2 window, run the command d:\csd\svss4.cmd 3) Unpack the current fixpak (svss4.zip) in a temporary directory ( for example d:\csd ), using the command: pkunzip2 -d svss4.zip d:\csd At end of this step, under d:\csd you can find svss4 directory including all new code 4) Xcopy the temporary directory (d:\csd\svss4) on the code server directory For example: xcopy d:\csd\svss4 d:\tme10 /s 5) Xcopy the "dsktimg" directory on the code server directory For example: xcopy d:\csd\dsktimg d:\tme10\dsktimg /s 1.3 APARs fixed in the current fixpak ================================= APAR NUMBER : PJ23383 ===============> PROBLEM SUMMARY : Update on Windows NT APAR NUMBER : PJ24186 ===============> PROBLEM SUMMARY : missing inst.exe on svss3 APAR NUMBER : PJ24422 ===============> PROBLEM SUMMARY : added response file for install the distribution component APAR NUMBER : PJ24423 ===============> PROBLEM SUMMARY : Application Definition Files changed to install the distribution component APAR NUMBER : PJ24045 ===============> PROBLEM SUMMARY : install cannot executed from a non-current directory