This release is intended to update Everyplace client versions 5.0, 5.0.1,,, 5.0.2, and
Last updated:
Corrections have been made to the Everyplace
Client for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second
Edition. This document describes those corrections and how to install and
configure the interim fix.
This Readme includes the following information:
This interim fix includes corrections for the
following problems found since Everyplace Client Version 5.0 for Pocket PC
2002, Windows Mobile 2003, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition was released.
For Interim Fix 2
PK07870 Client fails with E3001 error when attempting to
start sync after upgrading installation
PQ96485 Device
generates assert exceptions and hangs if calendar has an overlapping
reoccurring entry
Cancel sync returns improper response and leads to client crash
SyncML client does not parse session ID URI correctly
Device agent does not check registry key correctly
Unique code for transportation industry customer
PK04672 NLS characters in header field cause
deletion of email to fail
PK05867 ID setup screen after installation of WM 2003 client has unlabeled edit box
PY00006 Package to support WM2003SE bootstrap installation
You can use the Device Management portlets to
deploy the software for your PPC2002, WM2003, and WM2003 Second Edition
Before you complete the steps in this section,
install WebSphereŽ Everyplace Access 5.0 Fixpack 2.
Complete the following steps on the Everyplace
Access Services server to complete the prerequisites for this release.
Delete the Pocket PC
2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 (or prior), and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (or prior)
Device Manager Server packages using the WEA DMS Portlets.
Upload the new
and Device Manager Server packages to the WebSphere Everyplace Access
server using the WEA DMS Portlets.
The package resides in the \CD\Client\PPC2002\dms\ directory
The package resides in the \CD\Client\WM2003\dms\ directory
The package resides in the \CD\Client\WM2003SE\dms\ directory
To install this interim fix:
To configure the Everyplace Client, start the
Everyplace Client and you will be prompted immediately for the necessary
configuration information.
After you have installed and configured the Everyplace
Client for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second
Edition Interim Fix 2, you can verify the version by following these steps:
Launch Everyplace
Client on your device by selecting Start->Programs->Everyplace Client.
On the Welcome screen, tap About to display the build information.
Note: You
can also find the build information at the bottom of the My Settings panel.
Verify that the build
version is
IBM Everyplace Client V5.0.1.3 – Build
200508171644 (for Pocket PC 2002)
IBM Everyplace Client V5.0.1.3 – Build
200508171644 (for Windows Mobile
IBM Everyplace Client V5.0.2.2 – Build
200508191213 (for Window
To uninstall Everyplace Client for Pocket PC 2002,
Windows Mobile 2003, and Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Interim Fix 2 follow
these steps:
To restore the Everyplace Client to the previous
version it will be necessary to reinstall the previous version using the instruction
in the Everyplace Client 5.0 User's Guide.
Not applicable.
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(c) Copyright International Business
Machines Corporation 1994, 2005. All rights reserved.
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