Everyplace® Client V5.1.2.1 for Windows Mobile® 5.0

This readme describes the package contents and known limitations of the Everyplace Client V5.1.2.1 for Windows Mobile 5.0. The contents of this readme supplement the contents of the Everyplace Client for Windows Mobile Information Center.


Package contents

Some Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 devices are missing 1 or more files that typically come preloaded on the device from the manufacturer. The WebSphere Everyplace Access Client requires these files in order to pass the WEA Resource Checker and for the WEA Client to function properly. This release includes and installs these files with the WEA Client and the WEA Resource Checker.

Note: This is not a maintenance update. If you are already successfully using Everyplace Client v5.1.2 for Windows Mobile 5.0, there is no need to install this update.

The following items describe the contents of this package and the package structure:

Note: Before you install Everyplace Client, refer to Choosing an installation method for information to help you determine which installation method is appropriate for your environment.


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Known limitations

The following items are known limitations of this release:


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Installation limitations

The following items are known installation limitations of this release:


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Supported devices

The following devices have been tested with WEA v5.1.2.1 and are supported:

Additional Windows Mobile 5.0 devices not listed, including manufacturer upgrades from WM2003/SE, may also be used with WEA. To determine whether a particular device may be used with WEA, you must use WEA Resource Checker. The WEA Resource Checker is a software tool that determines if a particular device, your operating environment, and planned usage of WEA exceeds the capabilities of the device. This tool is available at http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/ws_everyplace_access/support. If the tool reports the capabilities of a particular device have not been exceeded, IBM recommends you do additional testing with the device to verify correct operation using WEA and any other device-specific services, applications, and representative data you plan to use. Should the device or your operating environment change, IBM requires that you use the tool again to determine that you have not exceeded the device capabilities. If you encounter a problem using a device that has sufficient capability based on the output of the tool, IBM will:

If the problem can be re-created on a supported device, IBM, at its discretion, will supply a fix. If the problem cannot be re-created when using a supported device, IBM, at its discretion, will determine if a fix can be provided.


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Product documentation

The product documentation for administrators and end users is the WebSphere Everyplace Access Information Center:


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(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.