WebSphere Everyplace Access V5.0 Reporting Portlets README

Last updated: November 30, 2004

The WebSphere Everyplace Access Reporting portlets help you create custom reports that are generated from information stored in an SQL-compliant database. Administrators can create reports based on SQL statements. Then, users or other administrators can view the reports. This document describes how to install and configure the Reporting portlets.


This Readme includes the following information:

What's included

This package includes two portlets, Manage My Query Reports and My Query Reports. Administrators use Manage My Query Reports to create custom reports from SQL statements. Users and administrators use My Query Reports to view the generated reports that are created by the Manage My Query Reports portlet.


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This Reporting portlets requires the following software and disk space:

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Installing WebSphere Everyplace Access V5.0 Reporting Portlets

Unzip the WEA50Reports.zip file into an installation directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/WEAReports or C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEAReports, on the machine where WebSphere Portal is installed. NOTE: If WebSphere Portal has been clustered, only extract the zip file on the machine containing the original member of the cluster. The installation directory will be referred to as report_home. If the database server and Websphere Portal are installed on different machines, the zip file should also be extracted on the database server machine.

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Configuring WebSphere Everyplace Access V5.0 Reporting Portlets

After you have unzip the contents of the zip file, you need to configure the Reporting portlets.

  1. Start the application servers.
    1. Open a command prompt and change to the Application Server bin directory, was_home /bin.
    2. Run the start server command as a root user on AIX.

      startServer.bat server1
      startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal

      ./startServer.sh server1
      ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal
  2. From the was_home/bin directory, run the following command:




  3. Change to the report_home/config directory.
  4. Before invoking the configuration task, edit the configuration properties file, report_home/config/RPinstallconfig.properties. This properties file contains all the information required during the configuration of the Reporting portlets.

    Note: Before executing the configuration task, pay attention to the following issues for the database server:

  5. Make sure all properties have correct values before executing the configuration tasks. Run the following commands to configure the database and portlets.


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Verifying the Reporting Portlets were configured successfully

After you have configured the Reporting portlets you can verify the portlets were deployed correctly.

  1. Login the WebSphere Portal as an administrator.
  2. Select the My Query Reports tab and you will see the My Query Reports portlet. Note: You may need to scroll the page tabs to see My Query Reports.
  3. Under Administration, click WebSphere Everyplace and then click Manage My Query Reports. You will see the Manage My Query Reports portlet.


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Next Steps

By default, the My Query Reports portlet is only viewable by an administrator. To allow non-administrators to view the portlet, update the portlet's access permissions using the Resource Permissions portlet. See the WebSphere Portal V5 Infocenter for more information on the Resource Permissions portlet.

Documentation for using the WebSphere Everyplace Access Reporting portlets is provided in the portlet help files. To view help for one of the portlets, select the portlet's help button.


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Removing WebSphere Everyplace Access V5.0 Reporting Portlets

To remove WebSphere Everyplace Access V5.0 Reporting Portlets follow the instructions below:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the was_home/bin directory, run the following command:




  2. Change to the report_home/config directory.
  3. Ensure the WebSphere Application Server (server1) and WebSphere Portal Server (WebSphere_Portal) are operational.
  4. Run the following commands to remove the database and portlets. NOTE: If WebSphere Portal has been clustered, only run this task on the original member of the cluster.
  5. Delete the report_home directory.


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