Welcome to the Mobility Client Version for the Sony Ericsson P900 readme. The Mobility Client is a component of IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Everyplace(R) Connection Manager. ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of contents 1.0 Software requirements 2.0 Hardware requirements 3.0 Getting help 4.0 New features 5.0 Product limitations 6.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) 7.0 Trademarks ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Software requirements The Mobility Client for Symbian OS requires the Symbian OS Version 7.0 operating system. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 Hardware requirements The Mobility Client for Symbian OS requires the Sony Ericsson P900. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Getting help To access the online help, tap Tools->Help. To read the Mobility Client for Symbian OS for the Sony Ericsson P900 User's Guide, find it linked from the version 5.1 information center at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pvc/wecm/51/ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 New features New in version -- Added support for limiting the Mobility Clients that are permitted to log on to the Connection Manager by device class. This capability is a security feature of the connection profile that is assigned to the mobile network connection (MNC) to which the client logs in. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Product limitations - While you log onto the Connection Manager, do not disconnect from the network using the Globe connection icon at the bottom of the screen. If you use the Globe connection icon while you log onto the Connection Manager, your device will receive an exception. If your device does receive an exception, you can recover by powering off your device. - The Mobility Client for Symbian OS does not enable you to set the default route. - The Mobility Client for Symbian OS does not support broadcasts from Gatekeeper and should not be added to any broadcast group. - When you are connected to the Connection Manager using the cradle, you will not receive notification if your connection is terminated and the status may be incorrect in Gatekeeper. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.0 Fixed Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) No APARs recorded at the time of this release. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.0 Trademarks Everyplace, IBM, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service marks may be trademarks or service marks of others. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp Copyright International Business Machines and others, 1994, 2004. All rights reserved.