IBM(R) Everyplace(R) Client Version 5.0.1 for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile(TM) 2003
Release Notes

Last updated November 18, 2004

This document contains information for IBM Everyplace Client Version 5.0.1 for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003. After you review this document, use the information in this document to install the Everyplace Client for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 Information Center. (Where xx represents the two character language code.) The Everyplace Client Information Center provides instructions to install, configure, and use Everyplace Client on your device.


This Release Notes contains the following information:

Package contents contains the following contents:


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Getting started with the Everyplace Client Information Center

The Everyplace Client Information Center provides information for end users to configure and use Everyplace Clients. You can choose to provide the Everyplace Client Information Center to your device users by installing the Information Center on device users' desktops so that each user can access a local copy of the Information Center. Or if you prefer, you can install the Information Center on a server in your intranet and make the Information Center available to your users.

To get starting using the Everyplace Client Information Center, review the following sections:

Everyplace Client Information Center Prerequisites

The following information lists the information center prerequisites.

If you are in a Windows environment, verify that your environment meets the following requirements:

Installing the Information Center

Use the following instructions to install the Everyplace Client Information Center on a server or on a desktop. Then, refer to Viewing the Information Center for instructions to start the Information Center so that you can view it.

  1. Save the and files to a temporary directory on your server or desktop.
  2. Unzip the file on your server or desktop to the directory where you want the information center to reside.
  3. Unzip the to a temporary directory on your server or desktop.
  4. Copy the xxx .doc folders from the temporary directory to the \Websphere Help System\eclipse\plugins directory in the location you chose for your information center to reside in step 2. For example on the Windows platform, if you installed the help system to c:\ , copy the documentation plug-in folders to: c:\WebSphere Help System\eclipse\plugins.

xxx represents an abbreviation for the operating system of the Everyplace Client. Refer to the following list to determine which folders to copy:

Note: You only need to copy the xxx .doc folders for which your users have devices. For example, if the only devices in your environment are Palm devices, copy only the folder into the \Websphere Help System\eclipse\plugins directory.

  1. Delete the and from the temporary directory on your server or desktop.
  2. Delete the files from the from the temporary directory on your server or desktop.

Viewing the Information Center

After you install the Everyplace Client Information Center on a server or desktop, refer to the following instructions in this section to start the Information Center so that you can view it. Use the instructions in Starting the Information Center on any open port to start the Information Center on whichever port is open or use the instructions in Starting the Information Center on a specific port to start the Information Center on a specific port.

Note: If you choose to make the Information Center available from your company's intranet, refer to the following instructions to start the Information Center. Then provide a link to the Information Center to your device users in the following format: http:// serveraddress : port /help/index.jsp. (Where: serveraddress represents the fully qualified path to your server or the IP address of your server and port represents the port number where the Information Center is running. The default port value is 8081.)

Starting the Information Center on any open port

After you install the information center with the steps in Installing the Information Center , refer to the following instructions to start the information center on the machine where you installed the Information Center:

  1. Browse to the location where you installed the contents of
  2. Browse to the \Websphere Help System directory in the location where you installed the contents of
  3. Double-click Websphere_help_start.bat to launch the information center in whichever port is open.

The Everyplace Client Information Center opens in a browser window.

  1. After you are finished viewing the information center, double-click Websphere_help_end.bat to close the information center.

Note: If you choose to install the Information Center on a server in your intranet, do not stop the Information Center. If you stop the Information Center on the server, your device users will not be able to view the Information Center from the link you provided.

Starting the Information Center on a specific port

After you install the information center with the steps in Installing the Information Center , refer to the following instructions to start the information center on the machine where you installed the Information Center:

  1. Browse to the location where you installed the contents of
  2. Browse to the \Websphere Help System directory in the location where you installed the contents of
  3. Edit the IC_start.bat file and change the value of the port entry to be the number of the port where you want the Information Center to be available. The default port value is 8081.
  4. Double-click IC_start.bat to launch the information center on the port you specified in the previous step.

The Everyplace Client Information Center opens in a browser window.

  1. After you are finished viewing the information center, double-click IC_end.bat to close the information center.

Note: If you choose to install the Information Center on a server in your intranet, do not stop the Information Center. If you stop the Information Center on the server, your device users will not be able to view the Information Center from the link you provided.


Additional information

The Everyplace Client user interface provides help that you can access on your device. To access the help from the Everyplace Client main panel, tap on the ? icon in the shortcut bar. You can also tap on the Help button on any panel in the Everyplace Client user interface to access online help for that panel.

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Creating and deploying OSGi bundles to your device

The WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Information Center provides information that you can use to create and deploy OSGi bundles to your device. To review information about creating an OSGi bundle, open the WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Information Center and browse to the following topic: Device Manager->OSGi operations->Software distribution. After you create your OSGi bundle, browse to Everyplace Access Services->Administering->Device Management->Deploying a custom software package for information to deploy the bundle you created to your devices.


Tips for creating and deploying OSGi bundles

Refer to the following tips when you create and deploy OSGi bundles to your device:

  1. When you create a custom package for OSGi bundles, verify that you set the Platform parameter to "OSGi" and that the WSEpkg.xml file contains an Autostart parameter for each job.
  2. Before you deploy the OSGi bundles to Everyplace Client devices, upload the OSGi Bundle repository ( to the Device Manager Server. You do not need to assign the OSGi Bundle repository to any users. This package is a resource that other packages can use to extract the information they need to meet the requirements of their applications.
  3. Everyplace Client includes a new device class called "Simple OSGi devices". Although this device class isn't mentioned in the WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Information Center, you must use this device class to deploy bundles to Everyplace Client devices. On the Device Manager console, this device class displays as "OSGi".


OSGi agent logging

The logging feature for the OSGi agent is not active in Everyplace Client Version 5.0.1. If you tap on the OSGi agent log file link in the View log panel after you synchronize, you will be directed to an empty file called Failure log. Tap Close to exit the log file.

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Refer to the following topics to troubleshoot Everyplace Client on your device:


Experiencing problems with the Everyplace Client user interface after a failed synchronization
If you experience problems with the Everyplace Client user interface after a failed synchronization attempt, refer to the following steps:
  1. If you cannot log in to Everyplace Client, open Pocket Internet Explorer.
  2. Tap Tools, and select Options.
  3. Tap Delete Files.
  4. Tap on the Advanced tab, and tap Clear Cookies.
  5. Tap OK.
    Note: If you are still experiencing problems after you perform these steps, perform a soft reset on the device. If you are still experiencing problems after you perform a soft reset on your device, perform a hard reset on your device, and reinstall Everyplace Client.


Updating Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 e-mail inbox account settings
Refer to the following information to update the following e-mail inbox account settings: e-mail address information, user information, account information, or server information.
Note: If you upgraded a previous version of Everyplace Client to Version 5.0.1, you will see *SyncML when you perform step 4 for Pocket PC 2002 devices or step 3 for Windows Mobile 2003 devices. However, if you installed Everyplace Client Version 5.0.1 on a device that did not contain a previous version of Everyplace Client, you will see *Everyplace Client when you perform step 4 for Pocket PC 2002 devices or step 3 for Windows Mobile 2003 devices.


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