********************** Unclassified ************************* * :nick.IP20204 :sec.Unclassified :disk.OS2CSD * :title.RouteXpander/2 CSD IP20204 * :version.2.0.2 :date.95/01/10 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.N * :oname.IBM Level 2 Field Int. :onode.RALVM29 :ouser.IBML2FI * :aname.IBM Level 2 Field Int. :anode.RALVM29 :auser.IBML2FI * :bname.IBM Level 2 Field Int. :bnode.RALVM29 :buser.IBML2FI * :sw.N/A * :ops.OS/2 2.1 or 2.11 :lang.C/C++/ASM * :doc.N * :kwd.Route RouteXpander RXR IP20204 * :abs.CSD IP20204 updates RouteXpander/2 version 2.x to 2.0.2. * Will only install over RouteXpander/2 version 2.x. See the * README file for product information. Does not support WARP yet. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * * This program is copyrighted by IBM and must be afforded the * same protection given to a copy purchased through normal * channels. * * DO NOT COPY EXCEPT FOR BACKUP FOR YOUR OWN USE. * Usage is restricted to IBM business Use Only. * * Please use the OS2ROUTE CFORUM file on IBMPC for discussion of * this product. * ************************************************************************ * * IP20204 ANNOUNCE * revision history * * R202041 README * product information * * * Use the LOADDSKF utility to expand the following images: * * R202041F DSKBIN * 3.5" 1.44M program diskette (1 of 3) R202042 DSKBIN * 3.5" 1.44M program diskette (2 of 3) R202043 DSKBIN * 3.5" 1.44M program diskette (3 of 3) * * ************************************************************************