Welcome to the Mobility Client version for the Nokia Communicator readme. The Mobility Client is a component of IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Everyplace(R) Connection Manager. ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of contents 1.0 Software requirements 2.0 Hardware requirements 3.0 Getting help 4.0 New features 5.0 Product limitations for the Mobility Client using the Nokia Communicator 6.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) 7.0 Trademarks ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Software requirements The Mobility Client for the Nokia 9300/9300i/9500 Communicator requires the Symbian OS Version 7.0s operating system. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 Hardware requirements The Mobility Client for the Nokia Communicator requires the Nokia 9300, 9300i, or the Nokia 9500 Communicator. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Getting help To read the Mobility Client for the Nokia Communicator User's Guide, find it linked from the version 5.1.1 information center at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pvc/wecm/511/ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 New features New in version -- Added support for limiting the Mobility Clients that are permitted to log on to the Connection Manager by device class. This capability is a security feature of the connection profile that is assigned to the mobile network connection (MNC) to which the client logs in. New in version 5.1.1: -- Support for the Nokia 9300 Communicator -- Two new timeout parameters for improved battery power conservation -- Improvements to roaming capabilities, including the ability the manually roam -- Ability to set HTTP and HTTPS client-side proxies to allow applications, such as the web browser, to use such proxies -- Transport profile support - The parameters found on the advanced settings tab from version 5.1 of the Mobility Client are now downloaded and assigned from the Connection Manager at each login or roam -- Removed the use of network IDs - Internet access points are now specified and prioritized directly within a Mobility Client account New in version -- Corrected a Kern 3 error that terminated the Mobility Client. New in version -- Added support for the Nokia 9300i Communicator ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Product limitations for the Mobility Client using the Nokia Communicator - All traffic directed to the Mobility Client IAP is sent to the Connection Manager and any subnets sent by the Connection Manager during logon are ignored. - The Mobility Client does not support broadcasts from Gatekeeper and should not be added to any broadcast group. - The Mobility Client will not attempt to roam to a higher priority WiFi IAP if currently connected to a WiFi IAP. - For versions prior to version 5.1.1, enabling Use hidden WiFi networks was needed for those accounts that had any WiFi networks whose service set identifier (SSID) names were hidden. When you enable this setting, performance is degraded and power usage increased because the Mobility Client checks for hidden WiFi networks on initial logon and at each roaming interval. For version 5.1.1, this setting has been migrated from an account level to a setting on the individual Internet access points (IAPs). Check to make sure that the configuration setting Hidden network? accurately reflects whether or not the network SSID name is hidden for that IAP. The Hidden network? setting is on the Connections tab. - The Mobility Client will set the default account to the first entry in the account list when an account that is not valid is specified in the WEA device management portlet. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) For more information, see the product Support web site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/ws_everyplace_connection_manager/support There are no APAR fixes at this time. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.0 Trademarks Everyplace, IBM, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service marks may be trademarks or service marks of others. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp Copyright International Business Machines and others, 1994, 2005. All rights reserved.