:title.ReDiscovery/2 Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) for fix-level CKOA4A1 File RD2CSD01.DSK contains an image of the ReDiscovery/2 Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) for fix-level CKOA4A1. To get a copy of the CSD, transfer the file to your PC as a binary file. Then, expand the image file to a 1.44M diskette using the LOADDSKF utility. LOADDSKF can be found in the /ps/fixes/tools directory. Invoke LOADDSKF as: LOADDSKF RD2CSD01.DSK x: where x is the target drive that contains the diskette that you want to hold the CSD. The diskette must contain at least 1449061 bytes of formatted free space. See file READ.ME on the CSD diskette for information about how to apply the CSD to your ReDiscovery/2 system. Regards, ReDiscovery/2 Service Team