Installing the Lotus(R) Sametime Mobile Proxy Components for IBM(R)Everyplace(R)Access

Last updated June 27, 2005

This document contains information for installing the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy component for IBM Everyplace Access Version 5.0

ThisReadme contains the following information:

Sametime Mobile Proxy Description:

When using the Sametime Mobile Proxy, mobile users can access and exchange instant messages securely (128-bit encryption) with other users that also are using Lotus Sametime clients such as mobile devices, desktop clients, and other Lotus Sametime Clients on other platforms.

The Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy application is a Java-based application that is installed either on a Sametime 3.0, or 3.1 server, or another Microsoft Windows based server. The Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy application accesses a light weight Sametime Mobile protocol via the device's web browser. In order for the Sametime Mobile Proxy to to function on mobile devices, the STMux server component must be installed. STMux creates a pipe that is capable of routing Sametime messages for Java enabled browsers on WEA supported devices.

STMux must be deployed with the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy either on an existing Sametime server, or another server. By default this component is installed during your Lotus Sametime 3.0, or 3.1 Server installation.

NOTE: The Lotus Sametime Mobile Client is not accessible from a WAP enabled device.

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Minimum requirements for installing the Lotus Sametime Mobile Client and STMux:

  1. Sametime server 3.0 or 3.1
  2. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3 or later
  3. Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

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Planning for a Lotus Sametime Mobile Extensions installation

Prior to installation you should:

  1. Ensure your user id has full administrative rights to perform the Lotus Sametime Everyplace installation. Otherwise the installation will not correctly deploy all the necessary files.
  2. Ensure that your user id is listed as a registered user in the Sametime server's directory.
  3. Be able to provide the Domino server name and password for the server on which Sametime Everyplace will be installed.
  4. Ensure your user id has Designer, or Manager access to the Lotus Domino server on which the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy for IBM Everyplace Access is to be installed.
  5. If you are installing components on a server other than the Sametime server, you must use the IP address of the server, or servers on which you are installing the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy components for IBM Everyplace Access.
  6. Become familiar with the mobile devices used by your organization.
  7. Become familiar with Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino documents and concepts specifically focusing on domains and foreign domains.

NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino document concepts, refer to your Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino documentation.

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Installing the Lotus Sametime components to an existing Sametime 3.0 or 3.1 server:
  1. Run SETUP.EXE from the STMobile directory and follow the onscreen instructions offered in the installation wizard. The wizard detects whether you are installing STMobile on a Sametime server or on a separate server.
  2. The setup wizard suggests an installation folder by default. To install the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy in a separate server, you must provide the fully qualified host name or IP address of the Sametime server.

Note: After Installation in a Microsoft Windows Server environment, the STLaunch and STMobileSA services will be loaded as Microsoft Windows Services. To start the services please access the Microsoft Windows Services gui available via the Administrative Tools menu to start, stop, configure the way the application starts

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Installing the Lotus Sametime Mobile components to a seperate server:
  1. Complete the above installation steps on the machine that the STMobile Proxy is to be installed on
  2. On the Sametime server, open the Sametime Configuration database (stconfig.nsf).
  3. Open the CommunityConnectivity document.
  4. Add the IP address of the seperate server in the Community Trusted IPs field. Separate mulitple IP addresses with commas (,) or semicolons (;)
  5. Run SETUP.EXE from the STMobile directory and follow the onscreen instructions offered in the installation wizard. The wizard detects whether you are installing STMobile on a Sametime server or on a separate server.
  6. The setup wizard suggests an installation folder by default. To install the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy to a separate server, you must provide the fully qualified host name or IP address of the Sametime server.

Note: The Sametime Mobile Proxy must connect using a direct socket connection to the Sametime server on port 1516. This is a static port dedicated to Sametime server client applications to connect to.

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Uninstalling the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy:

  1. Open the Microsoft Windows Control Panel
  2. Use the Add/Remove Programs utility to uninstall Lotus Sametime Mobile Extensions

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Verifying that the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy is installed and functioning:
  1. Open the trace file STMOBILE.LOG
  2. Locate the started message noting the message's time stamp.

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Creating, deleting, and modifying settings:
  1. Locate your sametime.ini file
  2. Locate the [StMobile] section
  3. Required settings will all have a default value assigned. You can edit default values, add new values or new settings.
  4. Save sametime.ini
  5. Stop your STMobile service
  6. Restart your STMobile service to use the new settings or values

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Verifying Access Control Settings:
  1. In the [STMobile] section of the SAMETIME.INI file, the setting STMOBILE_ACL_GROUP contains the default group SametimeMobileUsers.
  2. Change this group name to the name of the group that you created in the Domino Directory that lists the names of mobile users who have Java-enabled devices.
  3. After STMobile successfully logs into the server, STMobile will retrieve the mobile users listed in the mobile users group. When each client tries to log in, STMobile resolves the user's name by searching the allowed list for the user ID. If the user exists, STMobile performs the log-in request. Otherwise, STMobile sends a LoggedOut event message to the client.

Note: If the directory does not contain the group name or if it contains more than one group with the same name, STMobile allows all users in the directory to log in. You can remove the setting STMOBILE_ACL_GROUP from the sametime.ini file, or you can leave the default setting in the sametime.ini file allowing STMobile to function without ACL support.

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Security settings for login attempts: STMOBILE_LOGIN_MAXTRYS and STMOBILE_LOGIN_BLOCKTIME located in the sametime.ini file allow STMobile to determine, store and track the number of login attempts for every user account. If the login count exceeds the specified limit, the user is blocked from logging in for the specified amount of time. To customize this configuration, edit these settings in the sametime.ini file.

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Standard STMobile settings and values:

The following default settings and values are added to the STMobile section of the SAMETIME.INI file. To customize your STMobile environment, edit the default settings and values.

STMOBILE_HOST SametimeServerHostName Sametime Server Host Name that the Sametime Mobile Application connects to
STMOBILE_MAX_CLIENT_TIMEOUT 20000 Client Inactivity Timeout in milliseconds
STMOBILE_MAX_OPEN_CONNECTION_TIME 6000000 Maximum time that Sametime Mobile Application keeps the connection open. The client will be required to reinitialize their connection
STMOBILE_MAX_THREADS 3 Number of working threads
STMOBILE_MAX_THREAD_TIMEOUT -1 -1 will keep thread alive regardless of working state
0=No Debug Messages or assertions
1=Critical Messages (Assertions on all levels except 0
2=The default level for all unassigned messages
3=Message Level Indicating Output to Console (Less Detail)
4=Message Level Indicating Output to Console (More Detail)
5=Message Level Indicating Output to Console (Most Detail) All Messages
STMOBILE_LOG_FILE trace/stmobile.txt The directory where the file will be stored coupled with the name of the log file to be generated
STMOBILE_MAX_USERS 2500 Maximum nuumber of concurrent users to be handled by the Sametime Mobile Application. All subsequent requests above this threshold are denied
STMOBILE_ACL_GROUP SametimeMobileUsers SametimeMobileUsers Group name that is in the Domino directory that dictates the users that are allowed to login to the Sametime server as a mobile user.
STMOBILE_VM_ARGS -Xmx128m -Xms128m-Xgcpolicy:optavgpau Used to pass configuration arguments to the JVM
1=Maximum Tries
2=Maximum Tries
3=Maximum Tries You may alternatively delete the value to disable this feature
STMOBILE_LOGIN_BLOCKTIME 180 This value dictates the number of seconds required to pass before a user can log back in. You may increase, decrease, or delete this value. If this value is missing but a value is set for STMOBILE_LOGIN_MAXTRYS, STMobile reverts to the default for this setting. A user who tries to log in while in block mode receives a "Logged Out" event message on their device Default Value is set to 180 where 180=180 seconds

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Lotus Domino Server 6.5.1 Additional Requirements

Lotus Domino Server 6.5.1 is not supported with this version of the Sametime Mobile Proxy. The steps outline here are to assist you in configuring Sametime Mobile Proxy with Domino 6.5.1 if you wish to test this unsupported configuration.

To install the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy when running Lotus Domino Server 6.5.1 for your own testing purposes you are required to perform the following steps.

  1. Stop the Domino server
  2. From your Microsoft Windows machine, click the START menu
  3. Click on RUN from the Start menu
  4. Into the prompt enter "regedit" and click "OK". NOTE, Editing the registry incorrectly can prevent the proper operation of your operating system and applications. Only experienced administrators should use this application.
  5. Locate the KEY NAME "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Sametime"
  6. Below this key name you will find a key named "6.5.1"
  7. Rename this key to 6.5.1.OLD
  8. In the same location of the REGISTRY create a new key called 3.1. The default values are fine.
  9. Install the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy
  10. When Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy is installed. Rename the key in step 6 back to 6.5.1
  11. Delete the key that you created for step 7 named 3.1 from the registry
  12. Save the REGISTRY and EXIT
  13. Restart your Lotus Domino server and Sametime Mobile Proxy services

More Information: Because Lotus Domino 6.5.1 was not generally available when this version of the Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy was released, Lotus Domino 6.5.1 is not supported, not tested and may cause issues not known at the time this readme was written. The Lotus Sametime Mobile Proxy Server Application does not recognize the Lotus Domino 6.5.1 Server and thus will not deploy all the required files correctly. The steps above are an unsupported workaround to resolve this problem.

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