Everyplace Client Resource Checker v5.1.0.0 - Build: 200509270629


Solutions integrators, system administrators, or the person responsible for implementing the Everyplace® Client use case for an enterprise can use the Everyplace Client Resource Checker tool to determine if a Windows® Mobile 2003, or Windows® Mobile 2003 Second Edition device is capable of running the required Everyplace Client components.  The tool is not intended to be a comprehensive performance analysis tool, however, the tool can help you to choose a device on which to run Everyplace Client.  The program performs the following tasks:

·        Instructs the user to run the applications that will run in the use scenario (For example: Pocket IE, Pocket Outlook, 3rd party applications and so on.)

·        Gathers  input from the user about the Everyplace Client components that will be used in their use case.

·        Gathers input  from the user about the  data profile for the use case, which must be estimated (this includes PIM & Email data, DB2® Everyplace® data, etc.)

·        Analyzes the device’s system resource profile including memory and running processes in real time.

·        Reports a summary of the results to the user, as well as providing the option to view and save detailed information that you can provide to IBM® Support personnel if needed.


Installing the Resource Checker

1.  Downloaded the Resource Checker tool:

Device operating system


Windows Mobile 2003


Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition


2. Unzip the ResourceChecker2003 zip file to a temporary directory on the host desktop, such as C:\temp\ResourceCheckerInstall.

3. Verify the Windows Mobile 2003 device is properly connected to the host desktop and that ActiveSync is running.

4. Navigate to the temporary directory and double-click Setup.exe to begin installing.

5. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard panel, click Next to continue.

6. Click Yes if you accept the terms of the Software License Agreement. If you click No the installation will terminate.

7. On the Choose Destination Location panel, specify where you want to install the files. To change the default installation location, select Browse and select the appropriate location. Click Next.

8. On the Start Copying Files panel, click Next to continue.

9. A popup will prompt "Install IBM Resource Checker using the default applications install directory?" Click Yes to install in the default directory on the device. Click No to specify a directory on the device. Click Cancel to terminate the install on the device. (The readme will still be installed on the desktop machine).

10. A popup will prompt "Please check your mobile device screen to see if additional steps are necessary to complete this installation." Click OK to continue.

11. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete panel, click Finish.

12. Verify that the Resource Checker icon is located in the Program folder on the device.


Using the Resource Checker tool

Before you use the Resource Checker tool, complete the following worksheet. Then, refer to the following instructions to use the tool.


Resource Checker Worksheet

1.      Device Manufacturer/ Model:


2.      List all non-Everyplace client applications which will typically be running concurrently on the device:


3.      Circle the Everyplace client components which will be used on the device:

4.      PIM & Email Sync Client
Database Sync Client

Extension Services for Websphere Everyplace
Mobility Client
Mobile Sametime
Software Update


5.      Determine approximately how much data (in MB) will be stored on the device for the following

4a.  PIM & Email Data: (When determining PIM & Email data, consider the number of Emails, calendar
entries, etc. which will be stored on the device, as well as the size of the data, including attachments.


4b. Database Data:


4c. Other Data: (Other data can include memory used by applications which will be running on the device,
but are not currently installed, memory used data storage for enterprise applications, etc.


1.. The Everyplace Client Resource Checker implements a multi-page wizard-like UI.  The first page is the Welcome screen.  Read the information on the Welcome screen, then tap Next> to continue.

2. The Setup screen instructs you to launch the applications which will be running on the device in your scenario.  Before tapping Next>, launch Pocket Internet Explorer, as well as any other applications you listed in step 2 of the worksheet.  Once the applications are launched, bring focus back to the Everyplace Client Resource Checker tool by tapping Start and the Resource Checker smart minimize shortcut icon.  After you restore  focus to Resource Checker, tap Next> to proceed.

3. The Everyplace Subsystems screen displays all of the Everyplace Client components that can be part of your scenario.  Select the checkboxes for each component that you circled in step 3 of the worksheet.  Tap Next>.

4. The Data Storage Profile screen  enables you to estimate the amount of data that will be used by the components or applications or both in your scenario.  Using the pull-downs for each of the three data types, select the amount of data closest to what you filled into step 4 of the worksheet. You can go back and change components, or tap the Analyze button to see the results.

5. The results include a stoplight graphic, which displays a Green, Yellow, or Red light.  Green indicates that the device has enough free memory and process slots to run the selected use case, with at least 2MB and 2 process slots left over.  Yellow means that the device has just barely enough memory or process slots or both to run the selected scenario—you might want to add more memory if that is the restricted resource, or consider another device.  Red means that the device does not have enough free memory or process slots or both to run the selected scenario on the device.

6. Optionally, for more detailed information, tap the “View Log” button.  You can view the log and save it to a file if you choose.

7. When finished, tap Exit to terminate the application.  Note that the “x” button in the top right of the UI is not an Exit button, but a smart minimize button.  If the “x” button is clicked, Resource Checker will still be running in the background, and can be restored by clicking the shortcut on the top of the Start button menu.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q. What is the Resource Checker?


  1. The Resource Checker is a software tool that enables customers, business partners and IBM sales teams to validate that a specific device running a specific configuration will be supported when using WebSphere® Everyplace Access Version 5.


Q. What devices does the Resource Checker work with?


  1. The Resource Checker supports devices that run Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Phone Edition.


Q. Does the Resource Checker or WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 work with devices that run Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition?

  1. Yes


Q. Why did we create the Resource Checker?


  1. During the development of the Everyplace Client Version 5 for Pocket PC, the development and test teams noticed distinct similarities across all devices running the Windows Mobile OS family. We saw that all the devices reacted the same way regardless of manufacturer.  There were few unique problems identified.  We tested with a number of devices with different configurations from different manufacturers and found that they all had the same essential characteristics. The only recurring limiting factors we found were available memory size and availability of process slots.  Based on these findings and our desire to expand our Windows Mobile support statement to all devices that ran this OS we created the Resource Checker.


Q. How does the Resource Checker work?


  1. When you run the Resource Checker utility on your device, the Resource Checker prompts you to select the functions that you will use in your deployment including estimating the amount of data you will need to store on the device. Based on the setup selections you specify, the Resource Checker can determine whether or not your device is suitable for your intended use. If your device passes the Resource Checker tests, you can use your device with the WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 server.






Start Pocket Internet Explorer and any other applications that will be needed by the users.





Make your selections on the screen below of the subsystems you intend to use .




Select the maximum amount of data to be stored on the device. When you have finished with your selections, click on the Analyze button.

Q. What do the settings in the Data Storage Profile mean?


a. You use the settings on the Data Storage Profile to try to simulate your environment. Since memory on the device is limited, this enables you to see what the maximum data amounts will be. You will need to use this information as you manage your applications and devices in production. For example, if you find the maximum amount of storage for Database is only 2MB on this particular device you might want to adjust the WebSphere Everyplace Access settings to make sure this limit is not exceeded.


Q. Can you give me an example ?


a. Let’s assume your customer has an HP 2215 and wants to know if this device will be supported with WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5. The customer would load the Resource Checker on the device, select the functions to be used in WebSphere Everyplace Access, select the appropriate storage settings and have the other applications that will be used running.


For example, the customer might select all the WebSphere Everyplace Access functions. Based on these selections the Resource Checker tool reports that this device FAILS due to low available memory. If the customer chose to use this device for all functions with WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5 they would NOT be supported.


Now the customer realizes that the only function he really needs to support with this device is Pim/Email. He re-runs the Resource Checker and changes his selections accordingly. The Resource Checker now reports that the device has PASSED as shown below. The customer will now be supported using this device based on their selections.





Q. What does a Yellow Light mean?


a. A yellow light on the Results screen indicates that you are reaching the limits of that device based on your selected usage. You might experience slower response times, intermittent problems and might have to occasionally reset the device. You might want to select another device with more capacity for your environment or use this device in a more limited way.


Q. Is it possible to have a single device that is supported with some selections and not supported with others?


  1. Yes. That is why it is necessary to run the Resource Checker on the actual device and select the functions that will be used. This enables us to support the widest range of devices. Each selection has memory and process requirements that the tool understands and applies against the actual device resources.


Q. Are there any other device limitations I should be aware?


a. Yes. When the Everyplace Client and the Mobility Client are installed and configured to run concurrently on a Windows Mobile 2003 device, there is a possibility that the Mobility Client connection could drop intermittently.


When this behavior is seen, it is usually accompanied by the user being forced to select a network connection through Windows Mobile 2003 Connection Manager every time a Mobility Client connection is established. The behavior is affected by device and connection latency, so it can sometimes be intermittent.


If you experience this problem, contact your device manufacturer for a ROM update for the device which includes Microsoft's Adaptation Kit Update 2 (AKU 2). This behavior is not currently documented in the Microsoft Knowledge base, but the root cause is a problem similar to Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q289482



Q. Will the Resource Checker tool be updated and where do I get it?


  1. The Resource Checker tool will be updated as needed and will be available from the external IBM product support site. It is currently available here http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=754&context=SSNM6Y&q1=dlweautilsww&uid=swg24007801&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en  

The specific url may change but it will always be anchored to the external WebSphere Everyplace Access support site.


Support Information:

The following Windows Mobile 2003, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition based devices have been tested by IBM:

  • HP iPAQ hx4700
  • Fujitsu Siemens PocketLoox 720
  • HP iPAQ 5550
  • Dell X30
  • i-mate PDA2k
  • HP iPAQ rx3115
  • Dell Axim X3
  • HP iPAQ 4150
  • MM02 XDA II
  • Symbol 8800
  • Sprint Harrier 6601

Everyplace Client Resource Checker

Additional Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Phone Edition devices might also be used with Everyplace Client. The use of a software tool, Resource Checker, is mandatory to determine if the device, your operating environment, and planned usage of Everyplace Client exceeds the capabilities of the device. This tool is available at


If the device capabilities have not been exceeded based on the output of the tool, IBM recommends you do additional testing with the device using WebSphere® Everyplace Access and any other device-specific services, applications and representative data you plan to use, to verify the correct operation. Should the device or your operating environment change, IBM requires that you use the tool again to determine that you have not exceeded the device capabilities.

If you encounter a problem using a device that has sufficient capability based on the output of the tool, then IBM will:

  1. Take a problem report
  2. Verify the device capabilities have not been exceeded using the tool
  3. Attempt to re-create the problem on a similar supported device

If the problem can be re-created on a supported device, then a fix will be supplied. If the problem cannot be re-created when using a supported device, then IBM, at its discretion, will determine if a fix can be provided.

Device considerations and limitations

  • The design of some devices might limit the WebSphere Everyplace Access capabilities that the device can use. Not all devices can support all of the functions offered by WebSphere Everyplace Access.
  • IBM cannot guarantee that all devices will work correctly due to differences in manufacturing, configuration and pre-loaded device software.
  • Some Everyplace Clients for the supported devices are available as downloads rather than being included on the WebSphere Everyplace Access CD.
  • Availability of devices and the level of device support might change over time based on device manufacturers’ actions. Some devices might go out of support and new devices might be added.
  • If you encounter a problem on a device that is no longer supported by the manufacturer or service provider, IBM, at its discretion, will determine if a fix can be provided.
  • Everyplace Client Resource Checker is a tool intended for Windows Mobile 2003 devices.  However, you can install and use the tool on some Windows CE 3.0 (and higher) devices.  If you install the tool on an unsupported platform, the tool will notify the device user that the platform isn't supported and the Everyplace Client Resource Checker will display a red light that indicates that the tool failed.  In addition, the tool will record details in the log file about why the platform is not supported.

For additional information or help determining device support please contact your IBM representative.

For assistance and more information on any aspect of WebSphere Everyplace Access, contact your IBM Pervasive Computing sales specialist or authorized Business Partner and visit the following IBM Web sites:




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